Besoin Client Réponse Service satisfaction IGS BLAGNAC Cours LAN-010 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Octobre 2013, Marie Claude SALIBER
CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT What is CRM? CRM tools for Technical Support Types of Technical Support TEST Tell Me More: Initial test CALL MANAGEMENT Steps to handle Technical Support calls How to manage angry customers Program
Introduction to CRM What is CRM ? It involves using technology to organize and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.salesmarketingcustomer service technical support CRM systems can be used to create, assign and manage requests made by customers, such as call center software which helps direct customers to center
Introduction to CRM *Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. « Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation.« *Customer support is a range of customer services to assist customers in making cost effective and correct use of a product. It includes assistance in planning, installation, training, trouble shooting, maintenance, upgrading, and disposal of a product. It is also called Technical Support in case of Technology products. Many organizations have employed a variety of methods to improve their customer satisfaction levels, and other key performance indicators (KPIs)
Introduction to CRM * Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measurement. An organization may use KPIs to evaluate its success, or to evaluate the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged. The focus must be of those KPIs, which will deliver the most value to the overall objective, e.g. cost saving, service improving etc… For example, IT Operations : Number of answered calls, Number of transferred calls, Number of opened tickets, Number of closed tickets, Number of pending tickets,by agent and or by team, by shift...
CRM tools for Technical Support CRM Software : application to register customers requests. It is also used to follow up customers tickets. *Knowledge Management database : tool to manage a knowledge base of known issues and their resolutions to support incidents with delivery mechanisms. *Remote PC repair: is a method for troubleshooting software related problems via remote desktop connections. *Frequent Asked Questions
Technical support covers software, hardware and devices issues and it may be delivered: Over the telephone or by On-Site: technicians are sent to customers sites or internal sites for larger organizations. On website: live support software or also called live chat, live help. Applications designed specifically to provide online assistance to users of a website. They are used to provide instant help. On Call: customer support given over nightshifts or weekend Larger organizations frequently have internal technical support available to their staff for computer related problems. This can include things like 24/7 Monitoring of Servers, 24/7 Help desk for your daily computer issues and On-site visits by a technician when issues cannot be resolved remotely. Technical Support
*Multi levels technical support : Level 1 : responsible for basic customer issues. This level should gather as much information as possible from the end user: Customer identification, Computer brand, Operating system, error or warning messages… Level 2 : the techs are more experienced and knowledgeable on a particular product or service, denoting advanced technical troubleshooting and analysis methods. This may include, but is not limited to onsite installations or replacements of various hardware. troubleshooting It is important that the technician review the work order to see what has already been accomplished by the Level 1 technician.
Technical Support research and development Level 3 : responsible for handling the most difficult or advanced problems denoting expert level troubleshooting and analysis methods. They are responsible for the research and development of solutions to new or unknown issues. Level 4 : This is generally a hardware or software vendor. *A service-level agreement (SLA) is a part of a service contract. In practice, the term SLA is sometimes used to refer to the contracted delivery time (of the service or performance). For example, the SLA will typically have a technical definition in terms of mean time to repair or mean time to recovery(MTTR)=Time taken to recover after an outage of service…
Others vocabulary related to IT environment. Working hours/Shifts Day shifts; Night shifts; On call; Follow the sun Team structure Operation Manager – Project Manager – Project Leader – Team leader – Team members (Helpdesk technicians; Hotline technician; Online technician; Technical Support Technician; On- Site technician) Technical Support
The 7 steps for call handling * First step: the GREETING Be authentic, professional and respectful. Hello, COMPAQ Technical Support, this is Ted, how may I help you? * Second step: the ACTIVE LISTENING Get a callback phone number, just in case communication is disconnected May I have your phone number, just in case our communication is disconnected please? Listen to the explanations of the problem. Gather information from the customer: Name, Company’s name, address, computer details, issue, error messages….. Reformulation and spelling are extremely important to get the correct information CALL MANAGEMENT
*Third step: GAIN AGREEMENT Get confirmation of the issue from the caller. Ask if you get everything right by reformulating “I’m going to repeat back the problem just to make sure that I understand everything and don’t miss something or forget anything”. *Four step: APOLOGIZE, EMPATHIZE, REASSURE Apologize only if the problem is caused by you, the company or the product service for which you’re responsible. “I’m sorry for this inconvenience” Empathize: put yourself in the user’s position. Be authentic “I truly understand the situation here” Reassure: take ownership of the problem and let the user know that you’re going look for a solution. “I’m going to take care of it personally,” or “I’m going to escalate your ticket to level 2 and make sure it is taking care of” CALL MANAGEMENT
*Fifth step: PROBLEM SOLVING Long period of silence can make it seem like you got disconnected. Let the customer knows that you’re still there when you are working on the problem (looking into the knowledge database or procedures guide…) “I’m still working on your issue” or “I’m still there” or “I haven’t forget you” Interrupting the call “Would you please hold the line for few minutes please” or I’ll put you on hold while I’m carrying out the search” or “I’ll make you wait few minutes with some music as I need some time to investigate your issue” Taking the call back “Thank you for holding,” or “Thank you for being patient, I found the correct information…” Transferring the call “I will transfer your call to level 2, a technician will be with you in few minutes” or “I’ll put you through level 2, a technician will investigate your issue” or “Would you please wait while I’m transferring your call to Level 2?” CALL MANAGEMENT
*Sixth step: COMFIRMATION OF THE RESOLUTION. Ask if the problem is resolved and also ask about the customer’s satisfaction. Don’t close the ticket until the customer confirms that the problem is resolved and he is satisfied with the resolution. “Are you satisfied with the way I handled your problem?” and “Is there anything I could have done better?” *Seventh step: ENDING UP THE CALL Always thank the customer for calling Wish the customer a good day or good afternoon or good evening. “Thank you for calling. Have a nice day.” “Have a nice evening” CALL MANAGEMENT
Introducing yourself and the company/ service Recording Customer’s details Identifying the request content Trouble shooting Solution Call back Escalation On site Functional issue Give the information Call ending A.Structure Technical Issue Technical Call Structure
First Step: PAUSE AND STAY CALM Second Step: LISTEN TO THE CUSTOMER Do active listening to avoid increasing customer’s anger. “I listen to you”. Or “I see”. Don’t use reason or logic. They can be used later on when the situation calms down Third step: EXPRESS EMPATHY “Thank you for bringing up that problem to my attention and be so honest”. “We appreciate customer who let us know when things are not right “Or “I understand what you are going through”. That must have been very frustrating for you. I realize the wait you encountered was an inconvenience for you” Four Step: BRING ALTERNATIVES OR SOLUTIONS Tell the customer what you will do and be honest. “This is what we are going to do.” or “This, is what I can do a t my stage, and I’m personally see what I can do else to solve this out.” Fifth step: ENDING THE CALL We’ll get back to you the soonest. Thank you for calling. Goodbye. How to manage angry customers