DRAFT 1 University of Miami Quality Enhancement Plan Proposal: Communication Across the Curriculum April 18, 2007
DRAFT 2 University of Miami Principles of the QEP Proposal The University recognizes that an essential component of student learning must be effective communication. Effective communication is expected by employers, professional associations, and society. 1 The goal of the QEP is to enhance the student learning environment by nurturing new media *, oral, and written modes of communication at the University of Miami. 2 *New Media Definition-New Media are forms of communication mediated by computers and similar electronic devices that include individually or in combination aural, written, and visual elements. Meets SACS Guideline(s): 1 QEP FOCUS: What is the relationship between the focus of the plan and student learning? 2 QEP FOCUS: Does the QEP provide a clear and concise description of the critical issue to be addressed?
DRAFT 3 University of Miami Principles of the QEP Proposal The core of the QEP proposal is to enrich student communication skills throughout UM’s academic experience. 1 The QEP proposal is not based merely on the acquisition of skills but is rather an effort to equip students to engage critically in the learning process via diverse modes of communication. 1,2 The QEP proposal takes into consideration that 2 Our students enter with varying degrees of communication competency. Desirable communication skills can be discipline specific. Proficient writing, while being a primary signifier of an educated person, may be supplemented by proficiencies in other modes of communication in contemporary society. Meets SACS Guideline(s): 1 QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? 2 QEP FOCUS: What is the relationship between the focus of the plan and student learning?
DRAFT 4 UM QEP: Communication Across the Curriculum Broad Based Involvement of the Community The QEP topic, Communication across the Curriculum, was derived from a number of sources across the University’s constituents, including Student and alumni surveys Student focus groups about their academic experiences at the University Academic Deans Policy Council (ADPC) meetings Associate/Assistant Deans Academic Council (ADAC) meetings Faculty Senate Leadership General Welfare Committee of the Faculty Senate Meets SACS Guideline(s): BROAD BASED INVOLVEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY: Has the institution demonstrated that all aspects of its community – faculty, staff, students, board members, and administrators - were involved in the development of the QEP?
DRAFT 5 University of Miami QEP Proposal Goals 1. Increase faculty and student awareness of the value and appropriateness of various modes of communication 2. Offer “C” courses* across the curriculum that will improve new media, oral, and/or written communication 3. Define student learning outcomes for these courses 4. Provide resources to help faculty incorporate new pedagogy in their courses that will improve communication skills of their students 5. Develop processes for assessing communication skills systematically & improving related pedagogy *The term “C” course is being used in this document to merely refer to enhanced courses as part of this QEP proposal. It is not a name intended for implementation, bulletin listing, etc. Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 6 University of Miami QEP Proposal Goals 6. Provide oversight for implementation: establish criteria for “C” courses review the development of “C” courses oversee assessment and data collection assist academic departments’ collection and maintenance of e- portfolios make recommendations for revisions in “C” courses based on assessment data on an ongoing basis throughout the QEP period prepare the QEP-related reports required by SACS and other school/college accrediting agencies Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning? QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution assigned qualified individuals to administer and oversee its implementation?
DRAFT 7 “C” Course Definition “C” courses prepare students to be effective communicators in contemporary society. Through the QEP experience, students learn to utilize appropriate modes of communication, singly or in combination, for the interpretation and exchange of ideas, questions, information, and knowledge according to the context of the communication task at hand and the audience being addressed. Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 8 “C” Course Criteria To be designated a “C” course, instructors need to: Incorporate new media, oral, and/or written elements alone or in combination as part of the learning activities of the class and in relation to the content of the course Articulate student learning outcomes related to communication (in addition to whatever learning outcomes there are for content) Assess the communication and provide instruction/feedback to improve students’ communication If appropriate, revise the course in light of the assessments connected to student learning outcomes before offering it again Participate with other faculty in learning communities related to communication pedagogy Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 9 “C” Course General Student Learning Outcomes In all “C” courses, students will: Demonstrate their understanding of course content via an original communication undertaking (project, paper, website, presentation, etc.) Apply relevant information literacy skills in the development of the project Use the media, genre, forms, organization, and design appropriate for the purpose, audience, and material Make appropriate revisions that improve the effectiveness of the final product Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 10 “C” Course Student Learning Outcomes New Media Communication Emphasis In addition to the general elements of all “C” courses, students working with new media will demonstrate A critical understanding of, and facility with, the technology they employ The ability to use a recursive development process, incorporating feedback, to produce appropriate finished projects Appropriate integration of written and oral modes as necessary to the finished communication project Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 11 “C” Course Student Learning Outcomes Oral Communication Emphasis In addition to the general elements of all “C” courses, students working with oral communication will demonstrate A critical understanding of, and facility with effective delivery for listeners (rather than readers) An awareness of, and facility with, oral strategies of communication in various oral-based situations--formal presentations, discussions, debates, one-on-one interviews/conversations, etc. The ability to reflect on and improve the effectiveness of their oral communication abilities based on their performances and to offer constructive feedback on oral presentations to others Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 12 “ C” Course Student Learning Outcomes Writing Communication Emphasis In addition to the general elements of all “C” courses, students working with written communication will demonstrate A critical understanding of, and facility with, effective writing style and standard English conventions Effective use of genre conventions and rhetorical features in the finished document The ability to review and revise their own writing, offer comments to others, and make good use of feedback they receive from instructors and/or peers Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution identified the benefits to be derived from the QEP? QEP FOCUS: What are the QEP’s relevant and appropriate goals for improving student learning?
DRAFT 13 “C” Course Implementation “C” courses consist of new media, oral, and/or writing components developed by faculty who have agreed to participate in the QEP. Examples of possible “C” courses: TBD (New Media “C” course) New Media learning activity 1 New Media learning activity 2 New Media learning activity 3 New Media learning activity 4 TBD (Oral “C” course) Oral Communication learning activity 1 Oral Communication learning activity 2 Oral Communication learning activity 3 Oral Communication learning activity 4 TBD (Writing “C” course) Writing Communication learning activity 1 Writing Communication learning activity 2 Writing Communication learning activity 3 Writing Communication learning activity 4 Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP FOCUS: Has the institution described the relationship between the focus of the plan and student learning?
DRAFT 14 Expectations of “C” Course Faculty In exchange for a one-course reduction in teaching in the fall, faculty will be expected to Participate in a Learning Community that meets weekly for workshops and discussions that fall and continues weekly discussions the following spring Teach a “C” course in the spring Present student learning outcomes in syllabus Assess student learning outcomes and have students save their work in a centralized e-Portfolio system Teach the same “C” Course at least 2 more times in the next four years, making improvements in response to assessment results Make a presentation at QEP Forum in the spring Optionally incorporate “C” course criteria to create additional “C” courses. Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution assigned qualified individuals to administer and oversee its implementation?
DRAFT 15 Faculty Learning Communities What is the QEP Faculty Learning Community? The QEP Faculty Learning Community is a group of around 5 faculty members who are engaged in regular meetings for the purpose of increasing their knowledge about teaching and incorporating one or more QEP components into the learning activities of their course(s) Who? Faculty members selected for QEP cohorts (new media, oral, and written communication) are enrolled in Learning Community for that cohort Categories for the QEP Faculty Learning Community: 1. Cohort-based communities will be aimed at enhancing the individual growth of the members in teaching, learning, or personal development in reference to the QEP courses 2. Topic-based communities will be aimed at specific teaching and learning needs or issues based on the QEP courses Duration of the QEP Faculty Learning Community Development Stage of the “C” course during the fall-intensive (weekly) meeting schedule to develop student learning outcomes, redesign syllabus, develop methods of assessment, etc. Implementation Stage of the “C” course during the spring-interval (monthly) meeting schedule to discuss the status of the implementation and share ideas, concerns, etc. Maintenance Stage of the “C” course-intermittent meeting schedule (TBD) to discuss the best practices for the “C” courses Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution allocated sufficient academic resources and systems to implement and sustain the outcomes of the Plan?
DRAFT Library Enhancements: Faculty exploratory to develop new media competencies, to train faculty in e-information literacy skills, and to develop new tools to enhance instruction. Support a digital repository program to develop undergraduate student portfolios. Provide direct student instruction in the use and application of new media. Facility where students can practice and tape their presentations* 2. Writing Center 3. Instructional Advancement Center 4. Office of Accreditation and Assessment Monitor & support “C” course faculty recruitment, implementation, & assessment Coordinate & host Faculty Development events and forums Manage QEP budget Report findings of assessment to the University Community and describe how they were used to enhance student learning and how QEP will be changed. Write SACS QEP 5 th year progress report *Requires new expanded physical space for execution. Infrastructure Components Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution allocated sufficient academic resources and systems to sustain the outcomes of the Plan?
DRAFT 17 Faculty Recruitment Who will conduct faculty recruitment? Office of Accreditation and Assessment will recruit faculty and monitor and archive “C” course application forms Experienced “C” course faculty Who is eligible to teach “C” courses? Preference for tenure track and limited to full-time faculty What does faculty recruitment consist of? Course release incentive “C” Course Application 1.Description of QEP “C” course criteria & expectations of faculty 2.“C” course Application form Brief faculty identification information Brief course description 1 page statement of purpose, including description of proposed learning activities related to “C” course 3.Syllabus 4.Letter from Department Chair agreeing to course reduction QEP committee reviews “C” course applications and selects faculty to participate Congratulatory letter to faculty chosen to implement “C” course(s) & arrangement for course release When does faculty recruitment take place? Each spring, beginning 2008 How does faculty recruitment take place? Via circulation of QEP draft to faculty fall 2007 and other communications about the QEP Official announcement recruiting “C” course faculty Faculty Development Workshops that are open to all faculty Faculty Development Forums that are open to all faculty Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution assigned qualified individuals to administer and oversee its implementation?
DRAFT 18 Faculty Development Who will conduct training? (Possible training instructors) Faculty members, administrative staff, and outside consultants who possess expertise in one or more of the QEP components (new media, oral, and written) Faculty members who have either won Excellence in Teaching Awards pertaining to the QEP components or QEP Faculty Learning Community members who have decided to act as consultants in order to share their expertise in one or more components of the QEP What will be discussed? (Possible topics) Teaching students how to improve new media, oral, and/or written communication Incorporating communication elements into the learning activities of the class Articulating student learning outcomes related to communication in conjunction with the learning outcomes required for the course content Developing and using methods to assess student learning Revising course content based on assessment data connected to student learning outcomes before offering the course again When will training take place? (Starting with New Media in fall 2008) Weekly Faculty Development sessions for Learning Community each fall Ongoing weekly discussion sessions of Learning Community in the spring Optional ongoing participation of “C” Course faculty in training of subsequent cohorts How? Developing Faculty Learning Communities Workshops QEP Faculty Development Forum each spring Online IAC lunch and learn sessions, etc. As needed Where? Library/Faculty Exploratory University Center Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution assigned qualified individuals to administer and oversee its implementation?
DRAFT 19 Assessment of Learning in “C” Courses Who will conduct “C” course assessment? “C” course faculty Office of Accreditation and Assessment will monitor & support “C” course assessments & revisions When will assessment take place and be reported? Assessment will take place during the course and a summary of results submitted to the Office of Accreditation and Assessment the Semester/Summer following “C” course implementation How? Each instructor will work with the Office of Accreditation and Assessment to arrange for students to submit samples of work from “C” courses to an e-portfolio centralized system Faculty will develop assessment tools to evaluate quality of student communication Surveys Where? TBD by each “C” course faculty Office of Accreditation and Assessment will monitor and archive “C” course assessments Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP ASSESSMENT: Has the Institution developed means for assessing the success of its QEP?
DRAFT 20 Assessment of Faculty Development Who will conduct “C” course assessment? Office of Accreditation and Assessment will conduct faculty development assessments & revisions of session What will be assessed? Faculty Development learning outcomes When will assessment take place? Data will be collected during and at the end of faculty development sessions Data will be analyzed and reported each spring How? Surveys Where? Office of Accreditation and Assessment will monitor and archive faculty development assessments Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP ASSESSMENT: Has the Institution developed means for assessing the success of its QEP?
FallSpringSummerFallSpringSummerFallSpringSummer QEP QEP Committee initial meeting Determine QEP topic Draft QEP Obtain some baseline data through online course evaluation pilot* Collect baseline assessment data Design faculty development components Develop logistics & preliminary budget Distribute QEP Draft to Faculty Refine QEP draft per faculty feedback SACS On- site visit to review and approve QEP proposal Revise QEP if necessary per SACS feedback Prepare for implementation Implement QEP Launch New Media Phase Evaluate feedback from Faculty Development & revise Host Faculty Development Forum New Media Cohort 1 Recruit Faculty Provide Faculty Development Implement Assess & Revise Cohort 2 Recruit Faculty Cohort 3 Cohort 4 Cohort 5 Oral Cohort 1 Recruit Faculty Cohort 2 Cohort 3 Cohort 4 Writing Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 QEP Timeline (Slide 1 of 2) Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution provided a timeline for implementing and completing the QEP? *Two writing and two new media courses were sampled to implement online course evaluations which included items pertaining to QEP learning outcomes. 21
FallSpringSummerFallSpringSummerFallSpringSummerFallSpringSummer QEP Launch Oral Phase Evaluate feedback from Faculty Dev. & revise Host Faculty Dev. Forum Launch Writing Phase Evaluate feedback from Faculty Dev. & revise Host Faculty Dev. Forum Evaluate feedback from Faculty Dev. & revise Host Faculty Dev. Forum Evaluate feedback from Faculty Dev. & revise Host Faculty Dev. Forum Draft QEP 5 year progress report New Media Cohort 1 Repeat & Reassess Cohort 2 Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 3 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 4 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 5 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & Revise Oral Cohort 1 Provide Fac. Dev. Implement. Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 2 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 3 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 4 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & Revise Writing Cohort 1 Recruit Faculty Finalize Recruitmt. Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 2 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement Assess & ReviseRepeat & Reassess Cohort 3 Recruit Faculty Provide Fac. Dev. Implement. Assess & Revise QEP Timeline (Slide 2 of 2) Meets SACS Guideline(s): QEP INSTITUTIONAL CAPABILITY: Has the institution provided a timeline for implementing and completing the QEP? 22