Virtual Team Two - Final Presentation Ashley Kingsley Ashley McConnell Ashly Mittleider Jessica Knock Lori Lins
Purpose of Presentation To learn how teams function in local organizations by conducting individual interviews.
Company and Contact information Ashley KingsleyKitchen Enterprises: Nordic Lanes & The Creamery / Debbie Kitchens Ashley McConnellThe Ronald McDonald House / Ashly MittleiderMake A Wish Foundation / Lisa, Office & Volunteer Coordinator Jessica KnockAllianz life Insurance Company / Nicole, Manager of Contact Center Lori LinsPearson / Bruce Karpenko, Manager of Software Quality Assurance, Digital Product Development
Interview Questions What are the biggest challenges you face having virtual teams? Can you give me an example of some of the successes you have experienced with your virtual teams? How do you overcome language and/or time zone differences? What technologies do you use to communicate between your virtual teams? How do you decide what task(s) to assign each team? What do you think are three key items to having a meeting or project run smoothly? How do you handle if there is a member who is not participating on the project and has a poor attitude? Do you find the time at meetings is used correctly? Why? What was the most beneficial thing you found by having groups? What was least beneficial?
Results from Kitchen Enterprises Computer, Webcam, Microphone, as well as is important for communication. When a member is not doing his/her part they should not be given credit or just asked to apply themselves better.
Results from Kitchen Enterprises Time is never wasted during meetings and with language being a barrier, they are able to use instant messaging. Tasks are given to each member based on experience and knowledge.
Results from Kitchen Enterprises Success occurs when everyone does their part in the project, not just one person. 3 Key items: Ideas, To be on time, Express opinion. There is no “I” in “Team”
Results from The Ronald McDonald House The positives outweigh the negatives when working with virtual teams. Skype, Yahoo, and are some of ways found of successful communication. Meetings are arranged to discuss the positives and negatives.
Results from The Ronald McDonald House Weekly reviews are conducted of the negative aspects and revised to see any changes. This is very helpful when it comes to teams. When there are negative aspects ongoing, it’s figured out as a team.
Results from The Ronald McDonald House Weekly updates is the best way they have found to keeping positive. Every team member has different weekly duties to complete. Virtual teams can be a SUCCESS if you let them be.
Results from Make a Wish Foundation Often times the biggest challenges are deciding who to place where and the responsibilities and deadlines. Teams run smoother with a great deal of communication. and telephone are the primary sources of that.
Results from Make a Wish Foundation Tasks are assigned based on individuality, along with dedication and previous success. Poor professional attitude is unacceptable and not tolerated within this organization. Staying focused and on task greatly helps the success of the project.
Results from Allianz Life While working in Virtual team setting needing to have patience due to turn around time for replies. To conduct a successful meeting; make sure agenda and purpose of meeting is known to all attending.
Results from Allianz Life Key word that continued through out the interview Communication Creative and different ideas Understanding the purpose of the meeting Understand what your strengths are and individuals on your team
Results from Pearson When English is a second (or third) language written language is sometimes better. Communication technologies used for virtual teams— Phone, , SharePoint, WebEx, Instant Messenger. Tasks are assigned based on “best fit” and likeliness for success. Biggest challenges with virtual teams— Physical distance, Communication and Honesty. Successful meetings start on time, time-boxed agenda, parking lot for tabled/controversial issues.
Results from Pearson Successful projects need clearly defined requirements, lots of planning, constant review of Plan, team members that work well together. Most beneficial thing about teams; building relationships that never existed. Least beneficial thing about teams; silo-building, competitiveness, toxicity within the group. Handling non-productive team members – Determine root cause – Assess if you can help (work- related vs. personal). – Don’t be afraid to escalate the issue – Reassign person to another project Worst case, terminate
Compares between Companies interviewed The organizations seem to be alike in many ways. Examples are communication, and handle situations that arise in the same manners. However they are different by the way of managing meeting times correctly.
Lesson Learned Although each organization is its own but they tend to all run things the same way. Working as a team can be a great help if you have dedicated from each team member.
Lesson Learned Team Discussion Board as our main means of communication also proved to have its challenges. We needed to be devoted more times to check the site than we normally would have to.
Final Thoughts Team members need to want to work hard, communicate often and clearly, and how important new technologies are working with team members located in different locations, cities, and or countries. Conducting these interview gave us another insight how to work as a successful team member.