National Center for Technological Literacy Museum of Science, Boston Patti Curtis The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown are not an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.
Definitions: Technology: Anything human-made or used to solve a problem or fulfill a desire. Technology can be an object, a system, or a process. Engineering: A problem-solving process called the Engineering Design Process Designing under constraint
Inquiry - Design Scientific InquiryEngineering Design Formulate a question.Define a problem. Research how others have answered it.Research how others have solved it. Brainstorm hypotheses and choose one.Brainstorm solutions and select one. Conduct an experiment.Create and test a prototype. Modify hypothesis based on results.Redesign solution based on tests. Draw conclusion, write paper.Finalize design, make drawings. Submit paper for peer review.Present optimal solution to client. Ask new questionDefine new problem.
NAE: K-12 Engineering Potential Benefits: improved learning & achievement in science & mathematics; increased awareness of engineering ; ability to engage in engineering design; interest in engineering as a career; and, increased technological literacy - the ability to use technology Recommendation: more research needed
NAE: K-12 Engineering Standards? limited experience, not enough teachers significant barriers to new stand-alone standards Alternatives: infuse INTO existing or revised standards map big ideas in engineering ONTO existing subjects Recommendations: develop core ideas, guidelines for instructional materials large scale survey of K-12 engineering cognitive research on engineering concepts States with Engineering in Science Standards: MA, TN, IN, NH, RI, OR, WA, …
Next Generation Science Standards National Research Council developing Framework Achieve to develop standards Funded by Carnegie Corporation includes Engineering practices
Engineering Education for Innovation Act (E2 bill) To support efforts to integrate engineering education into K–12 classrooms and to fund evaluation research of same –Planning Grants –Implementation Grants –Evaluation Grants via IES Sponsors: Rep. Tonko & Sen. Gillibrand
Engineering is Elementary Lesson 1: Engineering Story Lesson 2: Broader View of Engineering Lesson 3: Scientific Experiment, Data Lesson 4: Engineering Design Challenge
Building Math – Middle School Integrate engineering & algebra 3 units - grades 6, 7, 8 3 design challenges, 2 weeks each Integrate engineering & algebra 3 units - grades 6, 7, 8 3 design challenges, 2 weeks each
Student-friendly First-person stories from a diverse cadre of engineers and technicians Engineering, science, and math concepts embedded in real case studies Student-friendly First-person stories from a diverse cadre of engineers and technicians Engineering, science, and math concepts embedded in real case studies Engineering the Future Engineering the Future
Resources National Center for Technological Literacy E-News Technology & Engineering Curricula (standards-based, teacher-reviewed) Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) Learning Science in Informal Environments NCTL T&E Rationale Video g1_6QCWU&feature=related g1_6QCWU&feature=related