Professional Activities at the Local Level PASC Region 8 Chair: Charles Turner Members: Gerald Anleitner, Rolf Remshardt, Aleksandar Szabo, Martin Bastiaans (SAC liaison) Matej Zajc (EASC liaison) Marko Delimar (ex-officio)
Report from the PA Workshop Charles Turner and Joe Lillie It is timely to adopt a new culture in Region 8, in recognition of the changing nature of our members’ employment Hence the need to give increased emphasis to Professional Activities, as a direct member benefit
Why are Professional Activities so important to our members? Our members’ top priority is their professional career. Professional Activities comprise the entire range of non-technical skills that members need to acquire to fulfil their career goals Concept of shared experiences
How can Professional Activities benefit your members? Professional development Improving their career prospects Widening their employment opportunities Personal growth
How to deliver PA at the local level? Appoint a Section PA officer responsible for organising meetings, etc. Make local PA events more enjoyable, adding social activities and incentives Collaborate with other IEEE entities, national societies, etc.
Resources Region 8 PASC is expanding its PA services, such as workshops, and webinars covering new topics. IEEE-USA has agreed to share its products and services with Region 8 Consult the PASC website for more details
Means of delivery Affordability is a key factor in many parts of Region 8 PASC should explore greater use of web- based delivery methods PASC should help Sections reduce the cost of PA products (IEEE ExpertNow)
What do your members want? Conduct a survey in your Section Make a plan for PA activity, inviting expert contributors Don’t forget the students and GOLD members! Thier needs are different. Bring in experienced members to act as PA mentors
The development of Professional Activities should become a top priority for Sections, Chapters and Student Branches! Region 8 expects Sections to take greater responsibility to deliver PA products and services to their members
Professional Development Building on technical specialization, (e.g. product commercialization and marketing, IPR (patents, etc.), standards, ethics) Management techniques and strategies Deploying manpower, financial and material resources
Improving Career Prospects Gaining a competitive edge Leadership skills Planning your career Setting personal goals
Widening Employment Opportunities Non-technical career moves Leveraging technical and organizational skills Seeking higher levels of responsibility
Personal growth Transitioning from technical to general employment Developing interpersonal skills Improving communication skills Self awareness
Examples of PA at the local level Sections: workshops, expert presentations Chapters and Affinity Groups: Seminars, talks, video presentations Student Branches: Workshops, mentoring events
Getting Started Appoint a Section PA officer Contact PASC for help and advice Consult the PASC website at: (Membership Activities: Professional Activities) Survey your members about their PA needs
Membership Segments Students and GOLD members Mid-career professionals Unemployed members
Available Resources IEEE Region 8 (PASC) IEEE – USA ( IEEE Technology Management Council
Opportunities as an IEEE volunteer At all levels, our volunteers should be encouraged to develop their professional skills, including leadership, motivational, organizational, and interpersonal skills while working on behalf of IEEE
Service to Members Many members doubt whether they receive ‘value for money’ for their dues This criticism is rarely aimed at IEEE’s technical services, but reflects a widespread feeling that not enough is being done to enhance the member’s career This problem is probably best addressed at the local level, through high quality programs of Professional Activities