Information Commons 8 March 2005
Institutional Objectives and the Information Commons UWF Strategic Plan: Goal 1 Promote programs and activities, and learning and living environments that encourage the development of individual potential in students, faculty, and staff; communities of learners; and the valuing of lifelong learning.
“Dealing with the Future Now” Guskin, A. & Marcy, M. (2003, July/August). Dealing with the future now: principles for creating a vital campus in a climate of restricted resources. Change 35(4), Article recommended by Provost Sandra Flake for use in Leadership Series: Brown Bag Discussions of Current Issues in Higher Education (2005, February 2)
“Dealing with the Future Now” “One area that should undergo significant internal restructuring – as well as assignment to a more prominent role in educational delivery – is the library.”
“Dealing with the Future Now” “The academic library is rapidly becoming part of an elaborate network of information provision and an essential portal for students and faculty to access global information resources.”
“Dealing with the Future Now” “The library of the future will need to become a true learning center for students and faculty, where available information- technology resources are centrally and efficiently integrated to further student learning and to facilitate faculty and staff transformation.”
“Dealing with the Future Now” “A transformed library will constitute both the symbolic and concrete heart of a learning- centered campus.”
University of Iowa “central support and delivery venue for courseware development, classroom instruction, health-related research, and independent learning”
Iowa – Information Commons
Indiana University “Where students can work on class assignments from start to finish!” ITS and Access Staff share work and service space. Clearly delineated reference sources and Reference desk Multimedia and writing assistance; reference
J. Murray Atkins Library University of North Carolina -Charlotte The mission of the Library's Information Commons – integrate in design and function the spaces, informational resources, technological resources, production resources, and support services – patrons experience a seamless environment for contemplating, planning, researching and bringing to finished product their academic, intellectual and, at times, personal work.
J. Murray Atkins Library Vision aspires to provide dynamic, integrative access to appropriate spaces, informational and technological resources, informational and production support services for current and changing student and non- student, faculty, staff and community users, whether these patrons are on campus or remote.
J. Murray Atkins Library UNC - Charlotte – Information Desk - first service point, policies, hours, reservation of study rooms; – Instructional Services - patron instruction for use of library informational resources – Presentation Support Services - patron user support for public computer hardware and software, including scanning and multimedia labs – Reference Services - Provides informational resource assistance with all levels of research for all formats – Research Data Services - Provides informational resource assistance with large data files (Census, ICPSR, etc.), including specialized software (SPSS) and formats (maps, graphs, etc.
J. Murray Atkins Library UNC - Charlotte Information Commons ( Highlights) Enhanced Reference Services – and virtual chat reference, including decision to participate in the ASERL consortium for virtual reference services (Question Point). Liaison Librarians migrated class web pages to the new web interface. The class web pages are now in a database format, allowing patrons to look up those pages by class or instructor. Offered fall and spring final exam week extended hours until 2:00 a.m. Refined system for booking and administering Library Group study rooms
Circulation Provide quality patron services including: – Circulation & reserve services – Laptop checkout for faculty, staff, & students – Audio-visual checkout – Collection of audio-visual formats available for checkout – Cross train to answer automation and reference questions
Reference Provide quality patron services including: – Reference assistance, informational,& directional assistance – Online assistance – Web design and multimedia assistance – Cross train to answer automation and circulation questions Reference
Technology Provide quality patron services including: – Maintenance of library servers & computers – Technology and program assistance for patrons – Multi-media production assistance – Evaluation of new programs and equipment – Cross train to answer reference and circulation questions Technology
Heart of the University Information Commons combines the best in patron services with integrated service from Circulation, Reference, and Technology.