Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 1 Strategies to Create, Measure, and Document Program Effectiveness in Student Services Angela Caballero de Cordero, Ph.D. SLO Coordinator, Allan Hancock College Alan Keys, Ph.D. Psychology Professor/Faculty Research Coordinator, Sacramento City College Richard Erlich, M.Ed. Counselor/Transfer Center Director, Sacramento City College This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 2 Developing and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes within Student Services Alan Keys, Ph.D. Psychology Professor/Faculty Research Coordinator, Sacramento City College Richard Erlich, M.Ed. Counselor/Transfer Center Director, Sacramento City College This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 3 Student Services SLO Development at SCC: Session Goals Participants will be able to… Describe foundation elements of Student Services engagement in SLO development and assessment at SCC Demonstrate an understanding of the Ruth Stiehl method of SLO development and it’s application to Student Services Discuss the integration of Student Services in college SLO processes
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 4 Foundation for Student Services SLO Development at SCC College commitment to collaboration between Student Services and Instruction on SLO development Student Service and Instructional perspectives integrated in institutional SLO philosophy
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 5 SCC’s SLO Philosophy Statement – Guiding Principles SLO assessment is developed and implemented by faculty and student service professionals and is driven by educational values. The ability of SLO assessment to inform faculty and students of the impact college programs and services have… is enhanced when substantive connections are made between Student Services and Instruction.
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 6 SCC’s SLO Philosophy Statement – Student Engagement A commitment to SLO assessment at the course, program, and student services levels serves to empower students… in the process of charting their educational and personal development paths.
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 7 SCC’s SLO Philosophy Statement – Student Development SLO assessment can demonstrate our capacities for fulfilling our mission by assessing student development and the skills, knowledge, competencies, beliefs, and attitudes that students cultivate as a result of both Student Service and Instructional efforts.
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 8 Parallel Paths of SLO Development at SCC Student Services SLO development at Division and Unit level – Stiehl Method Instructional SLO development at course & program level – Intradepartmental process General Education Learning Outcome development – Integration of instruction & Student Services
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 9 SLO development in Student Services -Stiehl Process Overview Learning Element Identification Major theme development SLO creation Assessment plan design
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 10 Step 1. Identify Learning Elements Organize groups (2-5 participants) based on participant’s department Provide block paper & “Post-It Notes” to each group Brainstorm the “prompt” and answer on Post-It Notes.
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 11 Trigger Prompt Upon completing service interventions with students, students will be able to know and do…
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 12 Step 2. SLO (Theme) identification Members share their responses – Allow adequate time ( mins) Sort individual responses into major themes Participants name the major themes and transfer to block paper
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 13 Step 3. Create SLO Statements Identify each response (i.e. “Post- It” note) as an element of learning within the major theme Develop statement that summarizes each theme’s learning elements –Utilize Blooms taxonomy
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 14 DSP & S Example Major Theme Identified- Self Advocacy Learning Elements (excerpts) – Students should be able to… –Access campus resources –Understand and use accommodations –Assess accommodations and their usefulness –Complete Service Request Form –Pick up and deliver accommodation form to instructors –Schedule testing accommodations
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 15 Self Advocacy SLO Statement Develop and apply self advocacy skills for school, personal life, and work world
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 16 Preliminary Assessment Plan for Self Advocacy SLO Assess with specific measures of student behaviors Assess if student… –Completes Service Request Form –Picks up and delivers accommodation form to instructors –Schedules testing accommodations
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 17 Parallel Paths Converge Student Services developed SLOs using Ruth Stiehl’s method Instruction developed Course & Program SLOs via intradepartmental collaborations GE Learning Outcomes integrated Student Services and Instructional processes
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 18 GE Learning Outcome Development Process at SCC Specific Aims (excerpts) Reflect collective vision of a true “General Education” for AA/AS degree earners Clarify expectations and purpose of student service experiences Consider diverse paths of students to achieve goals
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 19 GE Learning Outcome Development Process at SCC Steps in GELO development GE “theme” development: –College-wide workshops with Instruction, Student Services, & student collaboration GE “learning element” development –Task group development of specific SLOs for each of 7 GELO “theme” areas
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 20 GELO Theme Areas Communication Quantitative Reasoning Depth & Breadth of Understanding Cultural Competency Information Competency Critical Thinking Life Skills and Personal Development
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 21 Student Services & GE SLO Alignment Student Services SLOs General Education SLO Areas 1) Identify and effectively use programs, services, computer technology, and resources for college entry, successful progression through college, and transition from college to the community. 2) Demonstrate the skills necessary to use a variety of information tools to locate and retrieve information in various formats for a variety of academic, personal, professional or vocational purposes. Information Competency 3) Apply principles and skills that contribute to life-long learning such as confidence in academic abilities, perseverance, discipline, questioning attitudes and interpersonal and social effectiveness. 4) Take responsibility for taking care of self to be successful in professional, personal, and social environments. 5) Develop and apply self advocacy skills for school, personal life, and work world. 6) Develop successful study strategies in order to acquire, evaluate, generalize, and apply new information. 7) Engage in academic and vocational planning, choose and implement a plan for an academic major and career choices, and evaluate progress towards accomplishing their goals. 8) Demonstrate that they’ve created supportive social networks with family, faculty, and peers that facilitate adjustment and a sense of belonging to the college community. Life Skills and Personal Development
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/ ) Identify and analyze problems; creatively propose, analyze, implement, and evaluate solutions to problems. 10) Demonstrate an understanding of the way personal attitudes, values, perceptions and beliefs affect and sometimes obstruct competent reasoning. Critical Thinking 11) Develop communication and leadership skills for successful transition and adjustment into the work world or the university. 12) Create and deliver appropriate and effective oral messages for a variety of situations, using presentation aids when appropriate. Communication 13) Develop and utilize effective communication skills in building and maintaining multicultural interpersonal relationships. 14) Demonstrate respect, appreciation, and acceptance for multicultural differences 15) Evaluate the role of culture in identity construction. Cultural Competency 16) Critically reflect and evaluate moral and ethical responsibilities as a world citizen, building a larger consciousness and purpose beyond self. Depth and Breadth of Understanding Student Services SLOs General Education SLO Areas
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 23 Conclusions Stiehl method of SLO development is effective at producing meaningful and measurable SLOs for a variety of Student Service areas Stiehl method demystifies the SLO process, facilitates a focus on student learning, and stimulates collaboration in Student Services
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 24 Conclusions - continued Integration of Student Services perspective in all levels of SLO development is critical for creating an effective and meaningful SLO process Student Service SLO development and college GELO efforts converged with well-aligned overlap between their Themes
Strengthening Student Success, San Jose, CA - 10/4/07 25 References Stiehl, R., & Lewchuk, L. (2002). The Outcomes Primer: Reconstructing the College Curriculum (2 nd ed.), Corvallis, OR: The Learning Organization. Stiehl, R., & Lewchuk, L. (2005). The Mapping Primer: Tools for Reconstructing the College Curriculum. Corvallis, OR: The Learning Organization. Sacramento City College SLO Assessment and Faculty Research Resource Site.