Responsibility Cooperation Courage Self-esteem
Authoritarian..... Permissive..... Democratic
The teacher’s role is that of a leader, while the student plays the role of the learner. Authoritarian Style: The Dictator Permissive Style: The Doormat Democratic Style: The Active Teacher
Results in an n Atmosphere of competition, fear, and anxiety n Environment of rigid order and routine Teacher n gives vigorous discipline, expects swift obedience, discourages verbal exchange, gives few praises n tells students what to think n lectures while students listen
Results in an n Atmosphere of insecurity. n Environment of chaos with little respect for order and routine. Teacher n is apathetic, not very involved, and places few demands; n does the thinking/problem solving for students; n plans lessons involving lecture, films, and bookwork.
Results in an n Atmosphere of acceptance and high expectation. n Environment of order and routine; flexible and conducive to creative, constructive, and responsible activity. Teacher n places limits while encouraging independence, is polite but firm, and nurturing; n is open to verbal interaction; n gives praise and encouragement; n guides rather than leads.
PermissiveoutcomesDemocraticoutcomes Students n Own and solve their problems n Lear self- reliance and socially competent behavior n Are more likely to achieve and be motivated n Learn from their mistakes Students n Are less likely to become socially competent; be motivated to achieve, and gain self control n Have not been taught to cooperate or contribute in constructive ways. Students n Are given few opportunities for achievement, motivation, self- control, and discipline n Spirits are broken n Feel powerless and may rebel and disrupt class or comply and become a pleaser n Have little opportunity to enhance motivation, personal goals, or communication skills 7
Holding and communicating high expectations for student learning and behavior Establishing and clearly teaching classroom rules, procedures and consequences Enforcing classroom guidelines promptly, consistently, and equitably