Ch17-18 U.S. Imperialism & the Spanish-American War JEOPARDY Click here to start
Legislation & Policies Presidents Business and Money Imoerialism Panama Canal Legislation & Policies Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
President described as stubborn and independent. Presidents 100 President described as stubborn and independent.
Who was Teddy Roosevelt? Presidents A 100 Who was Teddy Roosevelt?
Presidents 200 President criticized by Teddy Roosevelt for not exerting strong public leadership.
Presidents A 200 Who is William Taft?
Presidents 300 This president was known as a reformer; His campaign strategy was to allow his opponents to argue and destroy each other.
Presidents A 300 Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Presidents that failed to support civil rights for African Americans
Who were Roosevelt and Wilson ? Presidents A 400 Who were Roosevelt and Wilson ?
Presidents 500 Incumbant President that was not re-elected due to the fracture of the Republic Party
Presidents A 500 Who is Taft ?
These lowered prices and drove small companies out of business Business and Money 100 These lowered prices and drove small companies out of business
Business and Money B 100 What is a trust?
Business and money 200 Name given to American businesses lending money to Central American countries so they could pay for their debts
What is Dollar Diplomacy ? Business and Money B 200 What is Dollar Diplomacy ?
Roosevelt’s position on trusts Business & Money B 300 Roosevelt’s position on trusts
What is break apart those harmful to public interest ? Business and Money B 300 What is break apart those harmful to public interest ?
B 400 President that believed trusts should be dismantled by a strong federal govt.
Who is President Wilson? Business and money B 400 Who is President Wilson?
Business & Money 500 This system provides a financial cushion which would keep smaller banks from going broke during depressions
What is the Federal Reserve System ? Business and money B 500 What is the Federal Reserve System ?
Imperialism 100 Policy of establishing economic, political, and military control over weaker nations
Imperialism 100 What is imperialism?
Imperialism 200 The territories the U.S. attempted to control as a result of the Spanish-American War.
What are the Philippines & Cuba? Imperialism C 200 What are the Philippines & Cuba?
Imperialism 300 Roosevelt’s foreign policy (based on a proverb) which meant his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force.
What does “Speak softly and carry a big stick” mean? Imperialism C 300 What does “Speak softly and carry a big stick” mean?
Imperialism 400 Event that causes U.S. to send troops into Mexico to search for Pancho Villa.
What is the death of 17 Americans in New Mexico? Imperialism C 400 What is the death of 17 Americans in New Mexico?
Imperialism 500 Reasons why American Imperialism increased during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
SImperialism C 500 What are New markets, Increased military strength, & Belief in superiority of Am culture?
The amount of time it took to build the Panama Canal.
What is ten years (from 1904 to 1914)? Panama Canal D 100 What is ten years (from 1904 to 1914)?
Panama Canal 200 In order to avoid negotiating with Colombia, Roosevelt did this to gain canal rights
What is encouraged a Panamanian revolution (sent ships to Panama)? Panama Canal D 200 What is encouraged a Panamanian revolution (sent ships to Panama)?
Panama Canal 300 Initially the U.S. planned on building a canal through this Central American country.
Panama Canal D 300 What is Nicaragua?
Panama Canal 400 The direction a ship would travel when crossing the Panama Canal from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
Panama Canal D 400 What is westward?
The process of getting through the Panama Canal.
Do You Remember? D 500 What is “a ship moves through 6 locks, adding or losing water to get to the water level of the ocean it needs to travel on”?
Legislation & Policies 100 Name of Teddy Roosevelt’s policies & reforms
Legislation & Policies What is a Square Deal?
Legislation & Policies 200 Name of policy proposed by Secretary of State John Hay that was designed to give the U.S. equal trade opportunities with China.
Legislation & Policies What is Open Door Policy?
Legislation & Policies 300 U.S. policy of refusing to recognize any Latin American govt which the U.S. views as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests
Legislation & Policies What is missionary diplomacy?
Legislation & Policies 400 Legislation passed during Wilson’s presidency prohibiting companies from buying out companies to create a monopoly.
Legislation & Policies What is the Clayton Anti-Trust Act?
Legislation & Policies 500 Name of the provisions added to Cuba’s constitution (U.S. could have naval bases & refueling stations in Cuba, U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs, & Cuba could not create too much debt w/ foreign countries)
What is the Platt Amendment?
The management of natural resources such as trees and minerals Miscellaneous 100 The management of natural resources such as trees and minerals
Miscellaneous F 100 What is conservation?
(Almost convinced TR to become a vegetarian) Miscellaneous 200 Author of The Jungle (Almost convinced TR to become a vegetarian)
Miscellaneous F 200 Who is Upton Sinclair?
Sensational headlines and exaggerated writing in newspapers Miscellaneous 300 Sensational headlines and exaggerated writing in newspapers
What is yellow journalism? Miscellaneous 300 What is yellow journalism?
Miscellaneous 400 An individual country whose affairs are partially controlled by a strong nation.
C Miscellaneous F 400 What is a protectorate?
Treaty that ended the Spanish-American War Miscellaneous F 500 Treaty that ended the Spanish-American War
What is the Treaty of Paris? Miscellaneous 500 What is the Treaty of Paris?
The End