METHOD – a short reminder The first survey since 2010 Co-funded by Marketing Manchester, TfGM, CityCo and Virgin Trains A face-to-face survey of visitors Across all 10 GM districts 757 interviews Fieldwork 24 th May to 2 nd November 2014 ‘Leisure Visitor’ defined as on: - a day trip from home, over 3 hours spent, over 20 miles - an overnight stay away from home for leisure
VISITOR PROFILES More on day trip than in 2010 (52%) Day and staying visitor ratios varies - in City Centre 45% are staying; - in rest of GM 32% are staying (excluding Salford and Trafford) 58% on a day trip 42% staying overnight
VISITOR PROFILES Northwest main source of domestic visitors (41%) International visitors from wide range of countries, led by USA (13% of international visitors) More overseas visitors on day trip in 2014 (4% vs 1%) Overseas visitors are more likely to be found in the city centre (20%) 84% from UK 16% international
VISITOR PROFILES Staying (44%) more likely than day visitors (20%) to be 1 st time visitors Proportion of recent visitors has increased since 2010 (64% : 59%) 91% of previous visitors have been in the last two years and 49% of those had visited 6 times or more 30% first time visitors 64% visited in last 2 years
VISITOR PROFILES age 49% 51% aged 44 or underaged 45+ seg 68% 27% ABC1 C2DE Similar to 2010 … but caution: women more likely to take part in research gender 43% 57% male female Visitor age well-distributed across age ranges Similar to 2010 City Centre has younger visitor age than other areas Higher proportion of ABC1 visitors in City Centre (72%) than other areas
STAYING VISITORS More choosing to stay in GM than in 2010 (93% vs 89%) Majority (64%) stay in Manchester Majority (70%) staying in ‘paid-for’ accommodation On average spending 3.35 nights – less than 2010 (4.52) ‘Paid-for’ stays are shorter (2.85 paid-for: 4.49 vfr) 93% chose to stay in Greater Manchester
ABOUT THE VISIT – main reason Day and staying visitors agree but: - Day visitors more likely to visit for an attraction, museum, exhibition or shopping - staying visitors more likely to visit just for a break/day out (24%) 30% come to visit an attraction or museum… and further 11% for specific exhibition 19% for a break / day out
ABOUT THE VISIT – all activities Staying visitors more likely to include a visit to attraction/ museum (68%) Geography makes a difference – eg Trafford visitors most likely to visit attraction / museum (76%) Friends and Family groups are more likely to visit an attraction or museum 62% visit an attraction/museum
ABOUT THE VISIT – all activities Top 3 shopping areas visited: Manchester Arndale (55%) Market Street (36%) Deansgate (25%) Majority are not visiting with specific shop in mind (61%) However, target shops include:- M&S (33%), Primark (26%) House of Fraser and Next (23%) Harvey Nichols and Selfridges (21%) 23% overall go shopping
ABOUT THE VISIT - moving around More likely to stay in GM than in 2010 (83%) Liverpool / Merseyside most likely destination out of GM Interviewees in Salford most likely to visit other GM districts 93% visiting GM only 94% visiting only 1 district
TRAVEL & TRANSPORT - mode of transport Arrival by car higher amongst day visitors (57% vs 41%) Visitors to City Centre least likely to arrive by car (37%) Since 2010, arrival by.... … car has dropped (50% vs 62%) … train has increased (27% vs 20%) 50% arrive by car 27% arrive by train
TRAVEL & TRANSPORT - public transport Metrolink (58%) and bus (38%) are most popular Majority who don’t use public transport think ‘there’s no need to’ (77%) 26% using public transport during visit
TRAVEL & TRANSPORT - Smartcard More appealing to staying than day visitors (53% vs 34%) 42% encouraged by Smartcard to use public transport
EXPENDITURE - average spend Staying visitors, in paid accommodation, are highest spenders (£96.77) Age matters – 45-54s highest spenders; 16-24s lowest Spend in 2014 lower across everything except ‘accommodation’ and ‘other expenses’ £53.40 average spend pp/day
RATINGS - the experience Consistently high ratings across offer…... only car parking vfm given significant negative rating (22%) Gaps in perceptions beyond personal experience 96% of visitors say their visit to Greater Manchester
RATINGS - future visits Strongest propensity amongst… Day visitors (96%) year olds (98%) Visitors to districts outside City Centre, Salford & Trafford (97%) Repeat visitors (96%) 91% likely to make future leisure visit
POINTS TO NOTE Higher % of day trippers than before Strong pattern of returning visitors – and proportion of new visitors stable Importance of attractions/ museums in motivating visits Evidence of economic climate impacting – on spend, but also on length of stay, type of accommodation Different motivations of day and staying visitors ‘The offer’ performs strongly – but is ‘experience’ working harder than ‘reputation’? The roles of City Centre, Salford & Trafford and the other districts: - higher average spend - higher % of staying visitors - lower % of vfr
Nick Brooks-Sykes Director of Tourism, Visit Manchester