Interviews Conducted Prior to MissionPoint Launch Network Physicians Significant behavior change will only occur with “payer” control of 30 – 50% of a physician’s patient panel Models that require physicians to “do more” are at significant risk Primary Care Physicians favor capitation, as it evens out cash flow and allows them to meet productivity and financial goals without over scheduling Members Non-clinical indicators are strongly predictive of cost Low percentage of patients account for high percentage of cost. Significant impact can be achieved by correctly identifying and working with these individuals Improvements in most clinical outcomes do not correlate to short-term cost savings Employers Regional or National networks are required to cover 70% of employees that live outside a single market Willing to pay for access, but quality should be expected TPAs provide a variable amount of analytics to employers depending on size; however, data is not actionable and employers lack resources for effective interventions Feedback Drives Design
3 Market Segmentation Requires Unique Management Strategies Coverage TypeCost Per Beneficiary Number of Beneficiaries Market Size Self-Insured $4,54774 Million $332 Billion Fully- Insured $4,292* 74 Million^$318 Billion Medicare (Traditional) $9, Million $332 Billion Medicare Advantage $8, Million $127 Billion Medicaid $6, Million $382 Billion Medicare: FFS Datat, Medicare Advantage: Medicaid: PG 29 Self-Insured: Fully –Insured: estimate based on premium level ^estimate based on US Population Total Market: $1.5 Trillion Engaging Patients Across All National Markets
4 Progressive Employers Looking for Provider Partners Managing HealthCare Cost Growth Low Performers 10.3% MedianBest Performers 5.9% 2.2% Study In Brief 18 th Annual Towers Watson/National Business Group on Health Employer Survey Comparative Annual Health Cost Growth Employers Surveyed Best at Holding Cost Growth More Likely to Focus on Provider Strategies 13% Contract directly with hospitals, physicians, ACOs 16% Adopt new accountable payment models 16% Offer incentives for care coordination 22% Offer performance-based payments 2% 7% 4% 5% Best Performers Low Performers
Products and Services 5 Diversified Product Offerings Designed to Meet Employer’s Unique Needs SurveySupport Engage Bio Metric Screenings Health Risk Assessment Population 360 Environmental Design Complex Case Management PCP Connect Virtual Care Network Healthy Eating OnSite Clinics Smoking Cessation Readmission Program Primary Care Membership Stress Management Clinically Integrated Network Clinical Management These products are focused on helping clients gain intelligence about the risks and opportunities in their population. We use a combination of clinical, claims, and non-clinical data to define each opportunity. This set of products is presented based on the risk and opportunity profile of each employer. Each product has a flexible pricing model based on geographic, risk, and cost profile of the defined population. These are the products we’re best known for. These products are often a blend of shared savings and PMPM pricing plus implementation fee – with full at-risk models available for certain clients in 2015.
6 Custom Network Design Additional Physician Incentives Extended Weekend Hours Open Saturdays Open Sundays with Patients Comprehensive Medication Review Specialists Outpatient Facilities Inpatient Facilities MissionPoint Provider Network Population Identification and Stratification Care at a Distance Wellness Partners and Services Medical Home Internal Med and Family Practice Personal Care Team Per Member Per Month Payment Shared Savings Pool MissionPoint Health Partners MissionPoint Member
7 Contracts Standard Yet Flexible Provider Flexibility Physician Master Agreement Meets Clinical Integration Safe Harbor: Committee Participation Shared Quality Information Care Collaboration Addenda Provide Freedom and Flexibility: Physician can decide what populations to participate in Each Addendum contains different rates, shared savings amounts and quality metrics Addenda can have different terms and “opt-out” provisions Self-Insured Addendum Medicare Shared Savings Addendum Fully-Insured Addendum Additional Addenda
8 Diverse Focus Areas Addressed on Three Health Partner Teams Health Partner Solutions TransitionalAmbulatoryIntegrated Care Patient Connects to Health Partner: Physician Referral Self Referral Hospital Discharge ED Visit Hospital Discharge Long-term Care Skilled Care Home Visits ED Disease Management Wellness Psychosocial Needs “Life” Resources “Family” Resources
Specialty Care Primary Care Physician Virtual “Medical Home” 9 Payer TPA Self- Insured Employer Options During Open Enrollment Preferred Network (MPHP) Narrow Network Dedicated Medical Home Low Co-Pay Levels Leveling Monthly Premiums Coordinated Patient Record Deep Wellness Support In-Network Narrow Network Expected Co-Pay Levels Rising Monthly Premiums Wellness Support Out-of-Network Wide Open Network High Co-Pay Levels High Monthly Premiums Low Coordination Little Wellness Support Provides Shared Savings Option Pays Claims and Network Service Fee Employee Selects Medical Home Creating Value for the Ecosystem Employee Employee/ Member MissionPoint Health Partner Specialty A Specialty B Specialty C Alliance Network Partner A Partner B Partner C
10 Targeted, Fact-Based Solutions to Manage Populations MPHP Strategic Approach IdentifySegmentPrescribeEngageSustain Getting to know you: Personal Health Reports Clinical Population Analysis Demographic Review Find the Right Strategy: Health Assessments On-Site Clinics Health Partners Telehealth Narrow Networks Analytics and Aspirations Utilization Costs Location Costs Avoidable Events Behavior Modification Care Experience Personalized Plans Type of Engagement Frequency Intensity Duration Right Time, Right Place Quarterly Monitoring Strategy Adjustments Quality Reviews
High Risk Patients Rising-Risk Patients Low-Risk Patients 11 Patient Data Maximized to Guide Effective Interactions Managing Patient Risk Prioritize Highest Risk Members: Immediately deploy Health Partners to patients during “trigger events” Target Members Showing Warning Signs: Track future risk scores and population trends for pro-active Health Partner engagement Create Opportunities Across Members: Leverage highly effective, low cost screenings and preventative care for optimal health outcomes across members Benefit Design Steers Members Towards Optimal Use of MissionPoint Network
12 Continuous Improvement in Self-Insured Population Tracking Progress Quality Metrics by Year Medical Per Member Per Month Cost Trend Chronic Disease Spend Above Benchmark % Avoidable Admissions ED Visits per 1,000 % Generic Utilization