Twitter and Facebook and Blogs, Oh My! Social Networking at ILTA ‘09 (#ilta09) Presented by: Jenn Steele IT Director Morrison Mahoney LLP
Agenda Twitter –Getting Started –ILTA ‘09 Use Facebook –Getting Started –ILTA ‘09 Use Wikis Blog –Presenting: The ILTA ‘09 Conference Blog!
Don’t be Stupid Follow firm policies For lawyers: follow advertisement and advice regulations It’s public!
Jenn Steele (me), 8/12/2007 “ I have to admit that I still don’t understand the Twitter thing. I get LinkedIn and LiveJournal and (ugh) MySpace, but Twitter? Totally lost on me. I’ve found my digital divide, I guess… What… is it for, anyhow?” (from
I finally got it 1 st Tweet May 10, nd Tweet March 6, 2008 Haven’t stopped since
What’s the Point? Twitter = Conversation –Short –Asynchronous Twitter = Communication –News Stories –Interesting Links
Still Don’t “Get It”?
How I Use Twitter Keep up with legal trends –Legal landscape is changing! Follow topics at conferences/meetings Ask questions, get ideas Keep up with colleagues 30-second “sanity break”
Stuff You Need to Know Tweet Follow Reply Direct Message (DM)
More Stuff You Need to Know Retweet (RT) Hashtag Search
The Twitter Window
More Twitter Tips Use a Twitter management system (on PDAs, too) Be aware: it’s public Include a picture and bio
Finding and Following People from searches –Management tools allow ongoing searches (e.g., for ilta09 or ilta) Friends and followers of your friends People who follow you Twitter handles on blogs/sites you read Lists of Tweeple in your space Various services (e.g., MrTweet)
Twitter at ILTA ‘ –Announcements –Conversations Follow other ILTAns Social Networking Community of Interest on Sunday Live-Tweet sessions Search for #ilta09 and #ilta
Facebook More social than other tools Blend personal with professional Yes, your kids are probably there already As are some “interesting” folks from high school And probably your Firm’s newer associates!
My Facebook History and Use Joined while co-writing an article on social networking Connect to co-workers, business school classmates Keep up with the “social” side of social networking Younger staff and associates live by it
It’s all about you.
Find people you may know See what your friends are talking about or doing Tell people what you’re up to Search for people or groups
ILTA ‘09 Facebook Use Social/networking site (Facebook Group) Have longer or more casual conversations Post work-appropriate pictures, movies, links, etc. Links to sites of interest & networking events Vendors allowed to join
Wikis “Our Document” Collaboration tool Can revert! ILTA ‘09 panels using to develop content
The ILTA ‘09 Blog
Blog Features Weekly interviews with people who run conference tracks Weekly vendor spotlight Weekly profiles in leadership of ILTA’s Board of Directors, Conference Co- Chairs, and Executive Director Conference announcements and commentary
And now…
Tools Defined General Use Website –Information LinkedIn –Resumé Twitter –Conversation, links Facebook –The water cooler Wiki –Our document Blog –My personal document & ideas ILTA Use Website – Detailed conference information LinkedIn – ILTA Group (limited to ILTAns) Twitter #ilta09) – Conversation, announcements, links Facebook Group – Pictures, casual chat Wiki – Panel collaboration/content development Blog ( – Interviews, spotlights, profiles—“behind the scenes” information
Adding Value for Your Firm External: –Keep up with legal trends –Build relationships with useful people –Build awareness for your firm –Build firm’s reputation Internal: –Collaboration –Building relationships –Knowledge management And many other ways!
Social Networking at ILTA ‘09 Activities and Events: Social Networking Community of Interest on Sunday Live Tweet Board Live Tweeting of Sessions Live Blogging Twitter and Facebook Workshop (Hands-on Session) Educational Sessions: Social Networking: Practical Uses for Your Firm BLOGs: A Discussion of Current Trends, Benefits and Pitfalls Wikis: A Practical Case Study Crossing the Generational Divide: Making the Four Generations in Your Workplace an Economic Advantage
Questions? Resources –TweetDeck: –OutTwit: –Twitter Search: –ILTA ‘09 Social Networking Page: Events/Social-Networking-Links.aspx Events/Social-Networking-Links.aspx –ILTA ‘09 Blog: –ILTA ‘09 Facebook Group: