Welcome Event 28 April 2009 Paul Greatrix
The University in Brief Overview Purpose Governance Management Organisation Other issues
University Overview >35,500 students >6,700 postgraduates >5,300 staff 9 applications per place >£400m turnover THE Entrepreneurial University of the year 2008/09 Truly international – China and Malaysian Campuses >7,300 international students studying in the UK
Current Position Research Assessment Exercise % of all research classed as ‘international standard’ - 60% ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ - moved up from 14 th in 2001 to 7 th in 2008 Teaching Quality (27 excellent) National League Tables – The Times 16th International League Tables – Shanghai 82 out of 500 Financially sound/well managed
Purpose and Values (1) (extract from the University Plan ) The University of Nottingham is committed to excellence in the advancement and communication of knowledge. It will consolidate its position as a world class institution sustaining research and teaching activities of the highest standards. Curiosity-driven research will be pursued across a broad subject portfolio and the University will provide programmes for students which reflect its commitment to a varied, accessible and stimulating learning environment, capable of developing students’ knowledge, skills and employability. Research excellence lies at the core of our mission because we believe this defines a world-class university and provides the best context for excellent teaching. We aim to be truly international because we believe this is the key to success, in terms of the quality of our research and our graduates, in the 21 st century.
Purpose and Values (2) (extract from the University Plan ) The University in pursuing its mission endorses the following values: Learning and knowledge as important for their own sake and for their social and economic benefit The provision of teaching led by staff who are active in and renowned for their research and committed to the dissemination of knowledge in their subjects The academic freedom of all staff as a pre-requisite for engaging in research and teaching of the highest quality The benefits of an international dimension to research and learning The active promotion of equality of access and opportunity for staff and students Support students in engaging with productive non-academic activity Paying due regard to ethical requirements and the responsibilities of the University towards the range of communities in which it is embedded and with which it is engaged
Who are the Russell Group? Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Edinburgh Glasgow Imperial College, London King’s College, London Leeds London School of Economics Liverpool Manchester Newcastle Nottingham Oxford Sheffield Southampton University College, London Warwick Queens
Organisation of the University Aims of the University: “The Advancement of Knowledge, the Diffusion and Extension of Arts Sciences and Learning the Provision of Liberal Professional and Technical Education” Chartered institution since 1948: –“both a teaching and examining body” –“to provide instruction in such branches of learning as the University may see fit” –“to make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge” Translation of the Charter: –Statutes –Ordinances –Regulations
Governance of the University - Council supreme and executive governing body reduced in size in 1998 – another review under way majority independent (lay) members Members: Officers (Chancellor, Pro-Chancellors, Vice-President, Treasurer) Vice-Chancellor & Pro-Vice-Chancellors Senate (8) Independent Members (12) Alumni Representatives (2) Students (2) Council elects its President and Vice-President
Safety Committee Committee for Special Appointments † Statutory Safety Committee †reports to Council when appropriate **also reports to Senate e-Learning/e-Knowledge Committee reports to MB (via PVC), ISSB and Learning & Teaching Committee Consultative Committee for Support Staff † Salary Review Committees Audit Committee Remuneration Committee Honorary Degrees Sifting Committee Environment Committee Careers Advisory Board Management Board** Council Strategy & Planning Committee Equality & Diversity Committee ** Nominations Committee Joint Consultative Committee (UCU) † Finance Committee Student Equality & Diversity Advisory Group Staff Equality & Diversity Advisory Group Information Services Strategy Board Space Management Committee Military Education Committee
Powers of Council To be the employer To confer titles and honorary degrees To draft/enact Statutes To manage financial affairs, including investment and property, authorise buildings and borrow funds against property To enter into contracts To review instruction and teaching and to make provision for research To redress grievances
Governance of the University - Senate responsible for the academic business of the University subject to Statutes and Ordinances regulates instruction and teaching promotes research appoints Deans reports to Council on academic matters can declare an opinion on any matter relating to the University formulates academic organisation
Senate Members: Vice-Chancellor Pro-Vice-Chancellors Deans Heads of Schools Professors who are not Heads of Schools (10) Chief Information Officer Chair of Wardens Non-Professorial Staff representatives Research Staff representatives UNU President and 7 students Governance of the University - Senate
Equality & Diversity Committee ** Staff Equality & Diversity Advisory Group **also reports to Council # also reports to MB (via PVC) and ISSB Student Equality & Diversity Advisory Group Academic Boards Humanities: Arts, Social Sciences, Education Science & Engineering Board of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences e-Learning/e-Knowledge Committee# Learning & Teaching Committee Senate Research Committee Management Board ** Strategy Groups Biomedical Research Committee European Research Engineering & Physical Sciences Food, Agriculture, Veterinary, Environmental & Rural Strategy Group Humanities & Social Sciences Informatics, Communication & Modelling Strategy Group Knowledge Transfer & Innovation Strategy Group Regional Strategy Group Academic Appeals Committee Transnational Education Committee Military Education Committee Careers Advisory Board Space Management Committee Environment Committee Postgraduate Strategy Committee Senate Disciplinary Committee Promotions Committee Student Affairs Committee
Vice-Chancellor - Academic Administration -Committee Services -Planning & MI -Student Administration -Student Support Services -Physical Recreation -Governance Support - Finance - Research Innovation Services -Procurement -Internal Audit -Safety -Superannuation - Customer Services -IT Systems - Research & Learning Resources - Marketing -Communications - Development Office MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Registrar Chief Financial Officer Nottingham Hospitality Estate OfficeChief Information Officer External Relations Group Pro-Vice-Chancellors Deans of Faculties & of Graduate School Human Resources Staff & Educational Development Unit Lakeside Widening Participation Active Communities International Office Heads of Schools
ACADEMIC ORGANISATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM The University has five Faculties, which consist of the following Schools: Arts Social Sciences, Law & Education ScienceEngineering Medicine & Health Sciences American & Canadian Studies English Studies History Humanities Modern Languages & Cultures CELE Built Environment Nottingham University Business School Contemporary Chinese Studies Economics Education Geography Law Politics & International Relations Sociology & Social Policy Institute of Science & Society Institute for Work, Health & Organisations Biosciences Chemistry Computer Science Mathematical Sciences Pharmacy Physics & Astronomy Psychology Chemical & Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing Engineering The 4 individual Schools were replaced by an integrated Faculty model from 1 August 2008 Biology Biomedical Sciences Clinical Sciences Community Health Sciences Graduate Entry Medicine & Health Molecular Medical Sciences Nursing, Midwifery & Physiotherapy Veterinary Medicine & Science
HE: the National Picture Government funding issues (at a time of economic challenge) Research concentration? Widening Participation Expectations of investment in science and innovation Higher fees for students? Raising standards Accountability Employer engagement Internationalisation (but new regulation) Even more economic challenges
University: future developments (to pick a few at random) Research Excellence Framework (REF, was RAE) Development and Alumni relations Internal communications and intranet Enhancing the student experience Further administrative efficiencies, including via IT developments Refinement of planning and budgeting Revising the University Plan Mobility - students and staff Developing tomorrow’s leaders Getting the best out of all our staff Developing support for the international campuses …all of these will involve all of us, one way or another