Assessment of Student Learning Faculty In-service June 5, 2006
Goals for the morning: 1. To gain familiarity with the available national data 2. To consider how we are doing on our learning objectives
Surveying our Students Three surveys conducted by HERI Three surveys conducted by HERI –Cooperative Institutional Research Project (CIRP) Annual project; began in 1966 Nations longest and oldest empirical study of higher ed. This past year surveyed 263,710 college freshman at 385 institutions. –College Student Survey (CSS) Annual survey This past year surveyed 30,250 graduating students from 116 institutions Mirrors CIRP on many items –Provides the opportunity to do longitudinal work. –Faculty Conducted every three years starting in 1989 421 institutions participated in 2004 for a total of 41,000 faculty. Focuses more on faculty and less on student learning
Surveying our Students, cont. National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) –Began in 1999 –348,000 students, 437 institutions (2003) –Participation cycle – every four years –Randomly selected sample –Response rate 58% –Uses student engagement as a proxy for learning Focuses on student behavior and effective educational practices that result in desired outcomes from college. Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) –Began in – we participated – total of 14,000 faculty –We will participate next year to be in sync with NSSE –Measures faculty expectations for student engagement –Importance faculty place on various aspects of learning
Surveying our Students, cont. Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) –Developed by CAE and RAND –We participated in the trial run –Institution is the unit of analysis –Looks at critical thinking, analytic reasoning and written communication –First assessment tool to measure learning –Most referenced instrument when higher ed. discusses “mandatory assessment” Hardwick Day Hardwick Day –35 year retrospective alumni survey –Conducted Fall 2005 –For this presentation focuses on graduates since 1990
In honor of assessment, a quiz will be part of the morning’s activities
Question 1 Which do faculty believe is a more important goal for an undergraduate education…… a.Instill a basic appreciation for the liberal arts b.Master disciplinary knowledge
Demonstrate knowledge in disciplinary field as articulated by the departments…. Will you/do you intend to do a research project with a faculty member outside of coursework….. Seniors: 23% Freshman: 30% Seniors: 23% Freshman: 30% To what extent do you structure your courses so that students acquire job or work related knowledge and skills…. Faculty: 55%, Quite a bit/Very Much To what extent has your education contributed to acquiring job or work related knowledge or skills… Seniors: 72%, Quite a bit/Very Much Did your major play an important role in being accepted into grad school or finding your first job… 74% of alumni say “Yes”
Integrate liberal arts and disciplinary knowledge How often do you put together ideas/concepts from different courses when completing assignments or during class discussion… Seniors: 60% Freshman: 46%, Quite a bit/Very much How important is it that your students put together ideas/concepts from different classes…. Faculty: 56%, Important/very important Faculty believe an important/essential goal for undergraduate education is…. Master disciplinary knowledge…99% Instill basic appreciation for the liberal arts…67%
Question 2 Input data was used to predict how students would perform on a task of critical thinking. How would you expect our freshman students, tested at the end of their first year, to rank? a.Out perform expectations b.Perform about average c.Perform below expectations
Apply knowledge, inquiry, and critical thinking skills in problem solving To what extent has your education contributed to thinking critically and analytically… Seniors: 81% Freshman: 86%, Quite a bit/Very much To what extent do you structure your courses so students think critically and analytically…. Faculty: 96%, Quite a bit/very much To what extent has your education contributed to skills to solve complex real-world problems… Seniors: 54% Freshman: 46%, Quite a bit/Very much To what extent do you structure your courses so students learn to solve complex real world problems... Faculty: 63%, Quite a bit/very much The CLA indicates our students outperform expectations on a task of critical thinking.
Question 3 Among freshman, what percentage believe it is important to keep up on global affairs? a.20% b.40% c.60%
Demonstrate a global perspective Compared to when you started college, your understanding of global issues is... Seniors: 27%, much stronger To what extent is it important to improve your understanding of other countries and cultures... Freshman: 67%, Agree/strongly agree To what extent is it important to keep up on global affairs... Freshman: 40%, Agree/strongly agree To what extent should racial/ethnic diversity be more strongly reflected in the curriculum... Faculty: 76%, Agree/strongly agree
Question 4 Freshman and seniors were asked how often they prepared 2 or more drafts of a paper before turning the assignment in. Do you think it is... a. ~35%b. ~50%c. ~75% What percentage of faculty believe it is important or very important to prepare two or more drafts of a paper before turning it in? a. ~35% b. ~50% c. ~75%
Communicate effectively To what extent has your education contributed to the development of speaking clearly and effectively Seniors: 65%Freshman: 54% To what extent do you structure your course so students learn to speak clearly and effectively Faculty: 43%, Quite a bit/Very much In your experience how often have you prepared two (+) drafts of an assignment... Seniors: 34%Freshman: 34%, Often/very often How important is it that students prepare two (+) drafts of an assignment... Faculty: 50%, Very important/important
Question 5 Freshman and seniors were asked to what extent their education contributed to their ability to work effectively with others. Was it... a. 30%b. 50%c. 70% What percentage of faculty structure their classes so that students learn/develop working effectively with others? a. 40%b. 60%c. 80%
Demonstrate interpersonal skills necessary for effective personal and professional relationships Compared to when you started college, your interpersonal skills are... Seniors: 34%, Stronger/much stronger To what extent has your education contributed to your ability to work effectively with others.... Seniors: 73% Freshman 70%, Quite a bit/very much To what extent do you structure your classes so that students learn/develop working effectively with others.... Faculty: 58%, Quite a bit/very much Was your college effective at helping you work as part of a team... Alumni: 75% say “yes”
Question 6 Among seniors, what percentage believe their education at Seattle Pacific contributed to their understanding of people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds? a.35% b.50% c.75%
Engage with diverse others Indicate the importance to you personally to help promote racial understanding… Seniors: 40% Freshman: 26%, Important/very important Seniors: 40% Freshman: 26%, Important/very important To what extent does your institution encourage contact among students from different backgrounds… Seniors: 35% Freshman: 47%, Quite a bit/very much To what extent do you structure your class so students learn and develop an understanding of people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds… Faculty: 35%, Quite a bit/very much To what extent has your SPU education contributed to your understanding of other racial and ethnic backgrounds… Seniors: 34% Freshman: 47%, Quite a bit/very much How effective was your college experience in helping you develop skills that enabled you to relate to people of different backgrounds… Alumni: 59%
Question 7 What percentage of our recent alumni (since 1990) believe their SPU education helped them integrate their faith with other aspects of life? a.30% b.50% c.70%
Reflect upon ideas and actions through the lens of Christian faith and ethics To what extent has your education helped you develop a personal code of values and ethics.... Seniors: 72%Freshman: 77%, Quite a bit/very much To what extent do you structure your courses so that students develop a personal code of values and ethics.... Faculty: 54%, Quite a bit/Very much Do you agree that your college helped you integrate your faith with other aspects of your life? Alumni: 50% say ‘Yes’ Is it important for you to be free to consider the moral and ethical side of decisions your make.... Alumni: 76%, agree
Question 8 To what extent has your SPU education contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development with regards to voting in local, state or national elections (asked of seniors)? a.10% b.20% c.30%
Balance interests of self, others and the community in pursuit of the common good Your college encouraged you to engage the culture in order to make a difference in society.. Alumni: 77%, agree It is important to you to influence the political structure.... Seniors: 22% Freshman: 15%, Important/very important To what extend has your education contributed to your knowledge and skills in voting in local, state, or national elections.... Seniors: 11% Freshman: 13%, Quite a bit/very much Your college was effective was in developing your awareness of world events.... Alumni: 58%, agree
Conclusion Consider each of these learning objectives. On which ones are we doing well? Consider each of these learning objectives. On which ones are we doing well? For which learning objectives do we see the greatest area for improvement? For which learning objectives do we see the greatest area for improvement?