Australia The ‘Great Southern Land’
Government: ‘constitutional monarchy’ / independent democratic Government Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II Federal – Prime Minister: responsible for overall country financial administration, security and international relations State – Each state has a Premier and Ministry responsible for state infrastructure, state administration of federal monies and implementation of laws etc.
Map of Australia
The Australian Flag(s)
The Australian National Flag The Australian Flag was chosen from a national competition in The federation star contained only 6 points but was later changed to 7 to represent the states and territories (there are now 8 but the flag will not change) The 5 small stars represent the ‘southern cross’ constellation visible in the sky above Australia The flag was not allowed to be flown in a superior position to the Union Jack until it became the legal ‘national’ flag under the Menzies Government in 1954
The Australian Aboriginal Flag The Australian Aboriginal Flag was recognised as a national flag in1995 Yellow represents the sun (giver of life) and yellow ochre. Red represents the red earth (the relationship to the land) and the red ochre used in ceremonies. Black represents the Aboriginal people. The flag is flown or displayed permanently at Aboriginal centres throughout Australia. It is popularly recognised as the flag of the aboriginal peoples of Australia and should only be flown by other Australians when permission has been granted.
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