The Role of the PhD Students’ Centre in the young researchers’ education Ing. Barbora Milotová, PhD. Department of Regional Development
Introduction Main aim was to create the common space for the collaboration development, knowledge and skills exchange of PhD Students and young researchers The PhD Students’ Centre was established with the help from ESF
Outputs of the project Creation of the Centre (2 rooms fully equipped – one as a office, second as the meeting room) Library – with new journals and books Web page – with presentations from seminars, basic information about PhD students, forum Realisation of 5 thematic seminars (16 presentations) Improvements of the practical skills of PhD Students in the preparation and publishing of scientific papers, in communication and in organisation of scholar events Quantitative and Qualitative methods applicable in the fields of Public Administration and Regional Development Regional Policies of SR Possibilities in the field of R&D – grant and mobility possibilities Policies of EU
Future development of the Centre Involve other faculties in the activities of the Centre Develop SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Joint Statement on Skills training for research students (The UK Research Councils and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) The main skills categories that research students need to develop: Research Skills and Techniques Research Environment Research Management Personal Effectiveness Communication Skills Networking and Teamworking Career Management
Results To use outputs of the project (prepared Centre with the library, web page, experiences with the organization of lectures) To develop and “enroot” the Common Educational Programme for all PhD Students of the university oriented on general skills and competencies To develop the collaboration with other faculties (already with the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering) What needs to be done? Convince other faculties Agree on practical things (personal responsibility, costingness…) And start with the creation of plan of workshops, seminars, lectures etc.
Thank you for your attention Ing. Barbora Milotová, PhD. Department of Regional Development