Not limited to selling products outside of the US There is also competition among personnel EXAMPLE: PEPSI and Coca-Cola GLOBALIZATION
Tech Companies like Dell, HP and others have major operations outside of the United States Example: Customer Service GLOBALIZATION
Coca-Cola has higher sales in Mexico than any other country Coca-Cola is Africa’s largest employer Coca-Cola CEO says, Africa is key to the company’s growth GLOBALIZATION
According to Fortune Magazine – Apple – Amazon – Google – Berkshire Hathaway (Investment Company) – Starbuck’s MOST ADMIRED COMPANIES
Technology both helps (creates new opportunities) and complicates The producer of desktop computers had to rethink strategies Why is a laptop different than a desktop??? TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE
Technology impacts other companies How does technology impact Starbucks? Airports and other public places TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE
How did people communicate prior to the internet? TECHNOLOGY
The internet today: It is a place where goods and services are sold It is a distribution channel It is an information service It drives down cost It speeds up globalization It improves efficiency It allows people to watch and learn TECHNOLOGY
What are the negative effects of globalization and technology??? GLOBALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY
Finding, unlocking, sharing and altogether capitalizing on the most precious resources of an organization: expertise, skills wisdom and relationships KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT
This is the creative process Good companies have figured out how to be efficient at producing physical goods Examples: Software, data, and advertising Examples: Hospitals manage a patient’s data to make care easier KNOWLEDGE
Good Management ensures - communication is effectively distributed throughout the organization Toyota: Brings together design engineers and manufacturing workers Customers are also a resource companies can use to acquire information KNOWLEDGE: COLLABORATION
Innovation, quality, service, speed Identify companies and what you perceive to be that companies competitive advantage COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE
Technology Cell Phone Computers Fast Food Industry Dunkin Donuts Fast Food Plus +++ Chipotle Applebee’s Olive Garden INNOVATION: THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW GOODS AND SERVICES
The excellence of your products QUALITY:
The speed and dependability with which an organization delivers what customers want Fast and timely execution, response and delivery of results How fast can you get new products to the market SERVICE AND SPEED
Walmart Keep the cost low and price products at levels that are attractive to customers Singapore Airlines Ryanair Airlines Under Armour, Nike, etc. Tech. Companies Restaurant (Chain), fast food, etc. COST COMPETITIVENESS
You should not focus to be good in just one area DELIVERY OF PERFORMANCE
The management function of systematically making decisions about the goals and activities that an individual, a group a work unit or the overall organization will pursue SWOT Analysis THE FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT: PLANNING
The monetary amount associated with how well a job, task good or service meets user’s needs How can a person add value to a company? VALUE
Delivering value is a continual process Identify opportunities to create, seize, strengthen and sustain competitive advantage VALUE
The management function of assembling and coordinating human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals ORGANIZING
The management function that involves the manager’s efforts to stimulate high performance by employees Involves day-t0-day contact, helping to guide and inspire people toward achieving team and organizational goals Leaders must be good at mobilizing people to contribute their ideas. LEADING
The function of monitoring performance and making needed changes By controlling, managers make sure the organization’s resources are being used as planned Are the outcomes consistent with our goal s CONTROLLING: LEARNING AND CHANGING
Personal application How are you managing or leading your own life How are you adding value (Create Value) How are you organizing for personal effectiveness (Organize) How are you mobilizing your own talents (leading) How are you monitoring performance Controlling) CONTROLLING
Senior executives Responsible for overall management Also referred to as strategic management Their focus is long-term issues Emphasis: survival, growth, and effectiveness TOP LEVEL MANAGEMENT
Also called tactical managers They translate the general goals and philosophy into executable plans They bridge the gap between the CEO, COO and CIO and lower levels MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGERS
They are closer to the action than the CEO and COO’s They are able to identify the problems and opportunities They are the problem solver MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGERS
Also called operational managers Titles such as Supervisor or Sales Manager They are directly involved with non- management employees They are the link between management and non-management Companies that are successful, allow for a level of creativity and flexibility FRONT LINE MANAGERS
Frontline ManagersMiddle-level managers Top-level Managers Changing RolesFrom operational implementers to aggressive entrepreneurs From administrative controllers to supportive coaches From resource allocators to institutional leaders Key ActivitiesCreating and pursuing new growth opportunities Developing individuals and supporting their activities Establishing high performance standards Attracting and developing resources Linking dispersed knowledge and skills across units Institutionalizing a set of norms and values to support cooperation and trust Managing continuous improvement within the unit Managing tension between short-term purpose and long- term ambition Creating an overarching cooperate purpose and ambition
Technical skills Conceptual skills Ability to identify and resolve problems Interpersonal skills and communication skills Motivate, communicate effectively Your ability to lead and motivate will determine how high you go MANAGEMENT SKILLS
Be both a Specialist and a generalist What is the hierarchy of a particular career?
Be self-reliant Stay connected Social Capital
Two possibilities Passive employee Waits for instructions from their supervisor Active contributor Employee and Organization benefit from each other MANAGE RELATIONSHIPS
Successful executives share some common traits What needs to be done ? Write an action plan Take responsibilities for decisions Focus on opportunities rather than problems SURVIVE AND THRIVE