ONS Bucks-Montgomery County Chapter # Where Oncology Nurses Connect
Welcome and announcements Please silence pagers and cell phones Please silence pagers and cell phones Please take conversations outside as they are disruptive to the attendees and speaker Please take conversations outside as they are disruptive to the attendees and speaker
Congress announcements San Diego, May 13-16, 2010 San Diego, May 13-16, 2010 If you are a speaker at Congress, please let us know. If you are a speaker at Congress, please let us know. Chapter Members Congress Abstract # Poster #409 - Nursing Performance Improvement Council: Contention With Vast Amount Of Data: Improving Patient Outcomes Through The Examination Of Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators And Determining What Is Meaningful Through Hardwiring, Delegation, Technology, A – Catherine Mac Farland Abstract # Poster #409 - Nursing Performance Improvement Council: Contention With Vast Amount Of Data: Improving Patient Outcomes Through The Examination Of Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators And Determining What Is Meaningful Through Hardwiring, Delegation, Technology, A – Thursday, May 13, :00 PM - 5:30 PM Room 6C Thursday, May 13, :00 PM - 5:30 PM Room 6C Jeannie Held-Warmkessel New Horizons in Bladder Cancer Management
Saturday, May 15, :30 PM - 4:00 PM Exhibit Hall D Saturday, May 15, :30 PM - 4:00 PM Exhibit Hall D Intractable Pain: Steps to Comfort Pamela Kedziera Intractable Pain: Steps to Comfort Saturday, May 15, :30 PM - 4:00 PM Room 6F Saturday, May 15, :30 PM - 4:00 PM Room 6F ONS Quality Project Team Leads the Way in Nurse Sensitive Quality Measures for Breast Cancer Patient Elaine Sein ONS Quality Project Team Leads the Way in Nurse Sensitive Quality Measures for Breast Cancer Patient Sunday, May 16, :00 AM – 9:30AM Room 6C Sunday, May 16, :00 AM – 9:30AM Room 6C Radiation Oncology: A Fusion of Advance Technologies and Nursing Care. Cindy Briola Radiation Oncology: A Fusion of Advance Technologies and Nursing Care. Chapter Members Congress
National Office Chatter New look for ONS website New look for ONS website On-line educational opportunities On-line educational opportunities ONS Celebrates 35th Anniversary in 2010! ONS Celebrates 35th Anniversary in 2010! Watch for announcements or sign up to receive Watch for announcements or sign up to receive
Help Plan the 36th Annual Congress Get involved with the 36th Annual Congress in Boston, MA, from May 5–8, 2011 by becoming a member of the planning team. The planning team is schedules, implements, and evaluates educational offerings that address practice issues identified by ONS and based on the needs of its target audience. If you are interested in helping plan the 36th Annual Congress, please by May 6. Get involved with the 36th Annual Congress in Boston, MA, from May 5–8, 2011 by becoming a member of the planning team. The planning team is schedules, implements, and evaluates educational offerings that address practice issues identified by ONS and based on the needs of its target audience. If you are interested in helping plan the 36th Annual Congress, please by May 6.
Develop Your Leadership Skills at LDI Applications are being accepted for this year’s Leadership Development Institute (LDI) in Atlanta, GA, from October 14–17. LDI is a three-day conference and 14-month follow-up designed to produce measurable results. Apply by May 26 to take advantage of this great opportunity. Applications are being accepted for this year’s Leadership Development Institute (LDI) in Atlanta, GA, from October 14–17. LDI is a three-day conference and 14-month follow-up designed to produce measurable results. Apply by May 26 to take advantage of this great opportunity. Leadership Development Institute Leadership Development Institute Applications online Applications online
ONS Foundation Silent Auction Win Cameras, iPods, ONS Membership, Gift Cards and much more in the ONS Foundation Silent Auction! You’ll find all kinds of great prizes in this year’s event. Bid online now or in San Diego at the ONS Foundation booth at Congress. Win Cameras, iPods, ONS Membership, Gift Cards and much more in the ONS Foundation Silent Auction! You’ll find all kinds of great prizes in this year’s event. Bid online now or in San Diego at the ONS Foundation booth at Congress.Bid online nowBid online now
National Healthcare Decisions Day April 16 Is National Healthcare Decisions Day ONS, along with other national, state, and community organizations, is joining an effort to highlight the importance of advanced healthcare decision making— an effort that has culminated in the formal designation of April 16 as National Healthcare Decisions Day. Check out information and tools for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends, and healthcare providers, and execute written advance directives in accordance with state laws. April 16 Is National Healthcare Decisions Day ONS, along with other national, state, and community organizations, is joining an effort to highlight the importance of advanced healthcare decision making— an effort that has culminated in the formal designation of April 16 as National Healthcare Decisions Day. Check out information and tools for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends, and healthcare providers, and execute written advance directives in accordance with state laws.National Healthcare Decisions DayNational Healthcare Decisions Day
May is National Oncology Nurses Month May is National Oncology Nurses Month support oncology nursing awards, grants, and scholarships. Check out Oncology Nursing Month tote bags, t-shirts, mugs, banners, umbrellas, pens, and all kinds of other fun stuff for you and your colleagues. support oncology nursing awards, grants, and scholarships. Check out Oncology Nursing Month tote bags, t-shirts, mugs, banners, umbrellas, pens, and all kinds of other fun stuff for you and your colleagues. Please donate to the Foundation – even a few dollars are important Please donate to the Foundation – even a few dollars are important
Last Chance to Apply for August Certification Tests Applications are due April 21 for the August 2010 administration of OCN®, CBCN® and CPHONTM tests. You’ll save $25 if you apply online (fees are higher for applications submitted by mail or fax). This is the final application deadline for the August certification tests. Applications are due April 21 for the August 2010 administration of OCN®, CBCN® and CPHONTM tests. You’ll save $25 if you apply online (fees are higher for applications submitted by mail or fax). This is the final application deadline for the August certification tests.OCN®, CBCN® and CPHONTM testssave $25OCN®, CBCN® and CPHONTM testssave $25
Certification Renewal Deadlines 2010 candidates who will be renewing by Option 1 (Practice hours + Oncology Nursing Certification Points Renewal Option, or ONC-PRO) June 15, 2010 – Submit your renewal application and ONC-PRO Logs, save $100 on the fee, and be entered to win a lifetime of free certification renewal September 15, 2010 – Submit your renewal application and ONC-PRO Logs and save $100 on the fee October 15, 2010 – The last date to submit your renewal application and ONC-PRO Logs for 2010 renewal.
Bucks-Montgomery Chapter Virtual Community Sign up to: stay connected to chapter stay connected to chapter receive announcements receive announcements read the latest board meeting minutes read the latest board meeting minutes educational opportunities educational opportunities job opportunities job opportunities community outreach programs community outreach programs
Are you Facebook Saave? If so… Then we need you! Contact Lori Fadden Join us on facebook
2011 Open Board Positions President Elect President Elect Director at Large Director at Large Secretary Secretary Legislative Liaison Legislative Liaison If interested If interested Ask any board member what they do Ask any board member what they do contact Linda contact Linda Schiech
2010 Important “Save the Date” Board Meetings Tues- June 8 Tues- Sept 7 Members are welcome to attend
2010 Important “Save the Date” Chapter Programs Thur Thur Wed Wed Thur Thur Wed Wed Thur Thur Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Great opportunity to: Learn Network Have fun Fish Bowl Raffle- chance to win funding for educational conference
Best of ONS Save the Date June 5, 2010 June 5, 2010 Hilton Airport- discount rooms available Hilton Airport- discount rooms available Brochures available Brochures available US postal mail US postal mail Virtual community Virtual community Facebook Facebook
National Safe Handling Awareness Day April 20 th, 2010 April 20 th, 2010 Raising awareness of the occupational risks associated with handling hazardous drugs Raising awareness of the occupational risks associated with handling hazardous drugs review guidelines and safety measures to prevent hazardous drug exposure. review guidelines and safety measures to prevent hazardous drug exposure. Safe Handling CE Webinar Safe Handling CE Webinar registration is open now at registration is open now at Sponsored by Carmel Pharma
Funding Available Download application from Chapter Virtual Community
Community Outreach Activities Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation Sandy Sprint 5K Run/Walk Saturday, April 24, :30 – 11:30 a.m. at Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park anCancerF/sandysprint Komen Philadelphia Race for the Cure Sunday, May 9, :15 a.m. at The Philadelphia Museum of Art
2010 RELAY FOR LIFE Wissahickon Valley May 15-16, 2010; 10am Wissahickon High School 521 Houston Road Ambler, PA 2010 RELAY FOR LIFE Eastern Montgomery County June 18-19, 2010 at Hatboro- Horsham High School stadium 899 Horsham Road Horsham, PA 2010 RELAY FOR LIFE North Penn June 26-27, AM to 10 AM at North Penn High School Track 1340 Valley Forge Road Lansdale, PA Community Outreach Activities
2010 Relay For Life of New Hope June 5, :00AM at New Hope-Solebury High School 180 W. Bridge Street New Hope, PA 2010 Relay For Life of Bensalem June 26, :00 AM at Bensalem High School Stadium 4319 Hulmeville Rd Bensalem, PA Relay For Life of Doylestown June 26th-27th 10:00 at CB West High School 375 West Court St Doylestown, PA 2010 Relay For Life of Fairless Hills June 26, :00 am at Pennsbury High School East Track 705 Hood Blvd Fairless Hills, PA Community Outreach Activities
2010 Bucks-Montgomery Board Cindy Briola- President Cindy Briola- President Kathy MacDonald- Secretary Kathy MacDonald- Secretary Connie Brophy- Treasurer Connie Brophy- Treasurer Carole Sweeney- Director-at-Large Carole Sweeney- Director-at-Large Marie Riehl- Director-at-Large Marie Riehl- Director-at-Large Debbie Baldassarre- Program Chair Debbie Baldassarre- Program Chair Jeannie Smith- Co-Program Chair Jeannie Smith- Co-Program Chair Aisha Reikow- Co-Program Chair Aisha Reikow- Co-Program Chair Marge Townsend- Membership Chair Marge Townsend- Membership Chair Linda Schiech- Nominating Chair Linda Schiech- Nominating Chair Lisa Roman-Fischetti- Achieves Chair Lisa Roman-Fischetti- Achieves Chair Rose Mueller- Legislative Liaison Rose Mueller- Legislative Liaison Joanne Hambleton- Community Outreach Coordinator Joanne Hambleton- Community Outreach Coordinator Lori Fadden- Virtual/Networking Community Administrator Lori Fadden- Virtual/Networking Community Administrator Karen Quinlan- The Best of ONS Liaison Karen Quinlan- The Best of ONS Liaison Jeanne Held-Warmkessel- Immediate Past-President Jeanne Held-Warmkessel- Immediate Past-President
We Want You! To get active in your Chapter To get active in your Chapter Join a committee Join a committee Run for an open board position Run for an open board position Tell us what you want & need Tell us what you want & need Tell us your ideas to improve your chapter Tell us your ideas to improve your chapter
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