Expressway Driving
Characteristics of Expressway Driving Roadway Speed Interchanges No cross traffic Median Tollbooths Entrance/exit ramps Limited access More lanes MPH Minimum 45 mph IPDE faster Predict sudden stop
Other Users Signs & Signals Characteristics of Expressway Driving No pedestrians Trucks Motorcycles Construction Emergency vehicle Green guide signs Merge No traffic signals Interstate signs
Advantages to Expressway Driving Designed for low-risk higher speed travel Safer than other highways No cross traffic Median or barrier separates oncoming traffic Pedestrians & slow moving cars are not allowed Wide shoulders = good escape paths Signs help anticipate conditions early
Safe Driving Strategies Collisions can be more serious Know where you are going Obey speed limit or common speed Build experience gradually Give full attention to driving task Cooperate with other drivers
3 Parts of Entrance Ramp See picture in textbook page Entrance Ramp 2. Acceleration Lane 3. Merging Area
Step # 1 1. Entrance you want ? 2.Is it an entrance? Steps for ENTERING expressway
Step # 2 Check zones Signal Check rearview mirror and blind spot Steps for ENTERING expressway
Step # 3 increase speed check mirrors check blind spot (just before moving over) ACCELERATE!!!! Steps for ENTERING expressway
Step # 4 Find TARGET (car) to follow adjust speed merge smoothly Steps for ENTERING expressway
Step # 5 Cancel signal adjust to speed of traffic Steps for ENTERING expressway
Randall Rd. and Interstate 90
Randall Road and Interstate 90
Double turn lane to go EAST on 90 off Randall Rd.
Entrance from Randall to 90 East
Woodfield shopping area Interstate 90 & 53
One example of Entering an Expressway
What is the purpose of the first head check…early on ramp? Check the volume of traffic and their speed… (so you’ll know how fast to accelerate)
Look for a space to merge in... What is the purpose of the second head check as the ramp begins to straighten?
…you are now building up speed - you should also…at this point: …signal, mirror, final head check left
…make any necessary speed adjustments …but what will you do if you can not get over because other vehicles are preventing your merge?
#5 What other problems might you encounter entering the expressway? a. ramp d. Merging area b. Ramp signal lights e. Entrance on left c. Acceleration lane
-- stay back and let him merge…then you can quickly accelerate & complete your merge What if there is a slow moving truck in front of you getting ready to merge?
Short merging area, sharp curves
Shared entrance and exit Best Lane Choice: Middle/Right Lane
Shared entrance and exit
How about an entrance on the left??
Best Lane Choice: middle or right lane
Scott’s Law (Move Over Law)
IPDE Identify—drivers have longer sight distance, MUST identify volume of traffic, signs & signals EARLY
Lane Choice Read section on page 230
You will not be delaying faster traffic If you will be driving slower, why is it best to stay in the right lane? Best Lane Choice: Middle/Right Lane
You are in the right lane and predict a conflict with this merger. If you can, what is your best decision to avoid a conflict? Change lanes Other options: speed up or slow down
If you are moving with the flow of traffic, why is it best to drive in the center lane most of the time? Stay away from mergers
Sometimes there are additional merges to deal with
Speed limits Minimum speed limit Driving too slowly can be dangerous on an expressway, highways have a set lowest speed Common speed Drive at the common speed used by most drivers so you can blend with expressway traffic, sometimes common speed is higher than maximum speed
Lane changing on expressway Steps for making lane change (page 233) Change one at a time, check mirrors, check blind spot, if path is clear then accelerate and move to next lane, cancel signal Problems with lane changing—see pictures on page 233 Two cars could be moving into the same open space, traffic in lane you are moving into may be going much faster
Exiting Expressway page 236 STEPS: least ½ mile ahead of exit move into the lane that leads to exit, do not reduce speed until you are in deceleration lane 2.move into deceleration lane, cancel signal 3.flash brake lights to warn drivers behind you are slowing, check rear zones 4. identify ramp speed, check your speed, predict a yield sign, a stop sign or signal light at end of exit
Make a lane change right! If this driver wants to get off on Palatine Rd. what should they be doing ASAP? Best Lane Choice: Middle/Right Lane
We want to exit at the upcoming exit but what else do we need to look for?
You do not want to exit at Kirchoff Road… what must you do here?
Preparing to exit at Randall Rd
A closer look at signs and roadway markings
If we are exiting here what should we be doing now?
If we are in the left 2 lanes can we still exit?
Approaching tollbooth
Tollbooth before Randall
After tollbooth before Randall
Thinking About Not Wearing Your Seatbelt?
Construction Video not riding on shoulder heavy traffic Move Over Law (Scott’s Law)