THE HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA Early exploration The native people of Australia are the Aborigenes. They have lived there for 60,000 years. In the early 17 th century, Europeans arrived, but they didn't settle until 17 th and 18 th centuries.
British colonisation
In 1770, Captain James Cook landed on the east coast of Australia naming it New South West. This area became part of the British Empire. The British governament, in that period, started to send prisoners to another country far away: in 17 th and 18 th centuries was North America, but when it became independant in 1783, Australia was the perfect solution. In 1787, eleven ships sailed to Australia from England: half of the people were convicts. They named the place where they landed Sydney and there they started a colony.
Emigration in the 19 th century Convicts were not the only people to go to Australia. From the 19 th century, Britons and Europeans left their country to start a new life there Sheep farming became an important industry. In 1851, when they discovered gold, immigration incresead: in 10 years the population grew from 400,000 to 1.2 million.
Britain and Australia in the 20 th century. In 1901, Australia became a federation of colonies called the Commonwealth of Australia. After World War II, the Australian governament encouraged immigration to help build up the economy. During the 20 th century, Australia became more independant from Britain even if the Queen is still Australia's monarch.