By Solnyshkova Ekaterina 10 “B”
Industrial music history Industrial music comprises many styles of experimental music, including many forms of electronic music. The term was coined in the mid-1970s to describe Industrial Records artists. Since then, a wide variety of labels and artists have come to be called "industrial." The Allmusic website defines industrial as the "most abrasive and aggressive fusion of rock and electronic music"; "initially a blend of avant-garde electronics experiments (tape music,concert, musiс, white noise, synthesizers, sequencers, etc.) and punk provocation".
Post-industrial music is an umbrella term for a variety of music genres that emerged in the early 1980s, following the emergence of industrial music. These offshoots include fusions with noise music, ambient music, folk music, and electronic dance music, as well as other mutations and developments. The scene has spread worldwide, and is particularly well-represented in North America, Europe, and Japan. Post-industrial subgenres include ambient industrial, power electronics, Japanoise, neofolk, electro-industrial, electronic body music, industrial hip hop, industrial rock, and power noise. Post-industrial music history
Electro-industrial music Electro-industrial the Basic article: Electro-industrial This concept is not original. More likely, electro-industrial it is possible to classify as version EBM. In comparison with EBM this music more dense and atmospheric, but less dancing. The deformed vocal is often used. One of the most influential industrial groups Skinny Puppy hardly enters into frameworks of this style. The Most typical representatives: Wumpscut, Skinny Puppy, Nord'n'Commander, Front Line Assembly (early works)
Power Noise music Power Noise (the Ritmik-noise, Distorted of bats) the Basic article: Power Noise This style sometimes confuse with pawer- electroniks, however these styles have a little the general. Power Noise actually does not concern at all styles of noise- music. Compositions basically are well structured, rhythmical, based on "absent- minded" sounds of synthesizers and shock with wide inserts of speech samples. The collectives, playing this style, basically are cultivated by such publishing houses as Ant-Zen, Hands Productions, Ad Noiseam. The Most typical representatives: Winterkälte, PAL, Noisex (partially), Converter, Imminent Starvation, Synapscape, Iszoloscope
Martial-industrial music Martial-industrial First of all, this style differs military subjects: from medieval crusades before modern wars. In compositions it is possible to meet melodies of military years, pipes, reading of manifestos or sounds of shots and explosions. All it, as a rule, is written down in poor quality with noise and distortions in what the aesthetics peculiar industrial is shown original lo-fi. The founder of style — the Yugoslavian group Laibach, in 80th years actively interfering with a policy of the country, for what even has been expelled from communistic Yugoslavia. Music in this style also often rank to Dark wave. The Most typical representatives: early Laibach, Der Blutharsch, Von Thronstahl, Turbund Sturmwerk, Les Joyaux De La Princesse, Dernière Volonté, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Sophia (project Peter Pettersson’а), Blood Axis
Dark-folk music (Dark-folk) the Basic article: the Beginning modern neofolk was put by English group Current 93 (consisting actually from one person — David Tibeta), having let out in 1987 albums Imperium and Swastikas for Noddy. Then characteristic features of this style — game on traditional tools (often on an acoustic guitar), and use in texts of songs of religious and folklore symbols were generated. Sometimes neofolk-groups resing national songs. It is necessary to remember that dark-folk frequently name the groups which are far enough from industrial sounding, closer to classical folk and to folk fate.
Dark-embient music One from the basic independent styles of post-industrial music. Roots dark-embienta less all are connected with other modern music and go unless from the founder embient Bryan Ino and classical industrial. Dark-embient includes a little styles and closely adjoins with power - electronic and death-industrial to what the considerable quantity of the projects mixing elements of these styles testifies. It is considered that one of the first dark-embient Bryan Williams (project Lustmord) somewhere in the beginning 80 began to write down. On dark- embient and styles close to it one of the largest industrial-labels Cold Meat Industry, based by Roger Karmanikom (project Brighter Death Now) and Lina Baby Doll (Deutsch Nepal) in 1987 specialises.
Industrial for me Industrial, personally for me should simply style/direction of music. Industrial unlike other musical currents has most closely grown together with art in a broad sense this word. Industrial has extended the infernal feelers absolutely to all spheres of a human life and especially it is actual for our time. Fortunately, or can be all the same unfortunately, the person, in its everyday life, high technologists and other lotions created for our improvement with you surround lives.
Thanks for attention!!!