Fall 2013 Immigration Survey Summary Presentation David Flaherty, CEO Magellan Strategies
The following presentation is a summary of findings from seventeen Congressional Districts of likely 2014 voters. The primary focus of the research was to measure voter support and opposition to different immigration reform legislation proposals. Each survey interviewed between 650 and 700 voters, and has a margin of error of approximately +/- 3.7% at the 95% confidence interval. The surveys were conducted using automated voice recorded technology, and some included live cell phone interviews. The surveys were fielded in October and November of Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11,
Congressional Districts Surveyed CA-10 Jeff Denham CA-21 David Valadao CA-22 Devin Nunes CA-23 Kevin McCarthy CA-25 Howard McKeon CA-49 Darrell Issa CO-03 Scott Tipton CO-04 Cory Gardner CO-06 Mike Coffman Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11, FL-10 Daniel Webster FL-15 Dennis Ross NV-02 Mark Amodei NV-03 Joe Heck NY-02 Peter King NY-19 Chris Gibson TX-02 Ted Poe TX-27 Blake Farenthold
Voter Support for “Broad” Immigration Reform Legislation Option
Key Finding There is deep, broad support among all “major” voter subgroups in each Congressional district for immigration reform legislation that contains the following criteria. Significantly increase border security, Block employers form hiring undocumented immigrants, Make sure undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. with no criminal record register for legal status, with the possibility of eventual citizenship. Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11,
“As you may know, the House of Representatives is beginning to consider different immigration reform proposals. One option is legislation that would significantly increase border security, block employers from hiring undocumented immigrants, and make sure that undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. with no criminal record register for legal status. If immigrants were to meet a list of requirements, they could eventually apply for citizenship.” “Knowing this information, would support or oppose this legislation?” Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11,
7 District Total Supp. Total Opp. GOP Supp. Dem Supp. Ind. Supp. Wht. Supp. Hisp. Supp. CA-10 Denham 79%18%68%78%64%75%69% CA-21 Valadao 77%18%75%81%69%77%78% CA-22 Nunes 74%20%71%83%61%79%68% CA-23 McCarthy 76%21%74%81%74%75%77% CA-25 McKeon 73%23%65%85%69%71%77% CA-49 Issa 74%22%72%83%68%76%74% CO-03 Tipton 77%18%74%79%77% 75% CO-04 Gardner 76%20%77%80%68%77%71% CO-06 Coffman 74%20%71%81%71%74%71% “One option is legislation that would significantly increase border security, block employers from hiring undocumented immigrants, and make sure that undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. with no criminal record register for legal status. If immigrants were to meet a list of requirements, they could eventually apply for citizenship. Knowing this information, would support or oppose this legislation?”
Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11, District Total Supp. Total Opp. GOP Supp. Dem Supp. Ind. Supp. Wht. Supp. Hisp. Supp. FL-10 Webster 79%16%80% 78%79%70% FL-15 Ross 78%16%79%80%71%80%72% NV-02 Amodei 72%23%70%80%60%74%62% NV-03 Heck 74%21%71%82%67%75%64% NY-02 King 82%13%84%81%78%83% NY-19 Gibson 79%16%82%79%77%80%71% TX-02 Poe 79%18%76%90%74%77%83% TX-27 Farenthold 77%17%81% 69%77%79% “One option is legislation that would significantly increase border security, block employers from hiring undocumented immigrants, and make sure that undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. with no criminal record register for legal status. If immigrants were to meet a list of requirements, they could eventually apply for citizenship. Knowing this information, would support or oppose this legislation?”
Voter Support for Immigration Reform Plan Addressing Undocumented Immigrants
Key Finding A significant majority of voters, particularly Republican voters, support an immigration reform plan that addresses the issue of undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. with the following criteria; Pay a penalty, Learn English, Pass a criminal background check, Pay taxes, Wait a minimum of thirteen years before they can be eligible for citizenship. Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11,
“Would you support or oppose an immigration reform plan that ensures undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. pay a penalty, learn English, pass a criminal background check, pay taxes, and wait a minimum of thirteen years before they can be eligible for citizenship?” Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11,
Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11, “Would you support or oppose an immigration reform plan that ensures undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. pay a penalty, learn English, pass a criminal background check, pay taxes, and wait a minimum of thirteen years before they can be eligible for citizenship?” District Total Supp. Total Opp. GOP Supp. Dem Supp. Ind. Supp. Wht. Supp. Hisp. Supp. CA-10 Denham 69%25%75%64%70%69%71% CA-21 Valadao 69%25%74%67%63%70%68% CA-22 Nunes 69%25%71%65%73%68%72% CA-23 McCarthy 73%24%76%63%77%71%72% CA-25 McKeon 69%27%73%67%64%71%68% CA-49 Issa 70%28%76%63%64%70%80% CO-03 Tipton 69%29%79%55%67%69%65% CO-04 Gardner 69%26%79%62%58%69%75% CO-06 Coffman 65%33%70%60%63%66%63%
Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11, District Total Supp. Total Opp. GOP Supp. Dem Supp. Ind. Supp. Wht. Supp. Hisp. Supp. FL-10 Webster 70%24%78%62%61%70%64% FL-15 Ross 71%26%77%64%66%70%67% NV-02 Amodei 63%34%72%53%58%65%56% NV-03 Heck 68%30%74%61%67%71%55% NY-02 King 77%20%82%69%79%76% NY-19 Gibson 69%27%79%61%65%68%79% TX-02 Poe 72%25%83%69%62%73%72% TX-27 Farenthold 69%28%76%62%67%72%61% “Would you support or oppose an immigration reform plan that ensures undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. pay a penalty, learn English, pass a criminal background check, pay taxes, and wait a minimum of thirteen years before they can be eligible for citizenship?”
Survey Methodology
The seventeen Congressional District surveys were conducted using automated voice recorded technology, and some included live cell phone interviews. The samples for all surveys were randomly drawn from a voter file. The survey response data was weighted based upon past voter turnout demographics. Three attempts were made to interview each household. Any questions regarding the survey methodology should be directed to David Flaherty. He can be reached at or Magellan Strategies Immigration Reform Survey Summary December 11,