Business Etiquette ‘Stop Embarrassing Your Boss and Yourself’ Knowledge - Responsibility - What is appropriate? Etiquette?
Objective for Session Improve our understanding of accepted protocol around some basic topics and situations that we all engage in.
Etiquette is… Ethical and socially acceptable behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other. We act appropriately in social and business situations, when we use correct etiquette. Proper etiquette shows respect, sincerity, and self- confidence. In other words: ‘Etiquette is about people’.
It’s More Than Knowing the Right Fork … Business Etiquette is about being at ease around people, and making them comfortable around you. Business Etiquette is also about presenting yourself in a manner that shows you can be trusted and taken seriously. REMEMBER: ‘Etiquette is about people’ and your professionalism.
The Rule of Interpretation… Micro-messages are those subtle signals that pass between people. Micro-messages communicate at a gut level how people really feel. People recognize and interpret micro-messages immediately, (and what they recognize matters more than what you intended to communicate). Micro-Messages In the Workplace
Why Etiquette is Important… The 3 “C’s” of Business Success 1.Competent in their skills 2.Confident in their demeanor 3.Considerate of others Directly Effected by Etiquette
Importance of Business Etiquette Lack of knowledge of protocol can cause embarrassment and misunderstanding. Socially correct behaviors are important when using technology. A diverse population requires that we interact properly and respectfully with people of all backgrounds. To avoid feeling awkward or experiencing discomfort in social and official situations, a knowledge of etiquette is essential.
Creating a Business Environment Consistently consider that everybody is important, this is a better way to promote professionalism in the workplace. –This means that all employees should be treated and respected equally, regardless of the position in the company. This includes everyone from the executive level to the mail clerk.
Check Your Attitude… Professionalism includes many aspects of working in an office environment. –Employees bring more than just skills to the workplace. They bring things, such as their personality, temperament and health. These qualities help to make up their attitude. Keeping your own attitude in check while at work is very important.
Business Etiquette (Customers) How employees treat customers is a crucial factor in the success of a business. One rude employee can damage a business’ reputation and ruin the employee/customer relationship. When communicating with customers, the rule is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Manners are as important in correspondence and on the phone as in person.
Interactions with Co-Workers Respect confidentiality. Find a mentor who can give you objective guidance and advice in sensitive situations. Be extremely sensitive to workplace politics and avoid office gossip. Apologize if you do something wrong and refrain from criticizing other.
Behavior Types Passive Behavior Aggressive Behavior Assertive Behavior
Passive Individuals… Value themselves below others. Do not appear self-confident when they speak. Want to be liked and to please others. Avoid confrontation. Avoid eye contact. Fail to communicate their wants and needs. May be indecisive. May have internal anger due to loss of respect. Can damage their careers by their inactions.
Aggressive Individuals… Value themselves above others. Say what they think at the expense of others. May dominate or humiliate others. Speak with an air of superiority. May be demanding and rude and intimidate others. May have trouble working with others. Can damage their careers by their actions.
Assertive Individuals… Are comfortable using correct business etiquette. Feel they are equal to others. Are comfortable making choices and decisions. Are calm and confident. Want to communicate and be respected. Speak clearly, calmly, and firmly, and use “I” phrases. Have relaxed and confident posture.
Net-iquette… Stop me before I again! A poll of 150 employees revealed: 86% said people they work with often check and respond to , text and mobile calls during meetings. 39% also said this practice is “hugely disrespectful,” and “never okay” In our 24/7 world, all messages are deemed critical. The reality is, most are not. Most s and many phone calls can wait. A general rule of thumb is that if you must take a call or respond to a message, step outside. If in a meeting or presentation, let the host or speaker know this may happen, and apologize in advance.
Meeting Etiquette… Common situations and the most considerate arrival times: Out-of-office Meetings: Arrive at the reception desk no more than five minutes early. Right on time is best. Why not earlier? Because once you arrive, the person you’ll be meeting with feels the need (and even the pressure) to stop what he or she is doing to pay attention to you. Inter-office Meetings: Arriving five to ten minutes beforehand is best. This gives you time to find your place and greet coworkers. Arriving more than ten minutes early (unless you’re running the meeting) sends a signal that you don’t have much on your to-do list. Being right on time shows two things: That you are considerate of other people’s schedules and that you manage yours well.
The Introduction Puzzle… The big question: Who should you introduce first? In business, gender and age are not deciding factors. In general, introduce the person of greatest importance or authority first. Or the person you most want to show respect or honor. When a client is involved, mention him/her first. Proper business introductions should include first and last names. If you forget someone’s name, you might “cover” by introducing the person you do know first. “Do you know Joan Smith, one of our Revenue Agents?” This sometimes gets the unknown person to introduce him/herself. If not, admit you can’t remember. “Your face is familiar. Please help me with your name”
Responding to an Introduction… NOTE: Business etiquette has become gender neutral. Women don’t have to hesitate to offer their hands first. 1.Stand up Displays respect 2.Move toward the person, establish eye contact, and smile Establishes a welcoming connection 3.Shake hands Displays sign of respect 4.Greet the other person and repeat his/her name “It is a pleasure, Mr. Smith.” 5.When the conversation ends, say goodbye Closes the conversation
Visual Communication… “Body language accounts for 55% of others perception about us.” Don’tDo’s Cross your armsArms at side/lap Death grip or limp handshakeFirm handshake SlouchGood posture Invade others spaceStand at least 18 inches away Speak with arms fixed to the podium Speak with fluid arms to reinforce speech
It tells others the value of what you do in a non-technical way that invites conversation. It has 3 parts: What is That? Your 10-Second Commercial? What is That? What you do Who you do it for How it makes their lives better Exercise Your 10-Second Commercial is what you say when someone asks you, “What do you do?” Keep it short and to the point.
The Business Card… Always carry yours, and use a good-looking case that you are pleased to pull out Accept a card as if it were a gift Never write on the face of a card (yours or another’s) Never put a card in your back pocket, where you will sit on it
Name Tags… Proper placement of the name tag is high on the right shoulder. When shaking hands, your eye follows the line of your arm to the other person's right side. It’s easy to read the name while shaking hands.
Rule of Thumb... When in doubt … stick to the basics
The Basics… Be courteous to people around you, regardless of the situation or hierarchy. Consider others’ feelings. Avoid raising your voice. Listen. And don’t interrupt. Address conflict as situation-related, rather than person-related. Apologize when you are wrong, out of line or step on others’ toes. Avoid using harsh or derogatory language or tone toward anyone.(present or absent). Don’t abuse or misuse today’s technologies. Consider the human impact in any situation.
Business Etiquette Summary Be cognizant of your interactions with others. Treat others how you want to be treated. Think before you act.