The Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011 1 Julian Carroll Managing Director EUROPEN.


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Presentation transcript:

The Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December Julian Carroll Managing Director EUROPEN

Reasons for the project 2 European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011 Sustainability is an essential element of business strategy But… Varying perspectives and levels of understanding of sustainability Use of different metrics to measure sustainability Packaging is critical to this strategy Packaging protects, preserves, promotes the product. But… Consumers perceive over-packaging as a key concern NGOs and Government view packaging as a key focus area when targeting potential gains to sustainability and a positive impact on the environment Consistent measures of sustainability reduce complexity, costs & enable better results Better co-ordinated industry action to address the issues around packaging takes out unnecessary costs, inefficient responses and potential consumer confusion Consumers want consistency of information Industry needs a common business language and commonly used metrics to address packaging sustainability

Deliverables 3 European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011 Guidance on how to improve sustainability of packaging, covering… Role of Packaging Common definitions and principles Packaging sustainability indicators and metrics Common language to measure the sustainability of packaging …enabling Better internal decision making Better trading partner dialogue on packaging improvements Common understanding of packaging’s contribution to sustainability Common understanding of what sustainability means for packaging The Global Packaging Project is based on the EUROPEN/ECR Europe guide «Packaging in the Sustainability Agenda – a guide for corporate decision-makers» and the indicators and metrics framework of the US Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC).

Academic/ Consultant Support Quantis GreenBlue Innventia University of Arkansas University of Minnesota University of Manchester Rochester Institute of Technology 4 European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011 Common industry sustainability language, measures and protocols

How Packaging Can Contribute to Improving Sustainability The Principles of Sustainability The Role of Packaging Framework: The Holistic View 5European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011

Finding balance The optimal package has the right balance between under- and over-packaging. Negative environmental impact Increasing packaging material use Minimum material OverpackagingUnderpackaging Optimum Pack Design Minimum environmental impact Diagram courtesy of Innventia AB 6European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011

The GPPS Framework  Establishes the principles on which the GPPS is based  Explains the role of packaging  Gives background information  Provides a common language for discussing sustainability 7European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011

1.Presents the selected metrics and how to use them 2.Includes descriptions, definitions, and examples 3.Gives links and references to relevant existing metrics, methods, and databases Protocol 8 European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011

The approach  Develop a basket of commonly used metrics to facilitate business discussions throughout the value chain about the sustainability of packaging systems  Use pre-existing internationally recognised metrics where these exist  Include Environmental, Social and Economic metrics  Build on existing work 9European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011

10 European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011

Benefits 11European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011 Clear definition of sustainability Holistic approach to Packaging  Unified approach from industry to sustainability metrics  Cost reduction  Reduced sustainability impacts  Improved consumer perception  Improved decision making  Demonstrate industry-wide leadership for:  Others to emulate  Applying the model to achieve other common goals Globally applicable definition of common packaging sustainability indicators and metrics

GPPS Potential Applications 12European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011  To inform internal decision making  To allow communication between business partners  To facilitate communication with other stakeholders  To provide overall packaging systems evaluations

Enabling Different Levels of Business Decisions 13European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011 Examples of Analysis Level 1Simple analysis, single indicator eg pack weight Level 2Optimization analysis for a functional unit using multiple indicators Level 3Comparative analysis of one or more packaging formats/material for same functional unit Level 4Full system design and analysis to compare packaging formats/material with information on product

GPPS Communication Role 14European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011  Can be for Internal or external Communication  For use in marketing or corporate reporting  External communication will require higher level of accuracy, documentation and transparency of data  Observe existing international guidelines for comparative assertions intended for public disclosure eg ISO LCA Standard, ISO Labels and Declaration Standard, FTC Guidelines  GPPS does not replace existing standards

The GPPS package Where to get it 15European Food SCP Round Table Plenary, Brussels 8 December 2011