By: Marisa Latona
Two found in each animal cell Located near the nucleus in the centrosome (serves as an organizing center for microtubules. Each centriole is made of nine bundles of microtubules, arranged in a ring
Primary Function Generate the cell’s cytoskeleton Other Functions Play a role in cell division Interphase - centrioles and other cells are duplicated, and during mitosis, centrioles are split up Generation of cilia and flagella for cells (used for movement) This is why centrioles are only found in animals, and not plants
The inability of cells to use centrioles is linked to many genetic and developmental diseases When centrioles can’t properly migrate before ciliary assembly is linked to Meckel Gruber Syndrome (rare, deadly genetic disorder, characterized by renal(kidneys) cystic displasia, central nervous system malformations and hepatic(liver) developmental defects)