ADDE SALEM (A Double Degree in Europe, South America Leadership and EMployability) ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 3 project
Objective Enhancing attractiveness of highly integrated programmes with Europe avoiding brain drain. Systematic studies of the needs of the South American job market and a feedback on designing new integrated programs (joint and double degrees).
PROJECT GOALS A systematic gathering of data from different constituencies relevant to the project. A benchmark of the existing Joint/Double degrees towards the needs of the South American (and European) advanced job markets. Innovation of some curricula of Joint or Double Degrees between the European and the South American Institutions. Those degrees will be particularly designed for the needs of South American students and will be very attractive for them.
An external dissemination toward companies (South American and European), associations and governmental bodies to make them aware of the value added of employing joint graduates in South American countries. An external dissemination towards other European and South American Institutions to encourage them to set up joint degree projects that take into account the results of our study. PROJECT GOALS
ADDE SALEM members 1
South American Universities Argentina Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires Universidad Austral Brazil Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Universidade de Sao Paulo Chile Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Chile Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso Colombia Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotà
European Universities Politecnico di Milano (leader) Lund University – Faculty of Engineering Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Instituto Superior Tecnico de Lisboa Ecole Centrale Paris Ecole Centrale de Lille Ecole Centrale de Nantes Budapest University of Technology and Economy
ADDE SALEMAdmissionina PhD Qualification Qualification and interview Written examination
ADDE SALEMAdmissionina PhD Bachelor Master Master level (proof without the title)
ADDE SALEMcourses / credits No compulsory courses in PhD speciality Between 17% and 60% courses
ADDE SALEMPhD duration 3to 3.5 years 4years ≥ 4.5 years
DD PhD in ADDE SALEM partners No existing DD PhD in ADDE SALEM partners Existing DD PhD in ADDE SALEM partners
PhD defense One single defense Two defenses (in both universities) One defense for Joint PhD, 2 for DD PhD
Tools Survey questionnaires Working conferences Focus Groups Dissemination (seminars)
Survey dimensions: Alumni and Employers Learning to know Intelectual skills, technical expertise Learning to do Formulate, plan and solve problems Applied knowledge in different contexts Learning to live and work together Leadership, teamwork, management of skilled people Management of conflits, culture sensitivity Social responsability Learning to be Autonomy, self-learning, decision making Balance personal life and career Adaptation to new environments, proactivity Critical thinking and self criticism
Content Aspects of DD studies Fields of work Motivation for engaging in DD studies Perceived risks with DD studies Extra study time Preferred continent to live and work Added-value in terms of skills and competences
Stakeholders and relevant approach Current students: Expectations Alumni: Experience and added-value Employers: Requirements and gaps
Survey studies: What opinions do they have? Focus groups: Why do they have these opinions?
Surveys and focus groups 5 sections A. Background data B. Motivation C. Language skills D. Career and employability E. Skills and competences
Number of answers collected Current students: 61 Alumni: 46 Employers: 22 Many of the results are presented as ranking of answers ackording to how many respondants that have given a certain answer. Rank ”1” means that highest ranking.
Ranking of what students want to work with Ranking of what Alumni work with 1 Management/ administration 1 2R&D3 3Production2 4Finance 5Logistics 6Quality 7Design 8Business planning 9Transport 10ICT3 Work fields
Motivation – rank of factors What students expect from their DD 1 Personal development. 2 Better career options. 3 New connections and networks. 4Knowledge of new technologies, techniques or methods. 5 Reputation of host institution. 6 New perspectives on Europe 7 Change in personal situation.
Motivation – rank of factors What students expect from their DD What students got from their DD 1 Personal development. 1 2 Better career options. 2 3 New connections and networks. 4 4Knowledge of new technologies, techniques or methods. 3 5 Reputation of host institution. 6 6 New perspectives on Europe 4 7 Change in personal situation. 7
Language skills 90% of the alumni indicate “extremely high improvement” in host country language skills 75% of the alumni indicate significant improvement in English language skills
Risks to employability (%) StudentsAlumniEmployers No risk Low risk Neutral Risky Very Risky
Risks to employability (%) StudentsAlumniEmployers No risk 77 Low risk 18 Neutral 3 Risky0 Very Risky 0
Risks to employability (%) StudentsAlumniEmployers No risk Low risk Neutral 3 7 Risky04 Very Risky 0 0
Risks to employability (%) StudentsAlumniEmployers No risk Low risk Neutral Risky044 Very Risky
Acceptable extra study time for a DD StudentsAlumniEmployers No extra time 1 semester 2 semesters 3 semesters Other
Acceptable extra study time for a DD (%) StudentsAlumniEmployers No extra time semester semesters semesters Other
Where to live and work Live and work in Latin America Students Alumni
Where to live and work Live and work in Latin America Students58 % Alumni75 %
Where to live and work Live and work in Latin America Students58 % Alumni75 % “ I want to work in my country.” “I plan to live in Brazil in order to bring to my country the knowledge I have got. “ “I want to live in Brazil: There are more work opportunities.” “In order to gain professional experience before aiming for higher positions in global companies. “
Skills and competences – ranking Skill competenceStudent expectations Alumni perceived added-value Importance for employers Gaps today according to empl.
Skills and competences – ranking Skill competenceStudent expectations Alumni perceived added-value Importance for employers Gaps today according to empl. Work in international context1 Teamwork2 Respect for multiculturalism3 Communication skills4
Skills and competences – ranking Skill competenceStudent expectations Alumni perceived added-value Importance for employers Gaps today according to empl. Work in international context11 Teamwork24 Respect for multiculturalism32 Communication skills43
Skills and competences – ranking Skill competenceStudent expectations Alumni perceived added-value Importance for employers Gaps today according to empl. Work in international context11 Teamwork241 Respect for multiculturalism32 Communication skills434 Character traits2 Analytical reasoning3
Skills and competences – ranking Skill competenceStudent expectations Alumni perceived added-value Importance for employers Gaps today according to empl. Work in international context11 Teamwork241 Respect for multiculturalism32 Communication skills434 Character traits2 Analytical reasoning3 Manage external factors1 System design2 Develop new technologies3 Being autonomous4
Conclusions Motivation – Outcomes match expectations Perceived risks – No clear picture, students are optimistic Extra study time – 2 semesters is OK Preferred continent – Country and macro-economic situation may be important Skills and competences – Good match but no gap-filling
CONCLUSION Interpersonal skills are becoming more and more important Almost as important as professional expertise (employers fear the potential negative consequences of poor interpersonal skills on the team as a whole) Professional expertise is paramount (i.e subject specific knowledge and expert thinking) International orientation is relevant Companies appreciate foreign experience, can tip the balance in selecting a graduate for interview or in a recruitment decision. Interesting to notice that having done part of the study abroad is more appreciated than having done the entire study abroad.
The objectives of the BME Get acquinted with the international aspects of DDs in South America Close up relations with South American partners Initiate discussions on DD programs with partner institutions
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