Paul Roberts – TIF Technical Manager Presentation to the TPS – 3 June 2009
Outline of presentation Growing demand for travel – particularly by car The impacts of increasing congestion on Traffic conditions Economy Leeds City Centre Buses Lessons from Manchester The emerging strategy Schemes Policies Funding
Demand for car travel FlowAM peak hour 2006 AM peak hour 2016 % increase PM peak hour 2006 PM peak hour 2016 % increase Total trips 89,700105,00017%89,900104,40016% Trips to city centre 17,60019,36010%8,40011,50037% Trips to city centre from beyond ORR 8,1009,10012%3,3004,30030% Trips from city centre 8,00011,30041%16,40019,90021%
Baseline: Growth in peak period Traffic growth
Distribution of congestion Within city centre To and from the M621 Around inner loop road On and around Inner Ring Road junctions On most radial approaches to the city centre and at key radial and Orbital junctions Junctions along ring road
Key: Dotted line: current 20 minute drive time. Shaded green: Future reduction in accessibility due to increasing congestion Contracting catchments
Buses (main mode for attracting car users) Downward trend in bus use Growth in congestion leads to Greater unreliability Slower journey times In combination with other global factors Fares increases Service reductions Reduced patronage
Do Minimum summary Growth in congestion – scale, time and locations – especially in and around city centre Traffic impacts Increases in journey times, queues, variability Deteriorating environment and air quality Increased business costs and reduced markets/opportunities Significant reduction in city centre catchments (and to other key attractors) Trip suppression/peak spreading Many planned new jobs not delivered (12,000 less by 2021) A contracting and more expensive bus network (requiring more subsidy) with contracting patronage
Lessons from Manchester City wide pricing scheme cannot be the main policy lever Non-fiscal demand management must be part of solution Road pricing may be part of the solution if it is targeted, when and where it may be needed Must demonstrate significant benefits (net cost of a charge less than the impacts of doing nothing about congestion) Package needs effective messages and marketing Bus improvements need to be deliverable (and include fares) Must have a more ‘acceptable’ package with more winners Need wide ranging set of objectives
Revised objectives Delivering the Leeds City Centre Vision Support the economy (within Leeds and the Region) Narrowing the gap Reduce congestion Sustainable city Quality of Life Make Leeds an attractive option for post-recession investment Raise the importance of transport investment/policy with decision makers
Background to a new Transport Strategy for Leeds 1991 Strategy served its purpose Produce an updated 20 year Transport Strategy for Leeds Needs to have identified funding streams Focus on Phased approach to investment/policy Construction schemes Public transport networks Policy Funding
Emerging Strategy Four main strands Mode transfer aimed at most significant numbers of trips into city centre, but in particular commuting and shopping trips From outside ORR – rail, park and ride From inside ORR – bus network, ngt, cycle, walk Mode transfer for commuting/education trips to the edge of city centre (rim/Aire Valley) Public transport through interchange in city centre Reduce through car traffic in city centre and within ORR Mode transfer for local short distance trips Accommodate longer distance orbital highway trips on orbital roads – local additional orbital capacity (at key junctions)
Pricing options More acceptable to stakeholders and public Targeted scheme Trial and/or phasing Wider range of benefits economy businesses (small, medium and large) climate health quality of place retail public transport Pricing in combination with other demand management measures
Reduce CC impact of cars More bus priority New bus and rail P&R Already approved Eg NGT Smarter choices, fares and ticketing improvements Parking policy Full package City centre fiscal measures New NGT routes Rail package Area wide fiscal measures Tipping point for fiscal demand management Orbital highway upgrade Deliver city centre vision Support the economy Reduce congestion Narrow the gap Sustainable city Quality of life Bus network Cycle network New city centre hubs Emerging transport strategy Land use policy
Funding Options Willingness to create a ‘Leeds Transport Fund’ We will be assessing Regional Funding Allocations – transport and non-transport Highways Agency and Network Rail funding streams Non-transport budgets EU funds TIF - capital Road pricing - revenue Planning Gain Pooling transport income streams Accelerated Development Zones Options for changes to rates Budget co-ordination, phasing and certainty – A ‘resourced’ Transport Plan