Value Chain Knowledge Clearinghouse July 11 th, 2013
Objective It is an initiative led by PIM CGIAR Research Program [IFPRI, CIAT, ILRI, IITA, World Agroforestry Centre, ICRISAT, Bioversity, and CIP]. The purpose of this portal is to provide a comprehensive, easily accessible repository of research methods and best practices surrounding value chain performance that can be used by all the CRPs and partners.
Useful for practitioners and specialists to: Improve market access (better prices and lower transaction costs); Upgrade value chain governance and equity; Optimize and prioritize investment; Improve equity and reduce poverty through technical innovation, information, and improved efficiency to reduce marketing margins and increase farmgate prices; Expand labor opportunities for women and the landless and boost the incomes of rural households; Reduce farmers’ risk through the promotion of risk-coping mechanisms, and Increase the quality of farmers’ products, thereby improving food security.
Core elements It is composed of five core elements: 1.Tools 2.Data 3.Network 4.Best practices 5.Resources Additionally, events and about us
1. Tools It includes a methodological toolbox with: guidelines for specific applications; and gender-specific analysis to ensure the integration of gender into agricultural value chains;
Screenshot Tools
2. Data It includes existing datasets assessed and evaluated by participating CGIAR institutions and partners. The data will be directly linked to the portal’s tools and best practices and will include questionnaires and a detailed description of the sampling strategies;
3. Network This will bring all value chain experts in the CGIAR together in a common platform and will facilitate collaboration among leading value chain scientists, ultimately creating a dynamic research community Discussion communities groups offer collaborative places to discuss topics and issues
4. Best practices Solutions to market failures or missing markets that had been scientifically evaluated. It will include all documentation on the practice as well as the report on the impact evaluation
5. Resources This will include all learning materials for capacity building: Manuals, guides, case-studies, websites; Capacity building: e-courses, presentations, workshop series on the tools included in the clearinghouse.
Screenshot Resources
Capacity building
Events Events, upcoming and past On-line sign-up for events Calendar for internal and external events
Screenshot Events
About us About: objective, CGIAR centers, and core team
Features Mobile-friendly display : compatible to mobile, tablet, and PCs Implementing the CGIAR open policy Multilingual features: provide Spanish, French, Chinese, and Arabic Improved search: We provide a facet based search powered by Apache Solr for better search results (check boxes) Implementing Google Snippet to improve the visibility of the Web portal to major search engines (search with images)
Website organization Theme leader BioversityCIATCIPICRAFICRISATIFPRIIITAILRI Peer review committee Web portal manager ContentFunction Each center will have a person dedicated to upload content/add members Excel template and an online template Training to the person in charge in each center if necessary.
Add content - Tools: Papers, documents, or set of documents (zip file) - Dataset: Created as outputs of tools, or relevant data to share that could be related to a tool or best practice - Network: a. Contacts interested in VC to CGIAR or external to add as members b. Could Jo Cadilhon facilitate contacts from people that currently participate at the Dgroup? c. External partners - Best practices: documents, papers, set of documents - Resources: manuals, guides, relevant papers, websites - Capacity building: relevant powerpoints, videos, training materials, e-learning - Events: relevant upcoming events
template Template in excel
Template in the website