NCH Embedding Diversity Proposal for an Employee Mentoring Scheme Raj Patel Head of Change Management & Development
Change Management and Development Team Purpose of Presentation To inform employees about the proposed scheme To engage employees to ensure successful implementation Sign up
Change Management and Development Team The Business Case For Mentoring We know that we are not where we want to be, but we do have a clearer sense of direction and commitment. Our aim is to become an excellent organisation that promotes diversity in our services and where we value difference. We want to raise Company awareness and understanding of equality and diversity, but do not have sufficient role models to embed this Whole sections of some of our workforce do not reflect the diversity of the communities we serve We want to retain our best employees
Change Management and Development Team What is a mentoring scheme? Arrangement whereby less experienced individuals (mentees) receive guidance, advice and support from a more experienced person (mentor) Normally the Mentor isn’t the direct line manager of the Mentee. The Mentor won’t tell their Mentee how to complete a task or solve a problem, but, using their own experiences, discuss possible options guiding the Mentee to make their own decision.
Change Management and Development Team Does Mentoring Work? Over a two year period the Audit Commission have seen 24 out of 112 (21.4%) progress into new roles Mentees; 2 external and 6 internal promotions Mentors; 4 external and 11 internal promotions 1 Support Person; internal promotion Employee survey showed a majority of BME staff record HIGHER levels of satisfaction on development & progression opportunities than other colleagues compared to before the programme was launched
Change Management and Development Team Benefits – For the Mentee Increase understanding of management processes Improved performance Enhances problem solving skills Enhanced confidence and motivation Better management of career goals and improved potential for promotion Widens horizons and increases knowledge Opportunity to reflect on own work practices No guarantees of job promotion…
Change Management and Development Team Benefits – For the Mentor Satisfaction of developing colleagues and passing on knowledge, skills & expertise Development of own interpersonal and communication skills Increased self awareness Gains insights from the mentee’s background and history that can be used in the mentor’s professional and personal development Stimulate a renewed focus on the mentor’s own career development
Change Management and Development Team Benefits – For the Organisation Employer of choice Support achievement of organisational goals Cost effective development
Change Management and Development Team The Proposal For An NCH Mentoring Scheme Pilot –Target audience BME and disabled employees –Briefings and presentations – managers and employees –Transparent application process - ‘Informed’ Choice of Mentors –6-8 pairs, month programme Successful pilot leads to programme being extended Outcomes –% employees that have progressed in current job role by undertaking additional stretch duties and responsibilities –% of employees achieving internal promotion, where vacancies arise –We want to see stronger employee groups working closely with management - % of actions delivered against agreed action plans
Change Management and Development Team Fill in profile form allowing you to be matched to ideal mentor/mentee Attend Workshop. Express an interest in becoming part of the mentoring scheme Mentor Undertake training Mentee Undertake training Meet mentor and agree objectives and desired outcomes Meet mentee and agree objectives and desired outcomes Agree dates for meetings Organise shadowing if appropriate Take part in ongoing evaluation Record of meetings and progress on objectives /targets Put learning into practice Overview of the Pilot Mentoring Scheme Each mentor/mentee supplied with a list. Choose 3 candidates you would like to see profiles for. Profile forms supplied. Mentors/mentees to inform us of any inappropriate matches. Matching undertaken.
Change Management and Development Team Profile Forms Not in the business of form filling but a necessity for a successful programme Consider outcomes you want to achieve from the arrangement and work back Be honest in assessing your existing skills, knowledge and abilities Template will be provide with an example. Support from the team to complete if required.
Change Management and Development Team Profile Questions 1.What outcomes do you want to achieve from the arrangement? 2.Employment Experience: E.g. jobs, roles, projects, initiatives, current work, qualifications/ professional membership and skills. 3.How will you ensure that the arrangement is a positive experience for the mentor/mentee and you? 4.What do you want from the mentor/mentee?
Change Management and Development Team Timescales ActionsWhoTime scales Proposal agreed by CEO/EMEC Champion’s Group RPMid April 09 Presentation to managers and workforce – e.g. business case, how it will work in practice, addressing their issues and concerns RP/ EMEC By mid May 09 Sign up mentors. Selection process for mentees. RPBy mid June 09 Ensure framework policy and procedures in place and quality assured. Provide training RP/ EMEC By mid July 09 Begin pilot with 3 monthly reviewsRPCommence mid July 09 onwards Evaluate pilot and start planning next phaseRPMarch 10
Change Management and Development Team NCH E&D Developments To Date Ethnic Minority Employee Forum Disability 2 Ticks Equality and Diversity Training Equality Impact Assessments E&D Champion’s Group BME Tenant Forum Prayer Room Homes 4 Us Local Jobs for Local People – Apprenticeship Schemes
Change Management and Development Team The Diversity Continuum COMPLIANCE obeying legislation MOVING BEYOND being seen to do good THE BUSINESS CASE doing diversity INTEGRATED DIVRSITY being diverse BEYOND INTEGRATED DIVERISTY creating diversity DIVERSITY
Change Management and Development Team EQUALITY & DIVERSITY Commitment Involving Users Main- streaming Monitoring PerformanceSustainability 5 Critical Factors For An Effective Mentoring Scheme