The North Carolina Geographic Alliance GeoMath GeoCore lessons from the NC Geographic Alliance Lessons by Debra Troxell & Amy Maxey
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance NC Geographic Alliance
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Global Classroom McRel Evaluation instrument –Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world. Teachers demonstrate their knowledge of the history of diverse cultures and their role in shaping global issues. They actively select materials and develop lessons that counteract stereotypes and incorporate histories and contributions of all cultures. Teachers recognize the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and other aspects of culture on a student’s development and personality. Teachers strive to understand how a student’s culture and background may influence his or her school performance. Teachers consider and incorporate different points of view in their instruction.
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance McRel Evaluation instrument –Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach Teachers know the links and vertical alignment of the grade or subject they teach and the state standards. Teachers understand how the content they teach relates to other disciplines in order to deepen understanding and connect learning for students. Teachers promote global awareness and its relevance to the subjects they teach. Teachers incorporate 21 st century life skills deliberately, strategically, and broadly into their teaching. These skills include leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social responsibility. Teachers help their students understand the relationship between the state standards and 21st century content which includes global awareness; financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; and health awareness.
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance GeoMath A series of 7 lessons (warm-up, review and project) Geography + Math = a Global Classroom
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance GeoMath Lessons Angles of elevation & angle of depression using the world’s tallest buildings Calculating the perimeter and area using flags of the world Time Zone math Calculating percentages while making a cartogram Linear regressions and population predictions Finding the circumcenter to determine a distribution center in Africa Making choropleth maps using various methods of calculating the data
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Angles of elevations and depressions
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Enrichment How would the angle of depression change if the student were riding on the Eye of London? How would the angle of depression change if the student moved from the top observation deck to the lower observation deck?
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Area and Perimeter of Flags
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Time Zone Math
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Time Zone Math
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Time Zone Math
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Making a Cartogram
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Population Predictions
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Circumcenter
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Circumcenter
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Choropleth Map
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Choropleth Maps
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Choropleth Maps
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Different ways of “slicing” data The Data {42, 50, 55, 57, 61, 77, 79, 97}The Data {42, 50, 55, 57, 61, 77, 79, 97} Equal intervalEqual interval –Three classes based on range 40 to 100 –{42, 50, 55, 57} {61, 77, 79} {97}
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Different ways of “slicing” data QuantileQuantile –Quartiles (lowest 1/4 of observations, next 1/4, …) –{42, 50} {55, 57} {61, 77} {79, 97} Natural breaksNatural breaks – {42} {50, 55, 57, 61} {77, 79} {97}
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Different ways of “slicing” data Standard deviationsStandard deviations –Mean = 64.75, Std. Dev. = –{42} {50, 55, 57, 61} {77, 79} {97}
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Natural Breaks Equal Interval Quintiles
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance
The North Carolina Geographic Alliance Contact Information Debra Troxell or Webpage: NC Geographic Alliance