Michael C. McKenna University of Virginia Sharon Walpole University of Delaware Conferencing
Today’s Goals Review the limited research on conferencing with teachers. Recognize types of conferences and their purposes. Learn about effective conferencing techniques.
Back in School... Conduct a conference with a reluctant teacher employing techniques explored today. Make notes about the experience to share with this group next time. OR Choose one or more of today’s strategies and apply them in several conferences. OR Do both!
What does research tell us? Most of the research on conferencing has concerned principals and other supervisors. Coaching is still too new to offer guidelines that define best practice. Much of the administrator literature provides lessons about what not to do!
Research shows that ineffective conferences tend to … be dominated by the conferencer be focused on narrow concerns provide a teacher with short, prescriptive feedback threaten teacher self-esteem be influenced by an unequal power relationship lack teacher reflection and self-evaluation lack reasoning and critical thinking – Summarized by Blase & Blase (2004)
Effective conferences, on the other hand, entail a set of skills that go beyond the conference itself. Let’s consider them.
Effective Conferencing Skills Conducting a focused observation during which data are gathered Knowing about effective teaching methods Understanding how teaching relates to learning Analyzing data (both from an observation and from assessments) Knowing how to make a conference reflective and nonthreatening – Summarized by Blase & Blase (2004)
Effective Conferencing Skills Applying communication skills: Acknowledging Paraphrasing Summarizing Clarifying Elaborating on information – Summarized by Blase & Blase (2004)
Effective Conferencing Skills Being aware of the teacher’s unique attributes: Stage of development as a teacher Philosophical stance toward instruction Personal and professional background Career status Level of commitment to teaching Receptivity to innovation Personality traits – Summarized by Blase & Blase (2004)
Now let’s focus on coaching!
Five essential features of an effective coaching conversation – Lyons & Pinnell (2001, p. 141) 1.It is tied to a specific event that has just occurred. 2.It takes place in the context of a teacher’s attempt to learn a specific technique or concept. 3.It makes use of specific teacher actions as well as words. 4.It includes reciprocal reflection and constructive dialogue between teacher and coach. 5.It results in new learning and a plan of action to improve teaching.
Three Types of RF Conferences 1. Pre-Conference before a Demonstration Lesson Needs are jointly identified by teacher and coach Gives the coach a chance to model how to plan a lesson Dates are set for both the demo and for a follow-up conference Teacher is reminded to make notes and jot down specific questions. – NCRFTA Coaching Guide, Chapter 6
Three Types of RF Conferences 2. Post-Conference after a Demonstration Lesson Ideally occurs within a few hours of the demo Coach and teacher discuss teacher’s notes and questions (Note the role reversal!) Provides a chance for coach to model how to reflect, adapt, and accept constructive feedback Coach and teacher coplan a lesson that the teacher will conduct – NCRFTA Coaching Guide, Chapter 6
Three Types of RF Conferences 3. Reflection/Post-Conference (conducted after a lesson the coach observes) Might be triggered by assessment data Might be repeated for every teacher at a grade level if data suggest the need Coach prepares by reviewing notes taken during the observation Coach encourages teacher to reflect on the lesson prior to conference Conference is centered on coach’s notes Coach and teacher collaboratively identify areas for improvement, establish informal goals, determine next steps – NCRFTA Coaching Guide, Chapter 6
How should I conference with teachers new to RF? Use the same three conference types, but you might want to embed some strategies used in mentor programs. Let’s look at three.
Three Conferencing Strategies for Teachers New to RF 1. Extending The teacher already possesses some knowledge of the topic Coach may use probe questions to extend thinking Examples: “How do you think seating arrangement affected this activity?” “How do you think the lesson might have gone if you’d tried …?” “Do you remember what you did when …?” – Adapted from Helman (2006)
Three Conferencing Strategies for Teachers New to RF 2. Direct Teaching The teacher possesses little knowledge of the topic Coach uses the conference to introduce a new approach Examples: Define a technique: “Reciprocal teaching is an approach that …” Make a suggestion: “You might try putting the letters on cards.” Tell: “An approach I’ve been successful with is to …” Show how: “Here’s how I’d write up a lesson plan on this.” Elaborate: “You mentioned ___. An additional idea is ___” Explain why: “Using an every-pupil-response approach, like one finger for yes and two for no, will help to monitor who does not understand.” – Adapted from Helman (2006)
Three Conferencing Strategies for Teachers New to RF 3. Focus on Standards and Requirements Coach orients part of the conference around the curriculum Coach uses strategies to focus on standards, objectives, or RF requirements Examples: Questioning: “What was the core objective for this lesson?” Telling: “The Georgia Performance Standard for fluency is …” “Reading First expects us to …” Researching: “I’ll look at the GPS and relate them to the core scope and sequence.” – Adapted from Helman (2006)
How should I conference with reluctant teachers? There’s no sure-fire approach, but RF has some suggestions.
Strategies for Reluctant Teachers Begin by working with teachers who are receptive. Include reluctant teachers in large-group activities (e.g., study groups, grade-level meetings). Check in with reluctant teachers at least once a week. Ask how things are going and what you can do for them. Try having the reluctant teacher observe or coplan with a teacher she or he trusts. But remember that all RF teachers are eventually expected to participate by conferencing with you! – NCRFTA Coaching Guide
Is peer coaching allowed in RF? Yes, and it can be an effective way of making a coach’s efforts go further when it is facilitated and monitored by the coach.
Tips on Conferencing Use nonverbals. Maintain eye contact Lean forward Remain relaxed Keep facial expressions neutral Avoid frequent interruptions. Use nonjudgmental reflection statements that spare feelings “You’ve really tried to incorporate this strategy. No wonder you’re frustrated.” Focus on student learning, not the teacher. POOR: “You weren’t very effective using Strategy A. BETTER: “Let’s see if Strategy B works better with these kids.” – NCRFTA Coaching Guide
Tips on Conferencing Ask open-ended questions that encourage a climate of collaboration “Can you tell me more about …?” “What are your concerns about using this strategy?” Summarize occasionally, especially if the conversation rambles. – NCRFTA Coaching Guide
Tips on Conferencing Remember to listen – and that listening is more than hearing. You must actively process what the teacher says to make sure you understand. You must also provide feedback to the teacher to ensure you’ve gotten it right. Ask the teacher if you can paraphrase (“Let me make sure I understand …”) Adopt the other person’s vocabulary (Don’t dispute terms.) Remember that silence works – don’t feel you must respond immediately. Waiting often leads to more input from the teacher too. A request like “Say some more about that” gives you time to think. Asking “What do you think?” also gives you time to think and honors the teacher’s opinion. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know … let’s find out.” It’s a refreshing admission. Nobody said you were supposed to be a guru! – Based on Toll (2004)
Some GARF assumptions... Conferencing is an important means of providing professional development. Conferencing has the potential to build a positive professional community. Conferencing, because it is linked to more effective practice, is also linked to student achievement.
Coaches’ Corner What advice can you offer other coaches based on conferences you’ve conducted?
National Center for Reading First Technical Assistance. (2005). Improving instructional effectiveness. In An introductory guide for Reading First coaches (Chapter 6). Washington, DC: USDOE. Read pp of this chapter. We’ve summarized the first part of the chapter already; these last pages provide conference scenarios and planning forms that can be very helpful.
What have we learned? How would you respond to each of the eight teacher remarks listed on pp ? Critically evaluate the planning forms on pp Which would be most useful?
Let’s Plan... Reviewing the slides from today’s presentation, select strategies that you think would improve your effectiveness at conferencing. Think through how you might apply them with your teachers.
Back at School... Choose one of your more challenging teachers and plan either pre/post modeling conferences or a conference based on an observation you will conduct. AND/OR Implement the strategies presented today that you have selected to improve your conferencing. THEN Whichever you choose, make notes about your experiences to share next time.
References Helman, L. (2006). What’s in a conversation? Mentoring stances in coaching conferences and how they matter. In B. Achinstein, & S. Z. Athanases (Eds.), Mentors in the making: Developing new leaders for new teachers (pp ). New York: Teachers College Press. Blase, J., & Blase, J. (2004). Handbook of instructional leadership (2nd ed., Chapter 2). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Lyons, C. A., & Pinnell, G. S. (2001). Systems for change in literacy education: A guide to professional development. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. National Center for Reading First Technical Assistance. (2005). Improving instructional effectiveness. In An introductory guide for Reading First coaches (Chapter 6). Washington, DC: USDOE. Toll, C. A. (2005). The literacy coach’s survival guide: Essential questions and practical answers (Chapter 5). Newark, DE: IRA.