Twisting perceptions. Photographers: Anthony Crickmay, Hugo Glendinning, Felix Lammers, Ben Johnson, Pedro Machado, Rachel Cherry Pushing the boundaries.


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Presentation transcript:

Twisting perceptions

Photographers: Anthony Crickmay, Hugo Glendinning, Felix Lammers, Ben Johnson, Pedro Machado, Rachel Cherry Pushing the boundaries of contemporary dance Expanding perception of what dance is and who can dance. Daring, excellent, bold, unexpected

A vision of excellence Inclusion in action Disabled and non-disabled dancers Commission professional choreographers Learning in all our work Training on the job Art not therapy

History 1991CandoCo founded by Celeste Dandeker and Adam Benjamin 1994CandoCo’s Dance for Camera film ‘Outside In’ broadcast on BBC Television 1995CandoCo awarded for revenue funding from the Arts Council of England 1997UK audience figures topped 16,000 per year with 46 international performances 1999 CandoCo moves into its own studio at ASPIRE in north London 2003 Nominated for the UK Critics’ Circle Best Modern Repertoire Award 2004 CandoCo opens first full-time training course in Dance for Disabled People 2005CandoCo Wins the Manchester Evening News Award for Dance 2007Celeste Dandeker awarded an OBE and retires, new Co-Artistic Directors recruited 2008Candoco presenting first ever disabled performers part of Olympic Ceremony in Beijing 2012Candoco performs at Closing Ceremony of London Paralympic Games Rafael Bonachela’s And Who Shall Go To The Ball (2007)

How do we work now? Three strands of work: Creation of excellent and original work that inspires and excites audiences Delivery of bespoke training Advocacy for change in the cultural sector Notturnino, Thomas Hauert, 2014

Programming Commissions Partnerships Supporting inclusive work by Associate Artists

Candoco Values influencing our commissions Start with creativity and physicality Focus on ability Diversity is a strength, inevitable and exciting part of life Sameness is limiting Move away from idea of difference as negative, a problem, a deficit, something to be fixed

Imperfect Storm, Wendy Houstoun, 2010

Looking Back, Rachid Ouramdane, 2011

Partnerships Tailoring programs Package of marketing and Learning activity

Notturnino, Thomas Hauert, 2014

Programming inclusive work What does inclusivity mean and how to develop it with the artists? Look at the possibilities of the work to reach the audience in various ways Working with Candoco or other disabled artists means programmers may need to rethink assumptions Diversity leads to new questions and reaching wider audiences Fin Walker’s The Journey, 2005

International LAB, Summer 2013

Youth group, Sue Davies Studio, 2008

Choreographic residency in Vietnam, 2013

Supporting Candoco Associate Artists

Still, Nigel Charnok, 2008

Touring Commitment to UK Sharing expertise internationally 35 choreographers 50 different countries

Tour to Cuba with British Council, 2012

Tour to Vietnam with British Council, 2013

Context and audiences Alternative performance spaces Audience engagement Digital content This is It, Matthias Sperling, Duckie, 2013

Wellcome Collection, part of the Superhuman –exhibition, 2012

Two for C, Javier de Frutos, 2013

Miniatures, Lea Anderson, 2013

12, Claire Cunningham, 2012

Parallel Lines, Marc Brew, 2012

How does Candoco values relate to programming inclusive work? Empowerment through: Choice Confidence Creativity Skills Work to increase opportunity Lead by example Advocate for quality Campaign for access

Clear messages Cultural not medical Learning embedded throughout to create access to the work Changing attitudes by doing

Turning 20, 2011