The Next Frontier Digital Media going forward
Brian Sheehan Syracuse Los Angeles Sydney Tokyo Hong Kong New York City
I Love Brasil!
The next frontier-The short version Digital Integrated Social Mobile Experiential
Digital Basics
The highway to success now has many more on-ramps
Lesson You don’t need huge budgets to make a huge impact, only big ideas.
Small Goes Big! The Best job in the world
Secondary lesson Traditional Media, the Digital Media and Public Relations can be seamlessly intertwined Is your company integrating them seamlessly?
A New Social Environment
Social Media Basics
Social Media
Key Lesson All digital media is social, not just Facebook, Orkut or Twitter. All Digital media is made for sharing
Key Implications “Engage” in Conversations “Manage” News “Spread” Advertising
Where are your communities? Social networks? Blogs? Where on YouTube? Social events? Stores?
Fish where the fish are Where are people talking about you: good and bad? What is the best way to get involved in the conversation?
Required Reading
Easiest (and least effective)
Finely Targeted Blogs
Related Blogs
Critical Blogs
I hate you, specifically, blogs
Special Interest Social Networks
Niche content websites
Ford Fiesta
Lesson Content creation and social media are symbiotic.
Surprise and Delight
Key Lesson Sharing happens best when you have spent time to identify groups that care about your message and you give them a meaningful benefit. Or, let a small group recruit a bigger group!
Workshop Who are the most important groups you need to reach (internally/Externally)? Where do they congregate on the web? How can you get them to take ownership and start sharing your messages with each other?
DMA Social Media Summit IBM, Xerox, HP, Intel, etc. “Better not to do it than get it wrong” “Start small (really small), get it right then do a second thing, etc.
Employees-Friend or Enemy?
Does your company have… An employee blogging policy? A training program that covers this issue? Regular reminders?
What’s your biggest risk?
Eye Tracking
The Facts 84% of a company’s value is based on reputation 79% of clicks go to the top three results 99% do not go to the next page 64% believe whatever they read in search
8 Billion in Value in One Day
BP a few months ago
BP Now
United Airlines
Lesson: Don’t Delegate to Inexperienced Staff
Don’t do this!
Workshop What would be the first steps you would take in social media should you have an environmental disaster or a high-profile attack on your reputations? Towards government? Towards consumers? Towards employees
Virality YouTube is Special
Our New Motto “If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead!
Key Lesson Sometimes your execution alone can get people to notice your message and share it.
Sussex Safer Roads
Old Spice
Even for something like energy
Key Lesson Great ideas can bring attention to otherwise mundane products and/or messages.
Make it fun and rewarding
Make it mobile Have a mobile website Make it an app Make it useful
Workshop: What kind of information from Petrobras would: People or employees want to take with them? Want when they are on the run? Want at a critical moment? Want when they are driving somewhere?
Make it a group experience
Workshop If Petrobras were an experience, what kind of experience would it be? What is the core equity of the brand?
Shared Responsibilty
Collaborative Operations Sales HR Marketing Legal Every department
Summary Digital Media is Maturing All digital Media is Social Integration is Table Stakes Communities, not Marketing Ask: Where are your target congregating? Actively protect your reputation! Be Creative, Make it Mobile, Make it an Experience!