A Concept-Driven, Diverse Learning Environment to Address the Common Core Standards J. Bryson.. S. Pasadena R. Neufeld.. Neufeld Learning Systems Inc. ASCD Los Angeles … March 15, 2014
Team Leaders/Administrators Convince teachers to teach for understanding. Prepare parents that teachers may not provide all of the answers. Prepare parents that students will be grappling with challenging material. Note answers are important but not sufficient.
The standards were drafted by experts and teachers from across the country and are designed to ensure students are prepared for today’s entry-level careers, freshman-level college courses, and workforce training programs. The Common Core focuses on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills students will need to be successful.
Mathematically capable students: CCSS for Math Practice
Developing deep student understanding and procedural fluency Instructional Paradigm Shift To
Talk Less. Listen More! Instructional Paradigm Shift: Teachers
Watch Less. Do More! Instructional Paradigm Shift: Students
“Active learning practices have a more significant impact on student performance than any other variable, including student background and prior achievement.” Teaching for Meaningful Learning: A Review of Research on Inquiry-Based and Cooperative Learning Dr. Brigid Barron and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University
Instructional Model: Percent Sense Calculate the following percents. 1.55% of % of % of % of % of 184 From
1.55% of 40 _______ 55% of % of 60 _______ % of 8 ________ 30 % of % of 12 _______ 10% of 184 Choose one:. What generalizations might be true about percents? A: Predict which of >, =, or < would make the statement true and explain why you think so– without calculations. B. Verify the accuracy of your partner’s prediction by doing the calculation. To
Testing content knowledge and skill mastery Assessment Paradigm Shift From
Assessing mathematical practice competency and procedural fluency Assessment Paradigm Shift To
Performance Tasks
Use the … tool to create a linear model. What is the equation?
Interpret the slope… in context. Based on the equation … predict.
Explain whether [it’s]… reasonable in context. Would these…change the model?
build it talk it draw it write it OWN IT!! Create an individual-centered approach but within a multiple approach opportunity.
The Curriculum: Envisions a higher level of rigor based on a deeper understanding of a pared down number of curricular objectives. Poses a challenge for teachers who must not only be fluent in content but also attain the particular pedagogy to be able to convey it to their students.
The Emphasis is on: Students doing mathematics. Students demonstrating thinking and learning. Students grappling with challenging tasks in a learning environment that will support equity in schools.
Students: Engage in Discourse. articulate their own ideas Critique the reasoning of their peers… …respectfully. consider their peers’ perspectives Dialog to construct mathematical understandings.
Teachers & Students Use: Probing Questions Show me another way … How are these the same / different … What would you do if … Why did you … What else could you have done … Productive Talk Moves Revoicing - Repeating and asking for clarification Repeating - Students restate someone else’s reasoning Reasoning - Apply their reasoning to another’s reasoning Adding on - Prompting for further participation Waiting - “Take your time. We will wait.”
MODEL THE PROCESS Pictures – Words - Numbers 30 th picture? 30 th number? … Show me another way
Concrete – Pictorial - Abstract
Build it - Draw it - Write it – Talk it – Then OWN IT!! M Hilliard PS.. Toronto
Reflect and Connect: Surface Area & Volume Now check.. Reflect and Connect.. on framework.. See Support sheet handed out.
Built it - Write it - Draw it - Talk it
Challenges for Teachers Broad range of abilities Mathematics Literacy Learning styles Teachers are being asked to teach in ways that they were never taught. Teach conceptual understanding “Go deep” Make connections
A mathematics teacher should be able to: Unpack familiar math concepts to lead to clear understanding. Require knowledge of an explanation of a concept. Understand methods and solutions different from his or her own.
Assessment.... enables instruction to be adjusted 2 Expressing Math Reasoning 3 Modeling/Applications 1 Concepts, Skills, & Procedures “Go Deep! Show me your understanding ”
Access to Resources: UMath X: Concepts - Assessments - Tracking Resources: Frameworks for Learning Get Started Work at It Reflect and Connect MODEL THE PROCESS
Frameworks Frameworks are 3 part lessons to model implementation.
Build it. See instructions below to navigate some specific fraction sections.
UMath X is a concept-driven learning platform to support the diversity of teachers, students and parents in their construction of math knowledge. Reach every student and teacher … anytime and anywhere. UMath X is aligned to the Common Core and modelled on the 3 part lesson to involve activities from concrete to abstract, integrating multiple approaches, entry points and representations. The Online Resource
Login to UMath X.. Strands – Sections – Lessons –SubLessons 5.NBT – Fractions – Add Decimals – Right to Left – With Grids 6.RP.01.03a – Fractions – Ratio & Proportion – Ratio Table 8.F Algebra – Algebraic Thinking – Function Machine 5.NF – Multiplying Fractions – Problem with Pictures -Boris THE TEST – enables instruction to be adapted Lessons for You & Your Class
Reflect and Connect. Wrap It Up... Manipulatives, Paper, Computer, Partner, Teacher, Frameworks “How did you learn best ?” For which of these do you need support? Instructional Practices, Pedagogy, Content Knowledge Which modeled strategies helped you “go deep?” Where are your strengths? For which do you need additional training?
R. Neufeld … Wrap It Up... ACCESS: Login … first name.student Password … last name A Professional Learning Plan A System for Engaging All Students with High Quality Tasks Visit Booth 312 or me for access.