WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication
WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication
#pray4reform 92 days of prayer & action to pass immigration reform As Christians, we are specifically called to pray “for kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). That command applies whether we voted for a particular legislator or not. As Bible teacher Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner says, “There is a direct relationship between the kind of planet we live in and how often we talk to God about leaders. Their decisions can bring joy or conflict; peace or pain; poverty or prosperity to us. To put it another way, we have the kind of leaders we pray for!” Text “immigration” to
WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication
WASHINGTON COMPACT Five Principles to Guide WA State’s Immigration Discussion Federal Solutions Law Enforcement Families Economy A Free Society These principles reflect our unique cultural and historical ties to immigrants from all over the world as well as our commitment to a fully democratic political system.
WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication
EVANGELICAL IMMIGRATION TABLE As evangelical Christian leaders, we call for a bipartisan solution on immigration that: Respects the God-given dignity of every person Protects the unity of the immediate family Respects the rule of law Guarantees secure national borders Ensures fairness to taxpayers Establishes a path toward legal status and/or citizenship for those who qualify and who wish to become permanent residents We urge our nation’s leaders to work together with the American people to pass immigration reform that embodies these principles and that will make our nation proud.
WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication
WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication
WAYS TO ACT Sign on to Pray4Reform ‒Sign on to pray4reform.org or text “immigration” to Sign the Washington Compact Communicating/educating communities ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators Contact your Legislators ‒Organize / participate in a visit to a legislative office ‒Call / text / your legislators. ‒Develop a relationship with your legislator Author or co-sign an OpEd for a local publication