Overview Phase 1 – Destination Melbourne Scope Melbourne as a great place to live, work, visit, invest, study and stage events. Melbourne as a destination to be enjoyed by all: locals, domestic and international visitors. Destination theme links with all Future Melbourne themes, in particular Sustainable, Business and Global.
Phase One – Issues International tourism numbers are forecast to increase significantly, especially from China; Standards and professionalism, cultural awareness, skills and training; Our carbon footprint: concern by travellers about Melbourne and Australia as long haul destination; responses to impacts when they visit; Investment and infrastructure: to cater for forecast increases (research, land use, planning scheme, signage and visitor services …); Labour and skills shortages: impact on investment attraction; Melbourne is seen by visitors as one destination, not 31 municipalities; Delivering on the promise: marketing campaigns promise visitors they’ll love every piece of Melbourne and never want to leave. Do they? Word-of-mouth: the ability to engage with Melbourne’s culture and lifestyle, and to navigate the city is critical to visitor satisfaction and repeat visits; Aviation: international direct access and seat capacity.
Values Melbourne is home to Melburnians – our first consideration when developing and promoting Melbourne as a destination; Locals’ aspirations for Melbourne are critical to the city’s development as a destination – engage in the ‘visioning’ process; Sustainability: our goal is to ‘pass on’ the city to the next generations in better state than we inherited it; Tourism to Melbourne must benefit local community (eg infrastructure) as ell as local business (economy); Accountability: evidence required of return to ratepayers on their investment in tourism; Partnerships: achieving more and better by working together … - within CoM: eg Events, Planning, Design, International … - Inner Melbourne Action Plan (four Councils) - Melbourne Tourism Partnership (government and industry) - Victorian Tourism Industry Council (industry) - Melbourne and the regions
Overview Phase 1 Research Value of tourism to the City of Melbourne - profile and expenditure Annual visitors survey – profile, interests, satisfaction with the destination Docklands visitors survey – awareness, profile, satisfaction Cruise ship passenger survey – influence of CoM’s service, benefits to the city Frequently asked questions – information development Consultation City of Melbourne Destination Management Task Force Melbourne Tourism Partnership Meetings with industry associations and key companies (Melbourne Airport) 774 talk back (Derek Guille) e-village online feedback Just under 1 in 5 members were interested in Destination as a talking point: readership (9%) and posts (11%) were low most posts related to unique Melbourne and leveraging sister city relationships.
Overview Phase 2 - Aspirations Extract from the City of Melbourne Tourism Plan: Melbourne is vibrant and welcoming, with people from across Australia and around the world wanting to discover our city and way of life... Recognised for outstanding service and hospitality... It is city that knows how to tell its story, sell its strengths and celebrate its Indigenous and migrant history. As a city we invest in research that tells us who comes here, what they like, and what other services and attractions would improve their stay. This information – along with our own aspirations – informs planning for accommodation, attractions and infrastructure. Excellent word of mouth and repeat visits are the norm. Melbourne businesses embrace tourism, creating new products and services that bring greater prosperity to the city. Melbourne is a gateway to the natural and built attractions of southern Australia and an exciting destination in its own right. We are known internationally for our commitment to responsible tourism and environmental sustainability.
Phase 2 – next steps Pre-consultation the Melbourne we want to be – build scenarios research into tourism TBL models Consultation generate debate eg talk back radio and suburban press Round tables (3) – TBL common to all local business and community groups planners, architects and developers attractions and tour operators
Talking Points – World Cafe What kind of city do we want to be? Does Melbourne need (or want) a tourist ‘icon’? Is Melbourne, the city, the icon? What is the essence of Melbourne … how to represent pictorially? Branding / positioning Melbourne in promoting Australia internationally – we’re more than surf, sand and sun; Role of cities in promoting Australia globally; What sets Melbourne apart: of all the cities to visit, study, stage events etc why Melbourne? ‘Liveability’ as an attraction: it’s great for locals, but is liveability a reason to visit? (Oslo and Rome); New ICT technology – reaching travellers at all points along their journey to and around Melbourne
Talking Points – World Cafe International students’ experience – does it live up to the promise? Business tourism: how to engage time-poor delegates? Taxis Melbourne for the purposes of a destinational strategy - the City of Melbourne LGA or wider metropolitan Melbourne? Melbourne’s role for regional Victoria and southern Australia? Locals’ engagement in developing and promoting Melbourne as a tourist destination. Is it important? If so, how do we engage?