Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition Chapter 4 Telecommunications, the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets 1
Principles and Learning Objectives A telecommunications system has many fundamental components that must be carefully selected and work together effectively to enable people to meet personal and organization objectives Identify and describe the fundamental components of a telecommunications system including media and hardware devices Identify several network types and describe the uses and limitations of each Name three basic processing alternatives for organizations that require two or more computer systems and discuss their fundamental features Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives (continued) The Internet and the Web provide a wide range of services, some of which are effective and practical for use today, others are still evolving, and still others will fade away from lack of use Briefly describe how the Internet works, including alternatives for connecting to it and the role of Internet service providers Describe how the World Wide Web works and the use of Web browsers, search engines, and other Web tools Identify and briefly describe several applications associated with the Internet and the Web Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives (continued) Because use of the Internet and World Wide Web is becoming universal in the business environment, management, service and speed, privacy, and security issues must continually be addressed and resolved Outline a process and identify tools used to create Web content Define the terms intranet and extranet and discuss how organizations are using them Identify several issues associated with the use of networks Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
An Overview of Telecommunications The electronic transmission of signals for communications Telecommunications medium Any material substance that carries an electronic signal to support communications between a sending and receiving device Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
An Overview of Telecommunications (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Channel Bandwidth The rate at which data is exchanged Broadband communications A telecommunications system that can exchange data very quickly Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Communications Media Guided transmission media types Many utilities, cities, and organizations are experimenting with broadband over power lines (BPL) Wireless technologies Broadcast of communications in one of three frequency ranges: microwave, radio, and infrared Near Field Communication (NFC) Bluetooth Ultra wideband (UWB) Wi-Fi Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Communications Media (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Communications Media (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Telecommunications Hardware Devices include: Modems, multiplexers, PBXs and front-end processors that enable electronic communications to occur or occur more efficiently Switches, bridges, routers and gateways Devices for sending packets of data through one or more networks Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Telecommunications Hardware (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Services Digital subscriber line (DSL) Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) line Telecommunications service that delivers high-speed Internet access to homes and small businesses over the existing phone lines Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) line Does not require an additional phone line and yet provides “always-on” Internet access Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Enables voice conversations to be converted into packets of data that can be sent over a data network Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Services (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Services (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Services (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Networks and Distributed Processing Computer network Communications media, devices, and software needed to connect two or more computer systems and/or devices Network nodes Computers and devices on the networks Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Network Types Personal area network (PAN) Local area network (LAN) Wireless network that connects information technology devices within a range of 33 feet or so Local area network (LAN) Connects computer systems and devices within a small area, such as an office Metropolitan area network (MAN) Connects users and their computers in a geographical area Wide area network (WAN) Connects large geographic regions Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Network Types (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Distributed Processing Centralized processing All processing occurs in a single location or facility Decentralized processing Processing devices are placed at various remote locations Distributed processing Computers are placed at remote locations but connected to each other via a network Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Client/Server Systems Multiple computer platforms are dedicated to special functions, such as: Database management, printing, communications, and program execution Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Communications Protocols Set of rules that govern the exchange of information over a communications channel Protocols Govern several levels of a telecommunications network Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Communications Software Network operating system (NOS) Systems software that controls the computer systems and devices on a network and allows them to communicate with each other Network management software Simplifies the process of updating files and programs on computers on the network Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Use and Functioning of the Internet Collection of interconnected networks, all freely exchanging information ARPANET Ancestor of the Internet A project started by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in 1969 Internet Protocol (IP) Enables traffic to be routed from one network to another as needed Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
How the Internet Works Packets Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Carry the addresses of its sender and its receiver Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Widely used transport-layer protocol used in combination with IP Backbone One of the Internet’s high-speed, long-distance communications links Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Assigned address Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
How the Internet Works (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
How the Internet Works (continued) Accessing the Internet Internet access is not distributed evenly Connect via LAN server Used by businesses that manage a LAN Connect via dial-up Requires a modem that allows the computer to use standard phone lines Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
How the Internet Works (continued) Connect via an online service High-speed services provide data transfer rates between 1 and 7 Mbp Connect wirelessly Thousands of public Wi-Fi services are available in coffee shops, airports, hotels, and elsewhere Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
How the Internet Works (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Internet Service Providers Any company that provides individuals or organizations with access to the Internet Most charge a monthly fee Many ISPs and online services Offer broadband Internet access through digital subscriber lines (DSLs), cable, or satellite transmission Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Internet Service Providers (continued) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
The World Wide Web A hyperlink-based system that uses the client/server model Organizes Internet resources throughout the world into a series of linked file Tools: Web browser, Web portal, Web plug-ins Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Standard page description language for Web pages Extensible Markup Language (XML) Markup language for Web documents containing structured information containing various elements Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Web 2.0 and the Social Web The Web as a computing platform that supports software applications and the sharing of information between users Rich Internet application Software that has the functionality and complexity of traditional application software, but does not require local installation and runs in a Web browser Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Web Programming Languages Java Object-oriented programming language from Sun Microsystems based on C++ Allows small programs (applets) to be embedded within an HTML document Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Developing Web Content Products that simplify the creation of a Web page .NET platform Bubbler Homestead QuickSites JobSpot Mash-up: Programs and procedures combining two or more Web applications into a new service Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Web Services Standards and tools that streamline and simplify communication among Web sites XML is key to Web services Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Internet and Web Applications Search engines and Web research Search engine Enables you to find information on the Web Scours the Web with bots that follow all Web links in an attempt to catalog every Web page by topic Important businesses tool used to drive visitors to Web sites Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
E-Mail, Instant Messaging, and Video Chat No longer limited to simple text messages Instant messaging Online, real-time communication between two or more people who are connected to the Internet Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Career Information and Job Searching Search engines Can be a good starting point for searching for specific companies or industries Some sites Can help you develop a résumé and find a good job Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Telnet, SSH, and FTP Telnet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Network protocol that enables users to log on to networks remotely over the Internet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Protocol that supports file transfers between a host and a remote computer Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Web Log (Blog), Video Log (Vlog), and Podcasting Web site that people can create and use to write about their observations, experiences, and feelings Video log (vlog) Video content placed on the Internet using the same overall approach as a blog Podcast Audio broadcast over the Internet Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Chat Rooms Facility that enables two or more people to engage in interactive “conversations” over the Internet Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Requires participants to type their conversation rather than speak Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Internet Phone and Videoconferencing Services Internet phone service Enables you to communicate with others around the world Internet videoconferencing Supports both voice and visual communications Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Social Networks Provide Web-based tools for users to: Share information about themselves with people on the Web MySpace and Facebook Popular social networking sites LinkedIn Social network that allows professionals to find others who work in the same field Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Media Sharing Provide methods for members to store and share digital media files on the Web YouTube Flickr Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Content Streaming Method for transferring multimedia files, radio broadcasts, and other content over the Internet so that the data stream plays continuously Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Shopping on the Web Bot (intelligent agent) Software tool that searches the Web for information, products, or prices Can find the best prices or features from multiple Web sites Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Web Auctions A way to connect buyers and seller Web auction sites Place where businesses are growing their markets or reaching customers for a low cost per transaction Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Music, Radio, Video, and TV on the Internet Hot growth areas on the Internet Music, radio, and video Radio broadcasts are now available on the Internet Video and TV are also becoming available on the Internet Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Office on the Web Internet office Web site that contains files, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, an appointment calendar, and more Allows your desktop computer, phone books, appointment schedulers, and other important information to be with you wherever you are Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Other Internet Services and Applications Internet services are constantly emerging Libraries Critical information during times of disaster or terrorism Critical medical information Translation Distance learning Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Intranets and Extranets Internal corporate network built using Internet and World Wide Web standards and products Extranet Network that links selected resources of the intranet with customers, suppliers, or other business partners Virtual private network (VPN) Secure connection between two points on the Internet Tunneling VPNs transfer information by encapsulating traffic in IP packets and sending the packets over the Internet Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Net Issues Management issues Service and speed issues No centralized governing body controls the Internet Service and speed issues Traffic volume on company intranets is growing even faster than the Internet Privacy, fraud, security, and unauthorized Internet sites Unauthorized and unwanted Internet sites are also problems some companies face Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Summary Telecommunications Telecommunications media Network types Electronic transmission of signals for communications, including telephone, radio, and television Telecommunications media Guided transmission media and wireless media Network types Personal area network (PAN) Local area network (LAN) Metropolitan area network (MAN) Wide area network (WAN) Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Summary (continued) The Internet started with ARPANET Internet service provider Any company that provides access to the Internet The Web A collection of independently owned computers that work together as one Web programming languages Java, JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, and Hypertext Preprocessor Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition
Summary (continued) Intranet Extranet Internal corporate network built using Internet and World Wide Web standards and products Extranet Network that links selected resources of the intranet of a company with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners Fundamentals of Information Systems, Fifth Edition