Leveraging IT to Enable Policy Outcomes Global Best Practices Jim Pauli Director Global Justice EDS
Corrections departments are charged with very difficult policy outcomes – protecting society from dangerous people, punishing offenders, and rehabilitating offenders. In today’s world, corrections leaders, officers and staff need accurate, timely information to achieve these outcomes. This presentation describes how leading corrections departments around the world, such as the UK National Offender Management Service, are leveraging information technology to achieve these policy outcomes. The presentation starts by demonstrating the high value corrections departments provide to society and justifies increased investment in corrections activities. Then it the presentation describes some of the drivers and policy outcomes required of corrections departments. With the policy in mind, the presentation shows how innovative use of technology can help enable these policy outcomes. It The presentation will describe the use and value of a broad range of technology from common office environments, to risk assessment/training/monitoring programs, wireless network pilots, biometrics and kiosks. The presentation will be provided by Jim Pauli, EDS’ director of global justice. Electronic Data Systems – Director Global Justice Segment. EDS is a $20 billion systems integration company supporting justice organizations –- corrections, police and courts – around the globe..
Corrections Mission Corrections departments are charged with very difficult policy outcomes – protecting society from dangerous people, punishing offenders, and rehabilitating offenders.
Value of Corrections and Rehabilitation to Society According 1996 National Institute of Justice Study pain, suffering and reduced quality of life caused by crime resulted in $450 billion annual societal costs. Direct tangible costs to victims for medical expenses, lost wages and public program costs to victims was $100 billion.
Value of Corrections and Rehabilitation Offenders Liability Asset Value - $600b? Cost of offender management including rehabilitation – Apprx $55b per annum
Annual Value to the States of Rehabilitating 25% of Offenders (Order of Magnitude Rough Estimate) DescriptionReduced CostsIncreased Revenues Total Offender Mgmt$14b Public Benefits ($15,000 pp) $ 4b Annual Offender Income ($40,000) $74b Additional GDP$740b Addition State Tax Revenue (5%) $27b Total Benefits to State $18b$27b$45b
Annual ‘turnover’ just over £4.1Bn 139 Establishments 48,000 staff in Prisons 18,000 staff in Probation In 2003, 81,000 offenders were sentenced to custody Current population at all time high (77,000) 127 per 100,000 pop Probation Service supervises over 190,000 offenders on avg day
Drivers and Policy Outcomes Improve Security Reduce Recidivism Manage Value/Cost of Offenders Improve Service
Response Merge Prison and Probation Services Manage offender life cycle Leverage IT to support mission/obtain IT partner
Merge Prison and Probation Services Manage the National Offender Management Service on a National Basis –With common objectives and visible and transparent information Manage the offender: –More effectively –Providing better service –Reducing costs With: –Common objectives –One integrated process –One data set –One information system
Manage Offender Life Cycle Instant Sentencing Information Risk Assessment Punishment Intervention Programs Release Preparation – Whole Person
Towards a True Digital Architecture SMS Text Video Phone BlackberryRadio CJS Exchange International Organisations Strategic Portal Framework RoutingTransformation Semantics Messages Business Rules 3 rd Parties/ Private Sector Credit Reference Agencies Insurers Mobile Phone InternetDigital TV PoliceCPSHMCSNOMSYOTsOCJR Other CJS Organisations SOCA ARA SFA FSS Other Government Departments DWP HMRC IND Other Governments Other CJSs Encryption Direct Data Access
Portfolio Management
Leveraging IT Obtain a Private Sector IT Partner –Sits on Board –Focuses on Leveraging IT to achieve policy outcomes –Applies global best practices –Provides Applications Networks Data Centers Seat Management – 3 year refresh
Leveraging IT New Infrastructure – Wired Prisons New offender management system for Prisons and Probation New financial system Instant sentencing information -Xhibit Risk assessment - OASys Intervention programs – OASys - Tracking Release Preparation – Jobs Kiosk
Leveraging IT Pilots –Wireless Network –Internet Phones –Biometrics Iris Scan – Drugs Fingerprints – Officers –Kiosks Employment Service Multi-Capability including - Trust Accounts/Telephones –Wireless Devices
Questions? Jim Pauli Director Global Justice Segment EDS