Science and Environmental Engineering for Secondary (SEES)Grant Regional Partnership Meeting March 26, 2015
SEES Project Purpose The purpose of the SEES Project is to provide secondary science teachers, grades 6-12, with the content and practice necessary to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into their existing science classrooms. Teachers in this project will be able to address each of the dimensions of the NGSS, specifically the Science and Engineering Practices, the Crosscutting Concepts, and the Disciplinary Core Ideas with increasing sophistication for student thinking. Teachers will also be able to incorporate the Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Connection Matrix in the NGSS into their classroom practice.
SEES Project Goals 1.Improve teachers’ knowledge regarding science and engineering integration in NGSS. 2.Improve teachers’ ability to create, adapt, and teach integrated activities using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas emphasizing performance expectations for students. 3.Improve teachers’ self-efficacy in regards to integrated science and engineering subject matter. 4.Improve participating teachers’ and their students’ knowledge and interest level in STEM subjects, specifically science with integrated engineering practices. 5. Improve participating teachers’ leadership skills and provide them with opportunities to demonstrate these skills around science and engineering topics.
Welcome and Introductions Core Partnership Team Introductions Lorna Manuel, Project Director Lorna Manuel, Project Director Rich DuVarney, TCDE Assistant Superintendent Rich DuVarney, TCDE Assistant Superintendent CSU, Chico Professional Development Staff: CSU, Chico Professional Development Staff: Dr. Bev Marcum, Dr. Anne Stephens, Dr. Rachel Teasdale, Dr. Lisa Ott, Dr. David Kagan, Dr. Joe Greene, Dr. Larry Wear, Dr. Stewart Oaklely, Dr. Bev Marcum, Dr. Anne Stephens, Dr. Rachel Teasdale, Dr. Lisa Ott, Dr. David Kagan, Dr. Joe Greene, Dr. Larry Wear, Dr. Stewart Oaklely, Brandi Aranguren Brandi Aranguren Regional Partnership Team Introductions: Name and Representative Agency Name and Representative Agency
A New Educational Environment New standards promote integration and critical thinking. 1 California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 2 California Common Core State Standards (CCSS – ELA) for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and the Technical Subjects. 3 California Common Core State Standards Mathematics (CCSS – Math) How will professional learning experiences for teachers be designed to meet this need? 5
Performance Expectations Foundation Boxes NGSS - Focus on Critical Thinking
Scientific & Engineering
Has broad importance across multiple science or engineering disciplines or is a key organizing concept of a single discipline Provides a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems Relates to the interests and life experiences of students or can be connected to societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technical knowledge Is teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication Core Ideas for K-12 Science Instruction a core idea is a scientific idea that:
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Disciplinary Core Ideas
1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect: mechanism and explanation 3. Scale, proportion and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter: flows, cycles and conservation 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change Big Ideas - Crosscutting Concepts
Scope of Work: PD Content Year 1 Water and Watersheds Fluid dynamics, the role of water in living systems, and the ocean as a driver of weather patterns Watershed restoration, wastewater treatment, and groundwater depletion Year 2 Energy and Matter Heat transfer, heat capacity of water and its role in producing weather patterns Solar energy and photosynthesis, insulation and green building design, microwaves, alternative transportation systems nanotechnology and biopolymers, alternative fuels, biodegradable plastics, Year 3 System and System Models Natural resources, biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics, and ecosystem services Establishing and maintaining biodiversity in engineered environments such as restored stream, rivers, wetlands, and forests; bioengineering organisms; disease resistance; mapping and modeling natural resources and human impact on Earth Systems
Why ENVIRONMENTAL Engineering?
The national and statewide focus on developing environmental literacy “Creating a future prosperous, healthy, and safe California is contingent on citizens making wise environmental choices on topics essential to our quality of life, including water, energy, climate change, and protection of natural areas”. Draft: California’s Blueprint for Environmental Literacy 2015
Opportunities for authentic experiences Environmental issues are authentic and relevant to the lives of students in the north state. Water storage and delivery Water storage and delivery Ground water depletion Ground water depletion Flood control Flood control Subsidance Subsidance
Environmental Engineering addresses NGSS Performance Expectations Example: MS-ESS3-3: Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment
What does the SEES project provide teachers? Professional Development (each year) - 60 hours of science and engineering content, integration, and practical application - 60 hours of science and engineering content, integration, and practical application - 24 hours of personalized coaching and Lesson Study - 24 hours of personalized coaching and Lesson Study Confidence in Teaching NGSS Preparation to teach students 21 st Century Skills Network Opportunities - Local Business and - Local Business and Organizations Organizations - Other Science Teachers, CSU Professors, COE Consultants - Other Science Teachers, CSU Professors, COE Consultants Leadership Opportunities - Sharing project content with staff and other projects - Sharing project content with staff and other projects Technology Award, Stipends, CE Units
Recommendations for the continuous improvement of the work Business and local agencies – provide contacts, guest speakers, available resources, job shadowing opportunities for participants with real world application Work with Core Partners to review teacher surveys and feedback Brainstorm ideas to support participants needs for content knowledge development and coaching around science and engineering
Regional Partner Meeting Dates 2015/2016 Program Year 1 Date Location 07/08/15CSUC 11/10/15TCDE 01/11/16CSUC 04/20/16TCDE