M ATH P ROJECT Why Should I Pay? By : Melonie Walton.


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Presentation transcript:

M ATH P ROJECT Why Should I Pay? By : Melonie Walton

H ISTORY OF T AXATION The nation had few taxes in its early history. From 1791 to 1802, the United States government was supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined sugar, tobacco and snuff, property sold at auction, corporate bonds, and slaves.

A GREE OR D ISAGREE WITH TAXATION ? No, We don’t agree with taxation, Because it takes all of are money to satisfy others in the government.

ARKANSAS (: State Sale Tax rate for Arkansas: 6.0% Arkansas uses money for: Legal Services, Law Schools & Scholarships, Other Programs. Arkansas has a State Income Tax, between $3,701 and $7,400.

G EORGIA (: Georgia Sales Tax is: 7% Georgia Uses money for: Usually for farming. Georgia has State Income Tax. About 1.00% 6.00%

H AWAII (: Sales Tax for Hawaii: 0.005% Hawaii uses money for: Not 100% sure. Hawaii does not have a State Income Tax they have Excise Tax.

L OUISIANA (: Louisiana Sales Tax is:.03% Louisiana uses money for: To build homes. Louisiana does have a State Sales Income Tax, does not apply to everyone.

T EXAS (: Texas Sales Taxs: 6.25 Texas uses money for: Education Texas has no State Income Tax.

W ISH L IST Horse: Texas Hula Skirt: Hawii Shirt: Arkansas Expensive Jeans: Georgia Cellar Phone: Louisiana

“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 1 My First Wish List Item is a Horse From Texas. I would Purchase My Horse From One Of The Many Country Club. The Cost Is: $5200 Tax Is: 6.25% Total Cost: $ “ The Reason Being I Would Love To Ride A Horse & I Would Appreciate If My Mother & Father Got It For ME! “

“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 2 My Second Wish List item Is A Shirt From Arkansas. I Would Get It From Arkansas Wal-mart. The Cost: $19.00 Tax: 6.0% Total Cost: $25 “ Please, Get Me A Arkansas Shirt, My Boyfriend Goes To Arkansas & I Have To Support.

“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 3 My Third Wish List Item Is A Pair Of Expensive Jeans From Georgia. I Would Purchase It From JC Penny's. Cost: $ Tax: 7% Total Cost: $ 157 “ I Want These Jeans For A Christmas Gift.”

“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 4 My Fourth Item Would Be A Cell Phone. I Would Purchase It From: Sprint Cost: $129 Tax:.03% Total Cost: $ “ I Need A New Cell Phone Because The One I have Is messed Up & The Screen Is Cracked.”

“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 5 My Fifth Wish Item Is A Hula Skirt From Hawaii. I Would Purchase It From A Party Store. Cost: $ Tax: 0.05% Total Cost: $28.95 “ I want a hula skirt so I can dance.”

R EFERENCES wiki.answers.com/.../How_did_people_make_ mo ney _in_colonial_ Georgia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ State _ income _ tax