Arifa Lodhi and Badar Ghauri Pakistan Space And Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPPARCO), P. O. Box 8402, University Road, Karachi-75270, Pakistan AEROSOL ANALYSIS AND SOURCE APPORTIONMENT IN URBAN AREA, LAHORE PAKISTAN
Presentation Overview Air Quality Monitoring Results of four winter studies (1999, 2000, 2001, 2005) Source Apportionment-Application of SO 4 2- /Se Tracer technique, Statistics analysis, Factor analysis Local and distant source identification Future plans
Sampling Location Aerosol Samples were collected at Lahore, which is the capital of Punjab and the second largest city in Pakistan with a population of 7 million. Sampling Details Aerosol Sampling (PM2.5) was carried out during last few winters on following Dates: 1. January December 25-31, 1999 and January 1-8, January sampling interval was 5 min. 4. Nov to Dec. 9, 2005 During winter, northeastern Pakistan is under the influence of a high-pressure system resulting in dry weather and low wind speeds. These conditions are ideal for accumulation of pollutants in the atmosphere. SUPARCO OFFICE WaghaBhati Gate Lhr. Cantt Township
METHODOLOGY (i)The samples were collected on 47-mm Zelfluor (Teflon) filters using Millipore Swinex holder trains. (ii)Thermo Electron Corporation RAAS PM2.5 Aerosol Sampler (iii) Black Carbon/Elemental Carbon and Organic Carbon Magee Scientific Model AE21 Aethalometer Analysis Carried out for following parameters (Wadsworth Center, NY State Department of Health) a)Anions & Cations (Ion Chromatograph) b)Trace and Toxic metal (ICP-MS)
Mean Concentration and Range of Trace Species STUDY 1 January S.No.SpeciesMeanMaxMin 1 SO NO Cr Sc Fe Zn Se As Sb Concentrations of SO 4 2-, NO 3-, are in µg/m 3, other in ng/m 3.
S.No.SpeciesMeanMaxMin 1 SO 4 2- a NO 3 - a SO 2 a Se As Sb Cu Zn Pb Al Fe Ca Mg Cr Mn Co Ni a Concentrations of SO 4 2-, NO 3-, and SO 2 are in µg/m 3, other in ng/m 3. STUDY 2 25 December 1999 to 8 th January 2000 Mean Concentration and Range of Trace Species the two sampling time intervals of 6 hour periods from 0800 to 1400 and 1400 to 2000 hours followed by a 12 hour over night period from 2000 to 0800 hours.
Date (2001) Time zone Mean SO 2- 4 (µg/m3 ) Se conc. (ng/m 3 ) January 9 08:00-10: :00-13: January 10 00:00-02: :00-10: :00-13: January 11 00:00-01: :00-09: Summary of 5-min aerosol measurements at Lahore, Pakistan, during January 2001
Concentration (µg/m 3 ) of black carbon at Lahore Date (2005) Min.BC Max. BC Avg. BC Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov
Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Concentration (µg/m 3 ) of black carbon at Lahore
STUDY 4 Nov to Dec. 9, 2005 Time series showing filter mass and BC Concentrations in Lahore, Pakistan
CITYYEARBLACK CARBON Kanpur, India (Tripathi et al) Five cities of Bangladesh (Salam et al) to 41.3 (EC) Beijing, China (He at al) 2001 and (EC) Measurement of EC in other cities in China by various groups. 2003, 2005, to 11.8 (EC) Mumbai, India (Venkataraman) (EC) Dhaka Lahore New York2002<2 London Concentrations (ug/m3) of Black Carbon/Elemental Carbon in Metropolitan Areas
STUDY 1 January SOURCE EVALUATION OF CHEMICAL SPECIES Application of Tracer technique STUDY 2 25 December 1999 to 8 th January 2000 Concentrations in ug/m 3 of SO 4 2-, NO 3 -, Se, As, and Sb in 12 hour samples at Lahore, Pakistan.
Five-min aerosol concentrations of (a) SO 4 -2 (nmoles/m3) and (b) Se (pmoles/m3) at Lahore, Pakistan on January 9, The inverted solid triangles in (b) represents the detection limit for Se is approx. 20(pmoles/m3). The SO 4 -2 /Se ratios are shown in (c). (L. Husain et al 2004 ) STUDY 3 January In January 2001 the sampling interval was 5 min.
Sulfate was good correlated with Se and not with any element indicating their common source, most likely coal combustion The SO4/Se ratios vary from ~1800 to 10,000 with a mean of 4070 are in the range typically observed at sites in the US and indicative of substantial contributions to sulfate concentration due to the oxidation of SO 2. The sulphate/Se ratio were suggestive of longe-range transport from several hundred kms Application of Tracer technique
STUDY 1 January S.No.Species Factor 123 1Fe Sc Cr Sb As Zn SO Se NO Rotated Factor Analysis of Aerosol Data Factor loadings less than 0.4 have been omitted. Statistics analysis
S.No.Species Al Mg Fe Co Cr Mn Ca Ni As Pb Sb Zn SO NO Se Cu Rotated Factor Analysis of Aerosol Data Factor loadings less than 0.4 have been omitted STUDY 2 25 December 1999 to 8 th January 2000
ElementCrustal concentration (ppm) Aerosol concentration (ng/m 3 ) EF a R2R2 Al Fe Ca Mn Cr Ni Co Zn Cu Pb Se As Sb Crustal Enrichment Factors of Trace Elements a Enrichment factor =(Xair/Alair)(Xcrust/Alcrust) STUDY 2 25 December 1999 to 8 th January 2000
Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX):
The high levels of pollutants especially aerosol sulfate concentration were observed may be due to local sources and extensive coal utilization of coal in Indian power plants. The high levels of pollutants especially aerosol sulfate concentration were observed may be due to local sources and extensive coal utilization of coal in Indian power plants. The high level of BC may be due local activities such as frequent garbage burning, diesel combustion, sugar mill and bick kilin activities around the city. The high level of BC may be due local activities such as frequent garbage burning, diesel combustion, sugar mill and bick kilin activities around the city. A detailed scientific investigation of aerosol chemistry has been initiated at multiple sites in Lahore A detailed scientific investigation of aerosol chemistry has been initiated at multiple sites in Lahore The control measures are required to be placed because of potential threat to the inhabitants of the region where millions of people live. The control measures are required to be placed because of potential threat to the inhabitants of the region where millions of people live. Conclusion and Future plans