Firms Support for CFP Marks and Financial Planning in the UK Nick Cann ACIB,CFP Chief Executive IFP
To Cover IFP Market in the UK Types of Large Firms Questions Discussion and any conclusions
IFP Overview IFP established in 1986, is the professional body which represents and supports Financial Planners in the UK Staff of 15 based in Bristol IFP Board – 10 Financial Planner practitioners elected – strategic overview. Advisory Panel of 4. President Jane Wheeler IFP Branch Chairmen – 21 chairmen around UK – run branch meetings Work with Financial Services Authority (FSA) and other Professional and Trade Bodies Funded by Members Fees, Profits from events, Sponsorship by relevant organisations – 42 sponsors Affiliate member of international Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB). Affiliated since 1995 Nick Cann CEO since 1999
IFP Organisation Chart 2008 Nick Cann Chief Executive Sue Whitbread Communications Director Sally Palmer Marketing Manager Katherine Mackay Events Manager Samantha Wiltshire Marketing & Event Support administrator Lucy Courtenay Education Director Chris Holland Education Officer Judith McDonagh CFP Administrator Karis Whitfield CFP Co-Coordinator Sophie Hall CFP Co-ordinator Steve Gazzard Operations Director Paula Clark Operations Manager Cath Davies Business Development Manager Rachel Weihs Membership Co- ordinator Amy Wyrill PA - Chief Executive
Key statistics Membership up to 1950 Over 500 new members in 2007 Just under 800 CFP professionals (growth as per meeting book) Staff increased to 15 Business turnover increased by 50% Record number of sponsors at 42 Improved website hits and response to other targeted marketing activities Marketing campaign just started using new FPSB global marketing materials.
BranchNo of IFP members London 347 Manchester 187 Birmingham 164 Leeds 132 Bristol 115 Scotland 113 Surrey 106 N.H.C. 89 Kent & Sussex 69 S. West 68 C. Southern England 67 Thames Valley 65 South Wales 53 East Anglia 49 Cotswolds 35 North East 35 N. Ireland 31 Essex 28 Bath 14 Jersey 14 E. Midlands 13 Key IFP member distribution by branches Jan 2008
BranchNo of CFP’s London 146 Bristol 69 Manchester 66 Birmingham 58 Leeds 55 N.H.C. 45 Scotland 42 Surrey 41 Kent & Sussex 25 C. Southern England 24 S. West 23 East Anglia 23 Thames Valley 18 South Wales 16 North East 12 Cotswolds 10 N. Ireland 10 Bath 9 Essex 7 E. Midlands 4 Jersey 2 Key CFP distribution by branches Jan 2008
Shape of the future market Professional independent advisers who are client focussed. They will be operating a Financial Planning consultancy service – probably fee-based Touching on both markets Transactional based advisers from all sectors - Independent, multi-tied, tied including banks. Advice will be product focussed, mortgage, Protection, pensions – volume, market and sales driven
Potential Market After Retail Distribution Review Financial Planner General Adviser No Advice Financial Guides
Type of Large Firm to consider Sponsor National Advisory Firm Regional Advisory Firm Multi National Advisory Firm
Sponsor Revenue raising Awareness of global CFP activity Understanding of quality distribution. Given the development of “wrap” and open architecture Sister organisations – referral opportunities
National Firms Potential for new CFP professionals and members Influencers in the community Main employers Sounding board (formal or informal) In difficult times still with the capital to invest in the future Financial Planning? Other issues
Corporate CFP professionals and Members
Multi National Firms Opportunity to cross sell the CFP certification (eg AMP, Merryl Lynch, Ameriprise) Global Network of influencers Need to communicate to ensure that CFP certification and Financial Planning is on their radar Need to prevent them siding with competing mark Need to ensure that FPSB Financial Planning strategies are able to be used by large companies.
Future Financial Planning Businesses Boutique firms Man from the Pru, AXA, Standard Life, Co-op and others Segmented division of regional/national firms Private client teams Accountancy businesses
Opportunities and Threats Help with significant growth Helps deliver national and global branding strategy Helps cement the position of the CFP mark Opposite of the other side Competing marks Large firms do not deliver Financial Planning Risk to brand values Power of large corporates
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