$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy VocabularyPeoplePoliticalEconomicSocial
To re-build or to re-make What is reform?
This connected the east and west and helped settle the frontier What is the transcontinental railroad
Crusading journalists who exposed to problems of the cities What are muckrakers?
People who campaigned for the woman's right to vote What are suffragists?
What is conservation? Protection of natural resources
Nicknamed the trust buster for his opposition to big business (also passes conservation and food safety reforms) Who is Teddy Roosevelt ?
Used vertical integration to gain an advantage over other steel companies Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt
Wrote the book the Jungle to expose the horrors of the meat packing industry Who is Upton Sinclair?
Invented the assemble line which made products faster and less expensive Who is Henry Ford?
Progressive politician, governor of Wisconsin, who introduced the “Wisconsin Idea” Who is “Battling Bob” La Follette?
Large corporations that shut down their smaller competitors What are monopolies and trusts?
This is what makes a corporation different form a business What is Stock?
Established during the progressive era to control interstate trade What is the Interstate Commerce Commission
This was established under president Wilson to regulate banking in 1913 What is the Federal Reserve Act?
This was called “New Slavery” because freedmen were still tied to the land What is sharecropping?
Bribery and the spoils system are examples of this… Corruption
The system in which government jobs were given as personal favors from elected officials What is the spoils system or Patronage system
This reform allows voters to remove an elected official from office What is recall?
Exam that must be passes in order to have a federal government job What is the Civil service exam?
This is what the court case, Plessey v Ferguson,made legal What is segregation
What are tenements? These were the crowded city buildings where immigrants and factory workers lived
Art literature and music that shows the way American culture really was and appealed to the middle class What is realism
The printing of scandals crime stories and gossip What is yellow journalism?
This means becoming “American” or becoming a part of American culture What is assimilation?
Immigration, the industrial revolution, and new factory jobs caused this What is the rise of cities?
13 th amendment, 14 th amendment, 15 th amendment, Civil service commission, the Wisconsin idea, 16 th amendment, 17 th amendment, the square deal, and the 19 th amendment What are ways the government has been improved to make our country more democratic?