GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS Applications to YOUR Discipline
Overview The Course The Goals Apply concepts OUTSIDE the classroom Meaningful use of Information Technology tools Cover all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Application to other Disciplines
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The Course ENGL 252 General Education Required for many Teacher Candidates Required for Spanish Translation majors Frequently taken by Business/CS/MIS students Focus = Critical thinking & Analysis Employs linguistic analysis of grammar as a vehicle
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The Goals 1) Apply concepts OUTSIDE the classroom - My GRAMMAR history - as high school student - as new professor 2) Meaningful use of Information Technology tools - Avoiding “Tech for Tech’s Sake” - Avoiding “Sage on Stage” 3) Cover all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning - remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, synthesis + meta cognitive levels (Anderson & Krathwol, 2001)
We’re in Kahoots… !! Please use the previous code… When YOU were a STUDENT, what level of Bloom's Taxonomy occupied most of your classroom time?
Analysis Assignments The first step in transforming this course was to create Web-based analysis exercises focused on applying concepts and principles from each unit of study to students’ own writing. The course instructor created five digitally delivered exercises based on five units of study with each exercise designed to lead students through guided analysis of self-selected texts. >
QEP Inspired Project Compare Self vs. Professional’s writing Declaration & Samples Annotated Bibliography Infographic Course Project Paper
Wordles: Global Comparison
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Infographic (Part I)
Infographic (Part II)
Infographic (Part III)
Infographic (Part IV)
Infographic (Part V)
We’re in Kahoots… !! Please use the previous code… When YOU were a STUDENT, what level of Bloom's Taxonomy occupied most of your classroom time?
Student Feedback At first, I thought this class would be boring and easy. Then I was instantly overwhelmed, and I felt like a fool for thinking that grammar was simple or easy, much less boring. I really like how all of the material we are learning builds off itself, leading to a strong understanding of grammar overall. I have a new respect for just how complex and interesting language is.
Lessons Learned Synergies & Connections Thorough Instructions Room for Individualization Teaching on the edge of chaos
Application to YOU The Goals Apply concepts OUTSIDE the classroom Meaningful use of Information Technology tools Cover all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Lessons Learned Synergies & Connections Thorough Instructions Room for Individualization Teaching on the edge of chaos Commercial Technologies Employed Wordles Infographics
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