ESPON project Integrating culture in European spatial analysis: methods, issues, results ANTONIO PAOLO RUSSO EURICUR Rotterdam Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
AP Russo - ESPON seminar2 Methodological problems and limitations In some cases, data difficult to obtain –Database collection started from scratch Inconsistent databases across countries –example: map A.0 Nature of data –“subjective judgements” on what is culture –Lack of time series: static analysis Spatial effects not always evident – further elaboration needed –Cross-effects with other ESPON dimensions not always evident / causal relations not always clear
AP Russo - ESPON seminar3 Output of 1.3.3: base indicators 20 indicators of CHI – complete EU cover NUTS II or III –Commodity focus. presence, density, potential use pressure of: Heritage assets – intangible immovable heritage Heritage “landscapes” – heritage conjuncts with spatial extension Museums – movable heritage reunited in a place –Productive focus Cultural professions (% “creative” jobs) –Capacity focus Cultural diversity (diversity index according to nationalities) Attainment level (% highly educed residents) Other incomplete datasets used to do analysis / case studies –Events, ethnic diversity, university output, etc.
AP Russo - ESPON seminar4 Output of 1.3.3: regional categories Classification # 1 based on demand-supply analysis –Define a “market” for cultural assets (main focus on tourism) –Objectives: classify regions by match between (potential) demands and supply of heritage assets Classification # 2 based on functional specialisations of culture –Rank regions according to their relative and combined specialisation with respect to three main “functional aspects of culture” Conservation: how likely is a region to “protect” its cultural resources Production: how likely is a region to produce new cultural assets Valorisation: how likely is a region to “sell” its cultural resources –Build indices of C, P, and V from ESPON indicators: “rule of thumb” method! –Maps based on C, P, V rankings and on combined specialisations Classification # 3 based on cross-thematic analysis of ESPON and other ESPON projects –Objectives: classify regions by outstanding relations between cultural features and other ESPON measures
AP Russo - ESPON seminar5 Resulting map Pale yellow areas: “balance”, unexceptional value of D and S A few “green” areas (Vienna, Inner London): there’s a lot to see, and also a lot of users. Pink areas (Brussels, Prague, Berlin): a lot to see but fewer potential users. Light blue areas: low D, low S Ochre areas (most of Italy, Cyprus, Manchester, Bratislava): a very high pressure compared to resources Policies are needed to “upgrade” –All regions would want to be green, red, or pink
AP Russo - ESPON seminar6 CPV: large urban areas + Highlands, Estonia, Aragon CP: secondary cities CV: rural areas PV: (post)-industrial cities C: secondary urban centres, rural areas P: smaller production clusters V: mostly coastal tourism destinations POLICY RULE: develop unfocused cultural functions!
AP Russo - ESPON seminar7 Cross-thematic analysis: main results Interesting relation between urban structure and cultural attributes Culture as a socio-economic determinant Cultural excellence vs. competitiveness (Lisbon Strategy) Cultural excellence vs. competitiveness (Lisbon Strategy) Other territorial features analysed vs. culture: –Vulnerability –Accessibility –Diversity
AP Russo - ESPON seminar8 Key policy implications LOCAL LEVEL: –Improve regional positioning with respect to regional categories through targeted strategies (e.g. “matrix of tourism development goals”) REGIONAL / NATIONAL LEVEL: –Development policies based on cultural potentials (see cross-thematic maps) EU LEVEL: –Standardised inventoring of cultural data and integration of cultural data in EU databases
SUPPLY OF HERITAGE RESOURCES POTENTIAL DEMAND FOR HERITAGE RESOURCES “Balance” High P, high S Potential for valorisation of heritage High P, low S Heritage at risk (excess demand pressure) Low P, low S Cultural capacity deficit Low P, high S Under-exploitation of heritage Reduce pressure levels (e.g. extreme protection) Create “alternative” cultural products to satisfy existing demand Capacity building: increase “new” cultural assets and use them in regional promotion strategies Increase demand (higher gear in cultural marketing)
AP Russo - ESPON seminar10 Open issues for ESPON 2013 Database homogenisation –Data formats and methods: a template for EU data accounting? –Culture monitor as a structural ESPON activity Extension in time/space/content –Obtain time series –Analyse eastern/southern borders of Europe Social “embedding” of culture Causal relations / dynamic modelling From spatial analysis to (transversal and sectoral) policy directives e.g. tourism