Communicating in international teams Bob Dignen * CENGAGE & YORK ASSOCIATES ETAS – 30 January 2010
2 AttitudinalBehaviouralCognitive Core international challenges
3 Build relationships: get to know, understand competence, style, contexts, build a network with external stakeholders Give direction: lead and communicate influentially to create understanding of common (ambitious) goals / benefits Organise: plan and structure teamwork effectively and realistically (building a team info and comms culture) Define roles: specify roles and responsibilities (aligned to internal and external expectations) Who are we? Who are we? Where are we going? How do we plan to do it? How do we plan to do it? Who does what? Who does what? What help is needed? What help is needed? How are we performing? How are we performing? How are we seen in the organisation? How are we seen in the organisation? Where are conflicts generated? Where are conflicts generated? How are we cooperating as a team? How are we cooperating as a team? Cooperate: ensure that diversity is proactively leveraged over time to facilitate high performance (synergy) via trust Manage conflict: recognise and handle internal and external resistance and conflicts Represent: promote the team and project externally (‘sell’ to the business) Support people: be available to listen, coach, train, mentor (network to navigate and manage complexity) Implement feedback: motivate higher performance with SMART targets and then giving / getting feedback Relationships Communication Results 1: : : Best practice
4 Team communication Generic skills Speaking clearlyListening effectively Building rapport Influencing Coaching Decision making Managing conflict Handling feedback Building trust Facilitating Synergising Training and coaching people to consciously and strategically communicate in the right way at the right time at the right place... in English! Motivating
7 Global leadership: strategies for success A. Sinclair & B. Agyeman – Roffey Park Beyond communication skills?
8 Moving from English training to international communication coaching Communication theory Behavioural psychology Team and leadership models Consulting, coaching and feedback skills
9 If you want more... The Mindful International Manager Developing People Internationally Accreditation Workshop Get in touch with me via my personal See more of me at: 50 Ways To Improve Your Intercultural Skills
11 Openness Flexibility Personal Autonomy Emotional Strength Perceptiveness Listening Orientation Transparency Cultural Knowledge Influencing Synergy The International Profiler
12 Building relationships Giving direction Organise Define roles Who are we? Who are we? Where are we going? How do we plan to do it? How do we plan to do it? Who does what? Who does what? What help is needed? What help is needed? How are we performing? How are we performing? How are we seen in the organisation? How are we seen in the organisation? Where are conflicts generated? Where are conflicts generated? How are we cooperating as a team? How are we cooperating as a team? Cooperate Manage conflict Represent Support people Implement feedback Challenges for the international team communicator