Chapter 12 Presentations and meetings
Cast Study 12 Sal has worked for a computer company just under four years. Last month he received his third promotion. Now he is working at the first level of management and has found his new responsibilities quite challenging. The oral communication skills need in this new position are much more demanding then before. Sal meets continually with project managers those under him to get their reports. After receiving the status of the projects he is responsible, Sal then meets with his supervisors and briefs them on each project. Occasionally he is part of a team that presents a proposal to a prospective client. When part of the team, he sometimes gives introductions. However, most of his presentations to clients are briefings on projects. Although he had a speech class at his business college, Sal does not feel prepared for all presentations he has to give. He has noticed that Kate, one of his supervisors, is really impressive during his presentations. She maintains interest by using quotations, anecdotes, questions, humor and even statistics. Also, Kate always wraps up her presentation clearly. Sal also ahs questions about briefings. He feels he knows nothing about his type of oral presentations and had never even seen one before his promotion to management. He also wonders what he could do to plan and organize formal presentations. With regard to meetings, Sal has never had any training for them. He has attended many of them but has received no training on how to organize or make them effective. As Sal analyzes the meetings he has attended, he knows that some were more successful than others. He wonders what makes a meetings successful? What makes them unsuccessful? What can a leader do to help ensure the success of a meeting.
Case Study Questions 1.What should a briefing contain? Are briefings long or short? 2.How can Sal plan and organize the formal oral presentations he must give? 3.What can Sal do to organize the meetings he is responsible for leading? 4.What can Sal do to lead a meeting effectively?
Short Oral Presentations Barack
Introducing Speakers Letterman
Formal Oral Presentations
Planning for the Presentation Prepare presentation
Outlining the Presentation Present like Steve
Delivery of Oral Presentations
What to do with your hands
Delivery of Oral Presentations
Lets go back to questions 1 and 2 of the case study. 1.What should a briefing contain? Are briefings long or short? 2.How can Sal plan and organize the formal oral presentations he must give?
Guidelines for Effective Participation in Meetings
Organize Productive Meetings
Choose Participants Carefully Bill oreilly
Lead Meetings Effectively Miracle
Lets go back to questions 3 and 4 of the case study. 3.What can Sal do to organize the meetings he is responsible for leading? 4.What can Sal do to lead a meeting effectively?
Case Summary Even though most people do not enjoy giving presentations, it may be an important part of your future. For most, the fear of presenting subsides as they give more and more presentations. In Sal’s case and in most situations, as he progresses upward in his company, the number and length of his presentations will increase. It is very important for him to continue to develop his presentation skills. Sal’s meeting skills are equally important. Most people in a meeting or group situation focus only on the objective or task of the group. Sal and all of us also need to consider the behavior of those at the meeting. Being flexible, engaging in discussion, playing fairly, and not being part of personal attacks send positive nonverbal messages. As Sal continues to advance within his company, his presentation skills and his effectiveness at meetings will be even more important to his career than they are now.
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