Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Dr. Milan EDL University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Czech Republic
Content Introduction History Study program bachelor degree master degree Ph.D. degree Research and development projects E-learning
Introduction University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Faculty of Applied Sciences Faculty of Economics Faculty of Education Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Law Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Institute of Art and Design
Introduction Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Power System Engineering Department of Machine Design Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Department of Machining Technology Department of Material Science and Technology Department of Physical Training and Sport Rail Vehicle Research Centre Research Centre of Forming Technology
Introduction Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Management of Industrial Enterprises Section Informatics in Engineering Section 25 employees 40 Ph.D. students
Department of IEM Industrial engineering Tools and methods of IE Industrial economics Industrial informatics Industrial management Modeling and optimization of industrial processes Work rationalization Logistic and logistic audit Financial analysis Controlling system implementation Control costing Discrete-event simulation and visualization Analysis and design of business data Information and knowledge transfer Production and knowledge processes and systems control Projecting and optimization of organization structures
Department focus analysis, modeling and optimization of company processes analysis, design and implementation of company information and economic information systems (EIS) consultancy on design of company information strategy logistics of manufacturing and pre- manufacturing processes and systems in an engineering company, planning and validation of logistic operations application of computer simulation and animation in industry, methodology of design of 2D and 3D animations of simulation output distributed simulation and animation models logistic audit, design of company restoration measures industrial enterprise management, rationalization of layout and management of engineering production and its preparation, project design and optimization of organization structures marketing research and strategy financial analysis, controlling, financial and managerial accounting, system of taxation in Czech Republic development of on-line education, use of multimedia as a teaching aid, authoring
Core research Digital manufacturing Process Planning 3D Digital Layout Planning Ergonomics Digital Assembly Discrete-Event Simulation Cluster Management
Core research projection and modeling of 3D layout planning modeling and optimization of knowledge-related processes modeling, simulation, and animation of extensive discrete systems in local and distributed environment rationalization of approaches to production and assembly system optimization of enterprise processes via cluster formation – cluster management development of on-line education with the aid of simulation, animation and general multimedia components
Research and development Research The European Network of Mechatronics Centers – MATEO On-line communication and synchronization of distribute simulation models in heterogeneous environment Methodic for evaluation of efficiency production company Information and communication system for creating and control of virtual companies Pilot project for cluster creating in Pilsners region Strategy of business activities for uniform European market Systems integrated projecting and control of production industrial companies
Research and development Educational Erasmus Virtual Economics & Management Studies Exchange – EVENE Employee in Electrotechnical Industry (Panasonic School) Network of interuniversity study in Czech Republic Development of projects for cross border collaboration Development & Piloting of BAsic On-Line Training COurseS - BATCOS Transnational Delivery of Tele-learning Knowledge Management in Virtual Expert Circles Development, Piloting & Dissemination of an INNOvation MAnagement Training package - INNOMAT
Cooperation Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany Technical University, Chemnitz, Germany Fachhochschule Rosenheim, Germany Fachhochschule Deggendorf, Germany Brandenburgische Technische Univerzität Cottbus, Germany Brunel University, London, United Kingdom Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom University of Genoa, Italy University of Thessaly, Greece University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Varkaus, Finland Atlantis Research, Greece Multimedia Sunshine, United Kingdom Berufliche Fortbildungszenter der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (BFZ), Nuremberg, Germany FH Rosenheim
History 1949 – Institute of Technology (Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering) 1960 – Department of Machining Technology and Economics 1970 – Department of Machining Technology and Control
History 1983 – Department of Machining Technology and Production Control Machining Technology Economics and Production Control Automated Control of Production System 1990 – Department of Computer Integrated Production 1993 – Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Study program Bachelor degree Information and Communication Technology in Industrial Company Industrial Engineering and Management Master degree Industrial Engineering and Management Ph.D. degree Industrial Engineering and Management
Master degree diploma thesis: principles and method for digital factories in SME’s using discrete-event simulation in industrial companies ergonomic design evaluation efficiency in industrial company evaluation efficiency in cluster costing analysis in industrial company strategic analysis in industrial company application of industrial engineering methods in industrial companies marketing study in industrial company …
Ph.D. degree individual approach by student needs general thesis: virtual production systems modeling and optimization production system optimal quality of logistic processes information systems in companies knowledge management in industrial company evaluation of efficiency in industrial company projecting and development of control system in industrial company …
Teaching in English Industrial Engineering (PI) Industrial Logistic (PL) Database Systems in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (DBC) Simulation in Industrial Engineering (SS) Corporate Economic System (HSP) Human Resources Management (RLZ) Management of Industrial Enterprises (PMA) Enterprise Information System (PIS) Strategic Management (PS) Engineering Project (SPM) Company Visits (EXK)
E-learning Industrial Engineering (PI) Industrial Logistic (PL) Database Systems in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (DBC) Simulation in Industrial Engineering (SS) Corporate Economic System (HSP) Human Resources Management (RLZ) Management of Industrial Enterprises (PMA)
E-learning Learning Management System authoring tool – ProAuthor study for external student (study during job) and foreigner students
EVENE - Erasmus Virtual Economics & Management Studies Exchange network of traditional university institutions in economic and management environment realization of virtual student mobility with help distance learning form - elearning
EVENE - Erasmus Virtual Economics & Management Studies Exchange University of Tomas Bata in Zlin (CZ) University of Hradec Kralove (CZ) University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (CZ) University of Huddersfield (GBR) Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (IR) Savonia Polytechnic (FIN) Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration (LT) University of Genoa (ITA)
Conference MITIP (The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises) PI (Industrial Engineering) MOPP (Modeling and optimization of business processes)
Contact information University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Univerzitni 22 Pilsen www:
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