webos Submitted by Rafeek
INTRODUCTION The term "WEBOS" has been used to describe a browser-based application that provides a desktop-like environment The idea behind Webos is that the whole system lives in the web browser. The client must have only a web browser to work with Webos and all its applications.
EXISTING SYSTEM Operating System provides common services and applications such as I/O, communication, storage is also provides multiprogramming include abstracting shared resource. Local Area Network is the birth of Network OS, it provide access to network resources
PROPOSED SYSTEM WebOS provides OS services to wide-area applications On a single machine, application developers can rely on the local operating system to provide these abstractions By providing an application online, the user is basically free from the burden of storage space Also the users can access the file from any system only provided that the system is provided with net
Hardware Requirements System IBM- Compatible PC Processor Intel Pentium class or better processor with a recommended clock speed of 500MHz or higher Memory 128 MB or more Hard disk 3 GB or Higher Keyboard Standard Key Monitor 15” VGA Color Monitor with resolution 800x600 Mouse Standard 2/3 button
Network Requirements Systems need internet connection. Software Requirements JDK 1.6 MySQL Tomcat 5.5 Eclips Internet Explorer 14 Server Side Requirements Operating System Widows 2000 or later versions,Linux JAVA JDK 1.6 Database Server MySQL server 4.1
Modules 1.USER MANAGEMENT MODULE Administrator has all the power to make any changes to the system. The registered user has the access right to use the complete applications and services specified in our website.
2 APPLICATION MANAGEMENT MODULE Our project (Online OS) is basically aimed at applications that can be made online – as a complete relief to the existing windows applications. All the applications specified in this phase can be performed online without the privilege of an operating system and also can be saved online which a great application of cloud - computing. Application also includes text editor, Dictionary, address book,browsers for exploring the net, photo gallery, search, , video audio player, calendar, pdf, zip file, etc..
3 SERVICE MANAGEMENT MODULE This module is basically aimed for the information purpose for a normal user. The basic information’s which are very essential in our day to day life is listed in this service management module. The major services listed in our website are : Educational Institutions Hospitals and Ambulance Tourism K.S.R.T.C Railways Airways
.4 STORAGE MANAGEMENT MODULE This section deals about the internal storing of our website. The various documents have to save in a database for the effective retrieval of data. We provide each and every user the option to save their documents separately in the online database retrieved specifically by means of a unique username and password.
WebOS Client 1Client 2 Login/Storing data Retrieval data/ Applications Retrieval data/ Applications Login/Storing data Level 0 DFD
Login table field type Logid(varchar)Int(11) unameVarchar(25) passwordVarchar(25 hintqnVarchar(25 hintansVarchar(25 roleVarchar(25 statusVarchar(25
Chat table field type cid(P.k)Int(11) cfromVarchar(25) ctoVarchar(25 cmessagetext
Comment table field type Commentid(pri)Int(11) nameVarchar(25) Varchar(25 commenttext date
Complaint table field type Complaint id(pri)Int(11) nameVarchar(25) Varchar(25 complainttext date
Country table field type Country id(pri)Int(11) cnameVarchar(25)
state table field type state id(pri)Int(11) snameVarchar(25) Country id(f.k)Int(11)
Registration table FIELDTYPE Regid(p.k)Int(11) Logid(f.k)Int(11) FnameVarchar(25) lnameVarchar(25) Varchar(25) addressVarchar(25) pincodeVarchar(25) mobileVarchar(25) phoneVarchar(25) cityVarchar(25) countryVarchar(25) stateVarchar(25)
Address table FIELDTYPE Address_idInt(11) FnameVarchar(25) lnameVarchar(25) Varchar(25) addressVarchar(25) pincodeVarchar(25) mobileVarchar(25) phoneVarchar(25) cityVarchar(25) countryVarchar(25) stateVarchar(25)