1 Emerging Knowledge-Based Business Models Robert M. Shapiro, CEO Meta Software Corporation
2 Meta’s Experience with Managing Knowledge Meta is in the business of unleashing and transferring operational knowledge to help companies improve productivity and save money Our experience shows that decentralized companies that proactively share operational process information : optimize their decision-making abilities achieve both short- and long-term financial gains through ROI and savings on resources Web-based information sharing promotes “virtual team” building and knowledge transparency for optimal re-use and enhancement
3 Web-Based Viewing and Repository Tools Provide multi-site operations with a secure, centralized means for accessing and reviewing process models and simulation results Create forums for “best practice” sharing of operational processes across the multi-site organization Offer “on-call” service, via templates, for support requests, eliminating commitment of dedicated face-to-face resources Provide expert support at a discount from onsite support services
4 Case Study: Applied within a Large Bank’s National Check-Processing Operations Initial Challenges Lack of consistency in process models across the multiple sites Limited opportunity to share models due to geographical distances between sites Face-to-face site visits from internal or external consultants costly and time consuming
5 Case Study: Applied within a Large Bank’s National Check-Processing Operations (continued) Solution/Implementation Joint project (simulation expertise provided by Meta and best practices expertise provided by Global Concepts) to build and implement consistent process models across multiple sites Creation of secure websites and Business Model Repositories (BMR) to house and manage models and simulation results Installation of software, giving site managers the ability to conduct multiple simulation scenario experiments
6 Specific Benefits for the Bank Creates a “virtual team” both within the bank and with external support consultants process models, work arrival patterns, staff scheduling, and simulation results shared across all three organizations BMR promotes information sharing and version control, giving different parties ability to evaluate the consequences of the various decisions Enables ease-of-access to and delivery of expert support Minimizes time and cost of support “Raises the bar” for site productivity and cost performance
7 Components A customized, secure website allowing “one-stop shopping” for support requests. Website/Web Server a unique URL that requires designated users to log in with a username and password Web Viewer a Web browser for viewing models and simulation results Business Model Repository (BMR) a database management system for storing models and simulation results WebEx a Web-based technology allowing remote browser-to-browser meetings; participants in the meetings can “chat,” share applications, or take control of applications on other systems
8 Support Functions After logging on, managers view a structured website offering support selections. View Process Models point and click to review models or results stored on the Web server or Business Model Repository (BMR) Initiate Support Request complete an template that will be sent directly to a designated support resource/expert Conduct Web Consultation link to the WebEx meeting site for real-time, remote interaction with the support resource and/or process team
9 Support Functions (continued) View Simulation Results point and click to review simulation results Review and Comment on Process Models view models and send s to the author with comments Review a Scenario and Run a Simulation interact with the BMR to view scenario results and/or run new scenarios
10 Accessing the Website Point your Web browser to: Click on “yoursite” link and login with: Username: Password: Choose from: Process Models: Workflow models Supplementary Files: Results, instructions, staff sheets, etc.
Reading a Processing Site Check Model on the Web
Preparing to Test Effects of Increased Proof Volume Between 9-10 PM
15 Looking to the Future Captured knowledge is truly dynamic and accessible to multiple areas within the decentralized bank, or for designated outside sources. The bank can manage resources more effectively and plan and implement an effective management strategy. The bank is working toward an enterprise model that maps all processes so they can fully understand their organization.